Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain

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ok fine, i like what you have so far... and am intrigued to see what you would do with side quests and such

please email it to me instead


--- Quote ---There's only one thing I'm wondering about. What will be the 'tools' equipped to the player? Something to keep him/her cool (literally) in that hot cave? Or some more things?
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'Tools' mean more along the lines of the items necessary to complete the quest and solve the mystery. ;) But yes, the Player will need them if they ever hope to...beat Magmortar.

--- Quote ---Oh, and lastly, there could be more 'fire' items on sales there, like for example, flame orb, TMs (fire type moves), etc.
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I was thinking something like that. A special reward item that'll boost fire type moves more so than regular common items. But the item I was thinking of is essential to the mystery plot a secret.

--- Quote ---everyone seems to like the idea, but now the real test.... will spirit like it? dum dum dudududududuummmmmmm

i'm too tired right now, i'll read it tomorrow and let you know


ok fine, i like what you have so far... and am intrigued to see what you would do with side quests and such

please email it to me instead
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How mean. xD Email you the smaller quest arcs and whatnot?

yeah, all the stuff that you said you were planning on writing, but would only do so if people asked for it. well im asking for it. email it to me. do it! do it now!

just click on my account and click on my email, that should work nicely

A LOT of detail - love it!
I think it's a good quest, but it needs more of the basic elements, such as how big is the cavern and are there trainers inside etc...

But I love it anyway ;)


--- Quote ---I think it's a good quest, but it needs more of the basic elements, such as how big is the cavern and are there trainers inside etc...
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There are going to be trainers somewhat, but a lot of the fighting is with Pokemon. That's why I didn't really mention any of that. ;)

--- Quote ---yeah, all the stuff that you said you were planning on writing, but would only do so if people asked for it. well im asking for it. email it to me. do it! do it now!

just click on my account and click on my email, that should work nicely
--- End quote ---

Oh all right. Just give me some time to make it look decent.


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