Hi Call me alicia

I was just wandering what your fav pokemon is and what's your worst pokemon. I started this topic because there was a time when my friend asked me what my favourite pokemon was and what was my least favourite pokemon and I stood there thinking about it for a few hours and then I decided I should watch all pokemon episodes, movies and games and after I played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers Of Darkness I started loving the pokemon grovyle because of that game and Dusknoir and sableye are my least favourite! If you have completed that game then you would know what I was talking about. If you really want to know, I have to defeat Dialga in The tower I am a level 40 treecko and my partner is a level 41pikachu and I am completely stuck! but thats not the point of this topic. Basically, My favourite pokemon is grovyle and my least favourite pokemon is Duknoir and sableye simply because of the game! Please comment your favourite and worst pokemon!