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Author Topic: [RP] Rising Legends [K:Evening|O:Night|Spring 3]  (Read 137817 times)

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #75 on: November 06, 2011, 03:24:13 AM »
I sat down on my couch and opened the bag. There should be six million in here. I walked up to the one door on my house and entered the code. Walking in it was completely different then the rest of the house that was carved out of bed rock, this was a fully modern lab. I walked up to the money counter and sat down. I placed the stacks in them one by one.

Twenty minutes later I came up with a grand total of Six Million dollars.

-Nice, now lets get some rest.

I left the lab and fell onto the couch. I had some work to do tomorrow.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #76 on: November 07, 2011, 06:17:27 PM »
I finished etching in the new addition to my map. It was still not complete, and to do this all by memory was becoming tedious. I went to check on the Manaphy, who was asleep in the pool. I never slept, since I had that nightmarish ability, but I had it under control.

As much as I would like to sleep, it would be more effective to figure out the next place to go. This Manaphy may want to go, so I need a way to transport him without him drying up.

I walked around the ship, looking for something to fill with water and put on my back. There was some flexible material here and there, so I made a pocket with them from various other materials as well. I filled it with water, and it held.

There, that should do it, but I need my arms free. Hmmm..

I recalled seeing a human wearing one of these pockets (backpacks) and it had some thing attached to wrap around his shoulders. I checked the part of the ship that had some boxes in it. Human clothing was in all of them, so I ripped some up and made it into the shoulder attachments. After I put it on my new invention, I tried it on, adjusted it, and figure this would be the easiest way to carry Manaphy, now that I had a mobile water source.

I'll let him sleep a bit, then I can figure out where I want to go next.
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Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #77 on: November 07, 2011, 09:18:43 PM »
I woke up and went into the lab. I was working on replicating that Pokeball I had just given up. I had found out that it was able to dematerialize any kind of matter, living or not. I had a prototype and needed to test it. I aimed the ball at a spoon and pressed the button. Nothing happened. I hate science. Back to the drawing board. I checked my phone, no missed calls or messages.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #78 on: November 09, 2011, 03:43:37 AM »
Manaphy woke up and climbed out of the pool, he then Walked(I guess.....) over to darkrai.Whatcha doin'?

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #79 on: November 09, 2011, 04:06:46 AM »
Manaphy woke up and climbed out of the pool, he then Walked(I guess.....) over to darkrai.Whatcha doin'?

I made a mobile water source..

I showed him the Backpack filled with fresh water.

Why don't you try it out, that way, you can come with when I go exploring. It will make it a lot easier.

I place the bag on my back again, and waited fro Manaphy to jump in.
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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #80 on: November 09, 2011, 04:16:29 AM »
Manaphy uses his big arms to reach into the back pack(after jumping and failing several times) and grab a side of it and pulls himself in.I'm in!

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #81 on: November 09, 2011, 04:49:39 AM »
Alright, I was thinking of exploring a nearby Island. There is a cave full of pokemon, but only a few. I wanted to see if there was any reason behind it, and why they tend to inhabit only one of those three isles, and no where else.

I point at the map scratched into the wall. On it was the three islands that had only a few pokemon on it.

We should head out now if we want to be done by sundown.

I flew out a hole in the to ship and headed to he islands, Manaphy was on my back.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #82 on: November 09, 2011, 05:00:29 AM »
-Snivy, time for a combination! Leaf Tornado, Twister and Iron Tail!

This was a technique that took a LONG time to master. We had tried again and again, but hadn't been able to pull it off. Until one day, it finally worked.

Leaves started to surround Snivy's spinning tail. Then, the spinning became faster, and dragon energy filled the swirling winds. Finally, the swirling winds began to glow as it was then filled with hot metal. The giant mass of leaves dragon energy and hot metal was then launched with amazing precision directly at Onix.

-Onix, dig!

Onix quickly dived into the ground and the attack missed. It continued right past Brock, and hit the wall behind him creating a giant hole.

-...Excuse me for a moment.

I walked outside of the gym for a moment.


I walked back inside, still seething.

-Big brother, Mom says no swearing.

-I know, I know...

-I've never gone through a fight like this. Okay Onix, strike!

-Snivy, use Leaf Tornado on the ground below you!

Snivy did so, and started floating in the air because of the winds. Onix came up to strike, but was quickly knocked away by the attack. Onix was a little dazed at what had just happened.

-Alright, Snivy! Combination attack while Onix is still dazed!

Snivy prepared the attack again, and launched it, this time hitting it's target. Onix was standing in the middle of the attack, being hit by everything. After a couple seconds, the winds dispersed, and Onix fell, unable to retaliate.

Brock stood there, stunned at the attack that had just struck his pokemon, and made him lose the fight.

-Yay! We won!


-I guess you have. Congrats. Here's your Boulder Badge.


Jason goes into the generic Zelda pose.

Jason got the Boulder Badge!
It allows him to control traded pokemon up to Level 10! His pokemon's defense stats have also raised!

