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Author Topic: [RP] Rising Legends [K:Evening|O:Night|Spring 3]  (Read 137818 times)

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #45 on: November 04, 2011, 03:11:14 AM »
Manaphy gets in teh water and swims around.Phy phy! mana!
Manaphy then splashes darkrai.

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2011, 03:49:00 AM »
LT. Surge

Why you... Electrode, use Charge Beam!

Electrode used Charge Beam, the attack hitting Empoleon directly.

Empoleon Staggered back at the direct attack, it looked like it did a lot of damage....but it was still kicking...another hit like that though and I could be down a pokemon,,, I need to stop letting wins get to my head

"OK Empoleon, Use STRENGTH"

Empoleon grabbed the Electrode and threw it across the ring into a wall...He'd have to wait for another Giga impact, since it took alot of energy to do

Empoleon Charged at the pokemon, blowing an Ice Beam at him, bolstered by the effects of hail, it fomed ice arround the pokemon, limiting its ability to move out of the way before
"Now finish it off...BLIZZARD"
another one of L.T Surges pokemon was encased in ice


A clone pikachu jumped at latias waking up and ran over to Mew, hopping up and down on one leg and pointing her direction

"Oh good, its awake"

Mew alighted next to latias "your safe dear, nothing to worry about...and I'm sure you know who I am" she swished her tail and sat comfortably on a bubble

she floated next to latias, sitting on the bubble and patted the top of her head

"now tell me your troubles dear, your among friends"

Latias looks down almost ready to cry, she didnt wanted to remenber what happened before, but even so told the caring Mew

"since i was born.... i have been victim of abuse, torture, experiments by some people ... last night the other pokemons that i was locked in with got me out as they fighted so i could escape..."

Mew Two gripped its paws in rage as he heard Latias, Mew listened calmly with a passive face, taking in the situation

"Well looks like we got a little mission Mew Two, I think those other pokemon should have a nice home don't you?"

Mew two knelt down in front of Latias "do you know where this base is, we will distroy it and save the pokemon"

he motioned to Some of his more powerful cloned pokemon "My men and I can take on anything they can dish out, just tell me where they are"

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2011, 04:03:47 AM »
Mew Two gripped its paws in rage as he heard Latias, Mew listened calmly with a passive face, taking in the situation

"Well looks like we got a little mission Mew Two, I think those other pokemon should have a nice home don't you?"

Mew two knelt down in front of Latias "do you know where this base is, we will distroy it and save the pokemon"

he motioned to Some of his more powerful cloned pokemon "My men and I can take on anything they can dish out, just tell me where they are"

Latias looked up to the sky she was tryig to see from where the sun was rising then noticed

"from the oposite side of where the sun rises since it was a big explosion... maybe smoke is coming out of it..."

she lays her head again looking at them
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2011, 05:01:21 AM »
My house no longer smelled of dead things, but that wasn't what was keeping me awake. The Egg was starting to crack, if my contact didn't call soon the deal might be off, meaning I wouldn't get paid. I had an extra pokeball, but I remember that they wanted the egg, not a hatched pokemon. I looked at my phone, no missed calls.

-Come on, call damn it!

I kicked the table and busted the leg, great, another reason to go to the city, and maybe get caught. Not much wood in a desert or I would try to fix it that way.

((you can call me now Dstar.))

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #49 on: November 05, 2011, 01:27:50 AM »

?? picked up the phone, and dialed for the bounty hunter he had hired. They waited for them to pick up.


We walked into the pokemart and looked around. There were all sorts of healing items, pokeballs, even stationary. I wen up to the store clerk.

-Hi. What do you recommend to beginning trainers?

-Well, let me see your trainer card.

I show him my trainer card, and he hands it back to me.

-For someone like you, I would recommend potions, pokeballs, and if you're heading into Viridian Forest, antidotes as well.

-Ten pokeballs, eight potions and five antidotes please.

-How'd you know that?

-They seem like the right amounts.

-Those do seem like reasonable amounts.

-Alright, I'll go with that then.

We bought the items, and left the store. We headed for Viridian Forest.

LT. Surge

-Heh. A tough one... Electrode, Self Destruct!

