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Author Topic: [RP] New Life  (Read 3389 times)

Offline LeoReborn

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  • Through the pain, I've been reborn.
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[RP] New Life
« on: August 27, 2011, 02:58:01 PM »
In this RP you are a powerful hero who has recently died, and now has been Reincarnated.

This RP is set around 1203 A.D., and in the land of Karnos

You can be reincarnated into 2 of the following classes(Second class will be less potent):

Warrior: Uses a sword and shield, and hold balanced attributes

Knight: Wielding a two-handed sword, this class boasts high physical attack, with low defense.

Brute: Hammer or Axe wielders, these are extremely powerful weaponists, however, they are slow, and have poor defense.

Wizard: Pure Magical strength, but with very low defensive powers.

Mage: A balanced magician of all aspects

Cleric: A support class of high demand, clerics can heal, buff and cure, with low attack power.

Sniper: Crossbow wielder, accurate, better damage than most bowmen, but slow attack speed.

Bowmaster: A bowman capable of rapid attack speed, along with average attack power

Ninja: Typically wielding kunai or shurikens, these silent assassins can also be found wielding a light sword. High overall speed, low attack/defense

Rogue: Carrying two short blades, they carry out powerful combos, High attack speed, low move speed, balanced otherwise.

Shadows: Thieves of a similar to clerics, they have Top notch speed to retrive supplies,(Potions, food, etc.) they also carry a small dagger and bomb kit.

You may not select two classes from the same group. (cause that would be silly.)

When you have started RPing, the Village Sage will explain your exsist.

Any Class can come from one of these Races:
Shadow People

Happy RPing~^ Leo

JerryEDIT: Approved. Good luck on having an active RP
« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 03:34:22 AM by LeoReborn »
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.