Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

PvP battles, please make them fun....

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In any Game of pokemon there are certain things that just make tournaments gay, and any PvP for that matter.
I know i asked about this in chat 1 day but im gonna make a bigger deal about this.
In a PvP battle(we aren't talking about NPC's so chill questers) you should not be allowed to use potions, full heals, any battle items, nothing. It is how the game is made if you ever battled a friend on gen1, (I think for 2-4 too) and it will be gay, tedious, and just not very poke-ish to let this occur. so im extremely pleased that there are no legendaries because for obvious reasons, but there also should be no items(hold items are allowed) in PvP. ;D

I'm sure they're already planning on doing this since that's the way it is in DPP competitive play.

no Alais or some1 said in chat that they were gonna alllow like Full Restores and stuff

Oh wow i agree with you totally then they should be 100% disallowed.  The richer player will always win...

What if they give a limited amount of times a player can use Full Restore. This way the rich won't always win.


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