Pokémon Universe > Game Features

A "Veteran's" Area

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--- Quote from: Mr Pokemon on August 08, 2011, 04:53:57 AM ---I think he might have been talking about in-game. I don't mind talking with new people on the forums, it keeps things...

--- End quote ---
Very true, I met SirRed yesterday, and he already left an impression on me and my other guild members, and possibly other people on the forums. And something in game would be nice for the active posters.

I agree with Leo!

Something cool ingame or something. Like some giant mansion. Where only members from V1, or early V2 could join.

Or maybe Everyone that the Team feels is "committed to the community.

People that have made many contributions, in either features, input, or Quests, etc.

I think it would be a treat for us, just because we have been patient, and eagerly awaiting this game.


--- Quote from: DarK_SouL on August 09, 2011, 03:43:13 AM ---I agree with Leo!

Something cool ingame or something. Like some giant mansion. Where only members from V1, or early V2 could join.

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i joined late ..........................

Also, for people who joined like a week after the deadline, there should be a little hut outside or something. Also, to get into both you need a special key to unlock it, you also can't sell it.


Mansion: Ancient Key-A key which bring you a great nostalgia.
Hut- Rusty Key-Damn I was to late.


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