Pokémon Universe > Game Features

A "Veteran's" Area

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 Something with lots of horses please.

I'd like a nice little house on an island to myself.

...That's it, really. Assuming that's gonna be on the market anyway, I really don't care if this idea's put through or not.

Although, I can already see the baby whiners doing their baby whining.
uberkitten: god I chansey hate the PU mods
Frenchfry: You know, I'm pretty sure they're Devs, not mods.
uberkitten chansey you you just defend them bcuz they give you free stuff
uberkitten im blocking you noob
uberkitten te mods suck and im quitting pu forever
uberkitten has logged out
Five minutes later...
uberkitten has logged in

...On second thought, we totally have to go through with this.

 The sad thing is, that conversation will probably happen word for word.

this sounds like a good idea. (course, i joined way too late for it. but watever. XD) a lounge area for the people that have been waiting so patiently for (apparently) years sounds like a good reward. but thats just my opinion.


--- Quote from: Frenchfry on August 09, 2011, 06:47:42 PM ---I'd like a nice little house on an island to myself.

...That's it, really. Assuming that's gonna be on the market anyway, I really don't care if this idea's put through or not.

Although, I can already see the baby whiners doing their baby whining.
uberkitten: god I chansey hate the PU mods
Frenchfry: You know, I'm pretty sure they're Devs, not mods.
uberkitten chansey you you just defend them bcuz they give you free stuff
uberkitten im blocking you noob
uberkitten te mods suck and im quitting pu forever
uberkitten has logged out
Five minutes later...
uberkitten has logged in

...On second thought, we totally have to go through with this.

--- End quote ---

I like how his grammar is terrible.

Also I think this could be a good idea.  I like meowth's Idea of a unique starter, though I would still pick Chimchar.  As for the area, It could have shops that sell the same items as shops elsewhere, a pokecenter and maybe a battle center(Pvp and no levels could be gained from it, that way there is no advantage).  It could also hold secrete bases for the veterans.

I think I've been a member for a decent amount of time though this summer I took some time off and traveled a bit.  While I don't know if i'd be welcome in the veterans area or not, I like the idea of it.


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