Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions


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thanks for the advice spirit the reason I am worried about it all ready being done is that (and I know how annoying it is from experience)its vary annoying to see the same post multiple times..I suggested this to pokemon crater when it was still good back in like the first year they were out and they liked it and used it for that one year only. then the new management had never herd of it and they wouldn't take ideas from the community they said things like if its a good idea its already on are site,and that's why I like PU its all open for suggestion 

its a good idea i  always get aggravated when i am looking for a fire type and i get a grass type.

so just for me the general idea of my idea is

good 4
bad 0

Thats a first

I was hopping for a reply from mr dark or someone about this post I want to know if this was a possibility I want to know if m attraction idea or an of my plans were even considered for PU


--- Quote from: Draagn on February 11, 2010, 03:15:12 AM ---I was hopping for a reply from mr dark or someone about this post I want to know if this was a possibility I want to know if m attraction idea or an of my plans were even considered for PU

--- End quote ---

I'm sure Mr_dark has read it, and if this idea was enough to be put in PU there would be a lot more talk on this post to increase the potential of it being used. So be patient.


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