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Author Topic: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?  (Read 21735 times)

Offline TrainerX

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2011, 12:16:28 AM »
We buy a lot of foreign products, we laugh at american made, we prefer Japan, China, Russia (not really Russia), Etc. We want products that not only look better, but are better. Japans biggest client is the US, only because of all the fun things we buy from them.
In my opinion, this is one of the United States' flaws. We buy a lot of things from other countries that we could make here(As long as we're not wasting too much money to make them). We pay more money buying some things from China than we would spend to make them ourselves.

Seeing as the bill wasn't passed, I'm happy to use this thread to discuss American politics.

Actually, that's not true. The main reason the far east is used as a manufacturing base for companies, is because of the ridiculously low wages that need to be payed. American made products would not only be worse quality wise, but actually more expensive as well. (Of course this is a sweeping generalisation and won't always be the case). Your country actually places large taxes on imported goods to try and allow American firms to compete, the simple laws of economics however, show that this ultimately leads to failure. (America tried it after the Wall Street Crash, and look where it got them there). Oh, and if America starts taxing China's goods too much, they'll get annoyed and ask you to pay them the money you owe them, something which would ultimately bring the States to it's knees.
I didn't really think about the taxes. But I agree with you on the whole taxing thing.