Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots
[Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain
good job Kuhns i think this is an awesome quest idea, ^ ^ lots of detail, and have to love all the fire type pokemon
side note: not sure if this would be possible but one of the rewards for this quest could be the ability to catch the fire starter pokemon in that area, the fire starters would have only a rare chance of being found though and would appear as level 5, either that or you could be able to find fire starters but as an egg
--- Quote from: schindle on February 11, 2010, 03:46:59 PM ---i like the idea, only to be able to buy firstones by completing a questline. should be done for all of the stones? just to ensure that theyre harder to get then its for now.
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Yeh and maybe it would be the only place you could get fire stones or else they would be very rare
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