Electrode, still frozen in ice, used self destruct, which not only sent out a large wave of fire, but also chunks of the ice it was trapped in.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 01:32:42 AM by Darkstar64 »

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #50 on: November 05, 2011, 01:31:08 AM »
(I decided to stay)

I looked at the playful Manaphy. I remembered when I got to this region. I was the same way, the freedom I gained, no humans dared to venture to certain parts of the dessert. I could do as I please. It was coming here that helped me learn to control my nightmare power. I didn't know what to do at first, so I decided to explore the region, get a feel for it, and maybe unlock some mysteries.

I'm glad you're having fun.

I reached into the water. It was so clear. I took a drink, and could taste the minerals in it. It was delicious.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #51 on: November 05, 2011, 01:34:21 AM »
Fetri was battling some Trainers at mount battle. He was stubborn and didn't heal his pokemon in between battles, and is about to get to his limit at the 41th trainer.

Now, Poliwhirl, finish it with hydro pump!

the trainer's Poliwhirl obeyed and did the finishign blow on my Gabite. Shoot, that was my last pokemon. I walk off humiliated and in defeat, but I was getting stronger and stronger, I could tell, last time I only went to the 34th trainer. I walked out of mount battle, and decided to go somewhere else, he didnt care where, he just hopes it'll be a place with strong and gullable trainers. I got on my floating motorcycle and rode off. I saw a lush green area in the distance and decided to go there, I only went there two or three times the past two years, and decided to explore.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 01:51:07 AM by Lugiafan96 »
. . .

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2011, 01:52:07 AM »
My phone started to ring. It was him.

-Hello, I have some news. I have your egg, but it is starting to hatch. What do you want me to do next?

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #53 on: November 05, 2011, 02:16:20 AM »

-Already? Hmm...That was unexpected...Alright, I'll send an Admin over there immediately. Whatever you do, make SURE it doesn't see you or ANYTHING else if it hatches before they get there. Or else no pay.


We walk into Viridian Forest, and look around.

-...It's nice in here!

-It is nice...Hey, I have an idea! While we walk through, let's look for a special spot!

-A special spot?

-Yeah, like somewhere we like that we come back to every once in a while.

-Oh, okay!

We walk through, while also looking for a nice spot. We finally find one that looks nice. It's a pile of three large stones, one flat one on the other two, with light shining down from the trees. On top of it is a sleeping Pikachu.


-Let's find a different spot, it looks like it's his.

She walks up to the Pikachu sleeping on the rocks. It wakes up while she stands there.


-Aww, you're so cute!

She pets his head, and he shows he likes it.

-Okay, let's go big brother!

We continue walking, still looking around. Pikachu follows us, unnoticed. Sarah then remembers she didn't say goodbye. She turns around, to yell goodbye, but sees him following them.

-Oh, hi Pikachu!


Pikachu comes up close to Sarah.

-Big brother...Remember those pokeballs we bought?

-Sure, let me get you one.

I look in the bag, and see the clerk left an extra pokeball, a premiere ball. I remember you get a free one for every 10 pokeballs you buy.

-Sarah, try this one.

I hand here the premiere ball. She takes it and holds it in front of the pikachu.

-Hey...do you wanna come with us?

Pikachu thinks, looking at the pokeball.


He nodded and smiled at Sarah.

-Alright, here we go!

She tosses the premiere ball up in the air, and it comes down and hits pikachu. He goes into the pokeball, and it rocks around for a couple seconds, then it sits still.

-That was probably the easiest capture you'll ever have. You know that, right?

-Really? I thought that's how you catch pokemon...

-Well, normally you have to battle, but you were able to make quick friends with this pikachu.

Pikachu then appears, breaking out of the pokeball on his own.

-Pikachu! Pika Pika!

-Sni Sni-VY!

The two talk for a while, then Pikachu crawls onto Sarah's head, and Snivy walks up next to me.

-He probably put in a good word for you.

-Big brother...Is it okay for me to have a pokemon since I'm not a trainer?

-Well, it'll count as one of my pokemon, but you can hold onto his pokeball if you want. Once you become a trainer in two months, I'll give him to you.

-Big brother...Thanks for taking me with you. I'm having a lot of fun, and we've only been traveling for one day...

-Well, thanks for coming. I think we'll both have more fun traveling with eachother.