-What was that?

-I don't know. It happens a lot.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #83 on: November 10, 2011, 01:09:15 AM »
I cut my hand working with a screwdriver. That was the price you pay for not being good with tools and trying to invent and reinvent new tools. I stood up from the chair I was sitting in. I left the lab and shut the door. I walked up to the closet and flipped on the T.V. I changed the channel to the weather channel, there was a large sand storm brewing in the desert. I looked back into the closet and pulled out a face mask. I pulled it over my face and walked towards the door. I looked back at my pokemon and thought about my hand again.

-We need to get us a full time scientist. What do you guys think?

They looked at each other, then went back to what they were doing. I ran up the stairs and went outside. I needed a breather after that.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #84 on: November 10, 2011, 07:15:21 AM »
We made it to the Island. The cave inside was one room, nothing more.

If you want to get out to explore, you can, the pokemon here aren't aggressive at all. But I will be examining this area for a bit before we leave.

I walked over to one of the walls, feeling it for anything interesting. I took note of the color, mixed hues of black and grey.

Something about this place is alive, I must find the source.

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Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #85 on: November 10, 2011, 07:54:27 AM »
(I imagine Cortex's character to sound like Piccolo, and Fox's to sound like Riku.)

I walked up to Brock and stuck my hand out.

-Thank you for a great battle.

-No problem! I admit, I had fun too!

-It was nice meeting you, but I'm off to continue my journey.

-Well, maybe I'll see you around.

-I'd like that.

I left the gym, and Sarah along with Pikachu and Snivy followed. It was finally dark when we finally got outside.

-Are we going back to the pokemon center now?

-Yup. Time for some rest.

We walked to the pokemon center, and went upstairs. We found our room again and went inside. We both got ready for bed, and sat down on the beds when Sarah asked:

-Big brother...am I a trainer yet?

-Well, not officially.

-So why do I have a pokemon then?

-Well, officially, Pikachu counts as one of my team, but I'm letting you take care of him.

-Oh, okay....So where are we going next?

-Well, we have two options. We can go through Mt. Moon to Cerulean for the Cascade Badge, or through Diglet cave to Vermilion for the Thunder Badge. I was thinking Cerulean because the gym battle would be easy for Snivy, but we'll get a lot of good training in through Diglet cave.

-Hmm...Let's decide in the morning.

-Okay. Oh, do you want to talk to mom before bed?


I pulled out my cell phone, and dialed the home number. I just hoped mom hadn't gone to bed yet.


-Hi mom!

-Oh, hello there! I was wondering when I'd get a call from you! How is your journey going?

-Really well! I've made it to Pewter City, and I've already got the Boulder Badge.

-Wow! That's some good progress!

-Sarah wanted to talk to you before bed.

-Oh, okay!

I hand her the phone.

I'm doing good.
Yeah, he already got the badge, it was a cool battle!
OH, I didn't tell you yet! I caught a Pikachu!
Yeah, all by myself!
No, we haven't done any battles yet. I did get to battle using Snivy once.
It was really fun!
Well, I don't know. We might go to Cerulean or Vermillion.
Yeah, it's been a really fun day.
Okay, here's Jason.

She hands the phone back to me.


-So I hear she caught a Pikachu.

-Yeah, it'll count as my pokemon for a while, and then I'll give Pikachu to her when she's a trainer.

-Oh, okay. Oh, by the way, if you choose to go to Cerulean, be sure to visit Bill, okay?


-Alright, well I guess you two are getting tired, so I'll let you two go to bed.

-Okay, Goodnight.


-Goodnight Mom!

I hung up the phone, put it back in my backpack, and turned the lights out.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #86 on: November 10, 2011, 10:29:08 PM »
Manaphy hopped out of the backpack and started exploring the cave, manaphy then finds this small hole.(When ever its like this its thought.)Hey...i may be able to squeeze through there...
Manaphy squeezes through the hole, then suddenly the hole closes,(The force from squeezing through made some rocks fall so the hole was covered up)manaphy starts beating on the rocks.PHYYYYYY!(HEEEELP!)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #87 on: November 10, 2011, 11:01:08 PM »
I hear Manaphy yell, and some thumping.

What the? Where are you?

I look around fro the source of the thumping and find some rocks that look out of place. They're kind of small, so I picked them up and threw them to the side, until a small hole was revealed.

Manaphy, are you in there?

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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #88 on: November 10, 2011, 11:12:14 PM »
Suddenly a bigger chunk of rock falls infront of darkrai and blocks the hole.MANA PHY!(OH COME ON!)
Manaphy starts walking farther in the hole.Manaphy phy phy!!(If you can here me i am going to see if there is another way out!)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #89 on: November 10, 2011, 11:14:29 PM »
Just be careful.

I yell. I figured I would continue my research here until he shows up. The pokemon weren't really aggressive here, and may be able to help him as well. I return to study the cave walls, but Manaphy hung on my mind.

Be careful young one.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword