Pokémon Universe > Game Features
A "Veteran's" Area
Mr. Fox:
my idea is it is post based. if you have 200 posts you get to go to one of the places, 500 another, 1000 yet another, and for the mega poster 1500 you get a special pokemon!
Yeah but only like, five would get the pokemon, how about people with post 1000 and up get to go somewhere special? And 500 gets to go somewhere less special but still, same for 200.
I wouldn't base it off of posts since they aren't too accurate. There could be someone who has 500 posts that are very detailed walls of text, and another person could have the 1500 post while he kept on posting things like "Lol". See how it's a bit unfair?
Mr. Fox:
yeah i get your point. and its a good one.
St. Jimmy:
I like this idea. I like Bings idea about having a pokemart and pokecenter in it too. Though I don't agree with being given a special pokemon, whether it's because you have a ton of posts here on the forum (and that could be because you spam alot) or whether you've been here a while. Just because you have been here longer it doesn't mean you should be given an advantage.
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