Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[QUEST]Mysterious Moon Thief

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--- Quote from: St. Jimmy on September 26, 2011, 09:30:25 PM ---I really like this. It's much better than many other quests that come in.

But this eerily reminds me of a pokemon episode, where (I'm pretty sure at least) Clefairy's starting taking random stuff from towns folk, and used it to build a spaceship that goes to the moon.  Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain there is an episode like that.

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You're right, this is based off of that episode, but I made it where no one knows who is stealing the items, and explained more on why it is a Clefable never shows up to steal, only Clefairy.  The Clefable is found in the ship by the console. I wanted to make a more in dept explanation about it, and using the episode was a good base. My theory of why clefairy is seen running around, and there being one Clefable is that Clefairy wanted to explore space, but ends up crashing on earth because they're not used to the gravity, and when one Clefairy evolves to Clefable, it wants to return home, and the Cefairies are obligated to follow it's orders so it can complete its plan. I have another idea for a quest, but it's currently in outline form, and is more of a series of quests for the whole mew thing for this game.

St. Jimmy:
I can see that you went more in depth than the actual episode, and put your own spin on it.  Thougn the fact that it is based off an episode of pokemon could cause copyright problems if used in PU, which is unlikely for this reason.

Though it does show your skills as a writer, and I hope to see some 100% original work from you.

You've got some skills mate ;) keep writing, I'd love to see more of your work.


--- Quote from: St. Jimmy on September 26, 2011, 10:59:48 PM ---I can see that you went more in depth than the actual episode, and put your own spin on it.  Thougn the fact that it is based off an episode of pokemon could cause copyright problems if used in PU, which is unlikely for this reason.

Though it does show your skills as a writer, and I hope to see some 100% original work from you.

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Don't worry, I will be bringing original work. This can be called as resembled, but since it is in a new area, and runs completely different, there should be no problem with copyright. A lot of games use references from movies and shows with no problems. This would count as a reference, not a carbon copy.

EDIT: Read through it, and fixed all errors I can find. If anyone finds more, tell me where.

Well, a quick spellcheck with Word gave this extra 'e':

Sheriff: "What am I going to do with that boy? I'll just ground him for a few weeks. He takes after his dear old dad. Oh well, not the time to worry. I'm not sure how to interpret that evidence, but from the sounds of it, we're looking for a pink Pokemon that only comes out at night. The problem is, no Pokemon like that exists in these parts, none of theme are pink. Try asking the Mayor about this, he knows more about the area than any of us, his great grandfather even founded the whole town"

But that's it. Also, I don't think there will be copyright issues on the story in anyway. Copyright would more likely be based on the names and graphics.


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