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Author Topic: Teeskab  (Read 20124 times)

Offline Shadowfred

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Re: Teeskab
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2011, 01:50:30 PM »
She slid it under a door, one child stands on each side.

Offline trey5169

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Re: Teeskab
« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2011, 11:28:44 PM »
A man in a suit is walking along a sidewalk when he suddenly remembers he had a meeting with a friend that day at a nearby cafe. He looks to his wrist, only to find that he has forgotten his watch. He hails the nearest car to ask the time. As the car slows to a stop, the rear window rolls down, and a man pokes his head out.
"Can I help you?"
"Yes, could you give me the time?"
"It is... four thirty-six."
"Thank you."
The window rolls up and the car continues on its way.

Who was the wealthiest person in this story?
Also, guesses don't count. Explain your reasons.

Well, the answer has to be the guy that the other guy is meeting. Driving up in a car does not mean you're rich, and the guy that needed the time must have some amount of money, but the fact that he works for someone else means that the someone else that he works for must be the most rich.

Offline Pokemaster MAC

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Re: Teeskab
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2011, 01:23:05 PM »
Alright, it's been a day.
The correct answer was:
The man in the backseat.

As Silver mentioned, you don't have to be rich to sit in the backseat of a car. However, if he were simply a passenger, in a taxi or his father's car, for instance, when the vehicle was hailed, wouldn't it have been the man in the driver's seat that would roll down his window?
Say, for example, you're sitting in the backseat of your father's car, and he's driving down the street. If a police officer pulls him over, are YOU the one that's going to roll down your window and ask what's wrong?

Knowing this, we can assume the driver is a chauffeur, immediately making him less wealthy than the man he's driving around.

The man in the suit went to check his watch for the time. His WATCH. Granted, some people use watches as fashion statements, but they should still have a cell phone with them. Any responsible adult has a cell phone, assuming they can afford one. A watch, you'll forget, because you don't actually need it for anything. Your cell phone? Not as much, especially when you have plans with someone that day. And as we all know, a cell phone has a built in digital clock. Silver also mentioned that he showed his watch wasn't precious to him/not the most expensive thing he owns. Watches can be cheap. Really cheap.

The friend at the cafe is only mentioned, and is not actually a character in the story, thus eliminating him as an option.

Not quite true in my opinion. The wealthiest men have a watch just to show they are luxurious, and rich people don't keep phones on them, they generally have someone to call people for them. Back to the watch thing... Maybe this man often forgets his watch because it is so expensive that, when walking by himself, is likely to be stolen. Paranoia from being rich. He looked down at his watch because he regularly wears it, but forgot he isn't in company of others and he took it off. The suit says he has a lot of money to spend, i mean really... who wears a suit JUST to visit a friend? Granted it might not be his only destination today, he also is EATING in a suit. he wouldn't do that if he didn't want to ruin his suit, but wait... the rich can just buy another. O.o

And also, if one walks along the street on the right side and needs to ask for the time, and they ask that from a car, i'm pretty sure the one to answer will be either a passenger, or GASP another passenger because the driver would be concentrated on the road ahead, or on the light that will change. Perhaps this guy was walking because his driver was late, or the car that was transporting him broke down. It might have been faster to walk, or perhaps he was too rich to sit on the bus with lowlifes that might steal the watch he should have been wearing.

Anyways the moral of my whole spiel is: DON'T EAT RASPBERRIES

...And my answer is the man walking. I am pretty sure i made several valid points and if you still aren't convinced, the man in a suit is Chuck Norris. I win :p
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Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Teeskab
« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2011, 08:12:32 PM »
Did I just see a Chuck Norris joke?

Offline Pokemaster MAC

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Re: Teeskab
« Reply #34 on: September 04, 2011, 12:24:56 PM »
No response to my logic i see... and i'm pretty sure i had the best response that made sense
Corpsair, Decapitain, Sparcrow, Condurit. Stumpole, Steekee, Totember, Flaracuda... My current list of ideas for Pokemon.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Teeskab
« Reply #35 on: September 04, 2011, 04:23:29 PM »
No, actually, it wasn't accurate. Flawed logic everywhere. However, I really don't feel like explaining why I had the correct answer to my own riddle and you didn't.
That, and this thread kind of died already.