We continue walking towards the Forest's exit.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #54 on: November 05, 2011, 02:17:09 AM »
After swimming for some time manaphy starts to get bored.Phy! phy!
manaphy jumps on darkrai's back and points liek it wants to explore.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #55 on: November 05, 2011, 02:20:53 AM »
looks like the little guy wants to see the sights. Be kind of hard for him in the desert.

Alright, let's fly back to my base, there is some water in the ship (pool).

I fly out, with Manaphy on my back, first stop, home base, from there, figure out how to transport this little guy and get him to sources of water. We were flying away.
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Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #56 on: November 05, 2011, 02:21:15 AM »

LT. Surge

-Heh. A tough one... Electrode, Self Destruct!

Electrode, still frozen in ice, used self destruct, which not only sent out a large wave of fire, but also chunks of the ice it was trapped in.

Empoleon was caught in the blast, it was down for the count. I cringed and ducked under one of the shards "you did good Empoleon, return" red light flashed from its pokeball and brought it back to me, I reached behind me

"Lets finish this Weavile"

Mew Two gripped its paws in rage as he heard Latias, Mew listened calmly with a passive face, taking in the situation

"Well looks like we got a little mission Mew Two, I think those other pokemon should have a nice home don't you?"

Mew two knelt down in front of Latias "do you know where this base is, we will distroy it and save the pokemon"

he motioned to Some of his more powerful cloned pokemon "My men and I can take on anything they can dish out, just tell me where they are"

Latias looked up to the sky she was tryig to see from where the sun was rising then noticed

"from the oposite side of where the sun rises since it was a big explosion... maybe smoke is coming out of it..."

she lays her head again looking at them

Mew Two nodded
"Alright, I'll take Charazard and Dragonite, between the three of us this organization shouldn't be a problem"

Mew nodded
"okay, but your bed time is in a few hours, you should hurry"


Mewtwo launched in the air, Dragonite and Charazard followed suit

they found the pillar of smoke and charged toward it

{Mew is 85, Dragonite is 69, Charazard is 68}

« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 02:22:52 AM by Robbase231 »

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #57 on: November 05, 2011, 02:26:25 AM »
(By the way, if you're too lazy to read my last post, basically Sarah caught a Pikachu for me.)

LT. Surge

-Electrode, go!

(This is his OTHER Electrode.)

-Electrode, use Thunder Wave!

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #58 on: November 05, 2011, 02:29:07 AM »

Mew Two nodded
"Alright, I'll take Charazard and Dragonite, between the three of us this organization shouldn't be a problem"

Mew nodded
"okay, but your bed time is in a few hours, you should hurry"


Mewtwo launched in the air, Dragonite and Charazard followed suit

they found the pillar of smoke and charged toward it

{Mew is 85, Dragonite is 69, Charazard is 68}

Latias looked at Mew with faint eyes

"will they be okay?.... im worried..."
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #59 on: November 05, 2011, 02:31:08 AM »
I arrived at Agate Village, it was a small, peaceful village, with Pidgies chirping, old people on walks, and... oh god... this is so boring! But I came to explore, migth as well do just that. I walk around and see a big bulkey guy. The muscled ones are always the stupidest. I approach him acting timid.

Sir, mind having a battle with me? No one else seems to want to... I'm so lonely...

I was puting on my usual act, I've hardly been to this town so it should work.

Awww, sure little buddy, I'll go easy on ya.

Idiot, gets em everytime. We send out our pokemon, he sends otu Hitmonlee, and I send out Gabite. He looks confused.

W-wait, that Gabite dosent look weak...!

HAH! Did you honestly expect this to be easy, fool! Now the battle has started and it cant end! Gabite! Destroy him!

Gabite uses Dragon breath on Hitmonlee and he fasints easily. Gabite glares at him menacingly, and he runs away, dropping his wallet. I pick it up with a smirk.

Hehe, lets see here... another thousand Poke for me.

I take the money and throw the wallet back on the ground. I see a small cave I didnt notice before, and I hear a splashing sound. I peek isnide and see A dark figure with a Manaphy, I couldent tell if it was a pokemon, it was pretty dark in there. I make sure not to let my presence known, I was curious who or what it was. Then suddenly it flew out of the cave with Manaphy, and I held back a yelp. I was able to see it was a Darkrai though.

Huh, not everyday you see two legendary pokemon.

I walk off to explore some more, at the speed they're going I wouldent catch up anyway.
. . .