Name: Lanturn
Number: 171
Type: Water/Electric
Abilities: Volt Absorb, Illuminate, Water Absorb
Base Stats: 125 / 58 / 78 / 81 / 96 / 67
Level Up Move Edits:None
Move Tutor Move Edits:Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Egg Move Edits: None
Example Set Tank @ Leftovers
252 Def / 252 SpDef / 4 Hp
Volt Absorb, Bold
-Aqua Ring/Surf
Explanation of SetNice and simple. Switch in on a resisted move, toxic, then stockpile until you've done 3. Toxic any new switch ins and batter them with thunderbolt. Aqua ring is handy to start off with, but surf is nice against ground pokemon or something with volt absorb/motor drive.
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