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Author Topic: Rarity of Pokemon  (Read 10018 times)

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: Rarity of Pokemon
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2011, 10:23:45 PM »
Even with the synergy debate, 95% of pokemon would go good in a battle team rather than to show off, including the pokemon with a higher rarity scale, if something like that exists. As someones signature said, win with your favorites. Therefore, build your team around your favorites to create something solid.

That would be my signature :)
The whole PU-balancing idea is to make sure that everyone could use their favourite pokémon (Even if it's something like a Farfetch'd or wooper) without always having to lose to a basic OU-team. You still will have to put some effort in it to raise in the proper way and build a solid team around it, but it won't be impossible anymore.

This is exactly why I think PU is gonna be the greatest pokemon thing ever.

I love battling with my Favorite pokemon,  actually it's all I do.  I mean is my team on PO pretty good, I think so.  But, it's built only with pokemon I like, not with ones just because they are good.  My team right now is Froslass, Scizor, Infernape, Weavile, Ferrothorn and Carracosta.  These are some of my all time favoites from across the game.  I don't care about rarity.  I just like the way these guys look. lol

Kinda reminds me that my team of favourites all came from all kinds of tiers, I had a OU, a BL, UU, NU but that was before the BW series came. I got new favourites and some pokémon got kicked up or down.

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Offline Noob_Empoleon

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Re: Rarity of Pokemon
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2011, 06:45:02 PM »
I think we should have a certain Pokemon be more rare than others. Although I have some ethical problems with selling Pokemon (don't question it. I love my Pokemon and would never dream of selling any Pokemon for a profit, or at all), I can see how rare Pokemon could help balance the economy of this game; Rarity could be used as a standard for determining the "worth" of a Pokemon.

That being said:

Most people can make it through a Pokemon game (or any game for that matter) without the assistance of a rare Pokemon (henceforth shall be written as rPke). The reason why people like rPke are simply because they're rare; It's not because they're exceptionally good, it's because rPke bring prestige. If someone wants to spend hours looking for a rPke just because they want it, then I think it should be allowed. I think it adds to the experience of the game.

And that's what I think about that =3