Pokémon Universe > Game Features

A "Veteran's" Area

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Mr. Fox:
 A person or thing that contributes something, in particular.

Just making sure every one know what contribute means. In other words what i said is this: any one who has helped the game reach completion, by making graphics, writing lines for the NPCs to say, or just providing an idea that moved one of the preceeding move forward. OR helped keep the site from dying before the game came out by keeping the forms active.

By that definition I don't think that a large portion of this population would make it in to the "Veteran Area" therefor keeping it a place for the Elite of the site.


--- Quote from: The Fox on August 12, 2011, 04:38:03 AM ---contributor/con-tribu-tor/Noun
 A person or thing that contributes something, in particular.

Just making sure every one know what contribute means. In other words what i said is this: any one who has helped the game reach completion, by making graphics, writing lines for the NPCs to say, or just providing an idea that moved one of the preceeding move forward. OR helped keep the site from dying before the game came out by keeping the forms active.

By that definition I don't think that a large portion of this population would make it in to the "Veteran Area" therefor keeping it a place for the Elite of the site.

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i try to post threads and revive good one's but they always die.......................

Mr. Fox:
threads die, what i mean is when the site got slow they stuck it out and keeped posted and eventuly revived the site. I did abandon the site,(my great grandma died, sorry) so i think i wouldn't make it in... (i thought i should say that just so you think i am making it so i get in...)


--- Quote from: The Fox on August 12, 2011, 04:57:21 AM ---threads die, what i mean is when the site got slow they stuck it out and keeped posted and eventuly revived the site. I did abandon the site,(my great grandma died, sorry) so i think i wouldn't make it in... (i thought i should say that just so you think i am making it so i get in...)

--- End quote ---

nvm .... *forever alone*

Personally, I don't think a post count should have anything to do with this at all.  For reals.  If it did some moron could just start spamming every thread just to increase his count.  And while I understand that the Mods can ban him, do we really want that to happen at all?

EDIT:  I've been though one really bad spammer on this site before, and I don't think I could deal with another one.


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