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Author Topic: [Profiles] Rising Legends  (Read 28871 times)

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2011, 11:46:03 PM »
username: Robbase231
character name: Malachi Lockhart
Character gender: Male
Character age: 14

Backstory: Malachi has been on the road three years now, Traveling the coldest, darkest parts of the Pokemon world. He is the shy timid sort, and he isn't quick to open up to people. As far as gym battles and competitions, he hasn't really put himself or his three pokemon, a Glaceon, Empoleon, and a Weavile out there for publicity or fame. He is a good trainer though, despite his meek disposition, and although he usually hangs around in dark and cold places, something has drawn him out to compete in the tournaments this year.
When it comes to training, he has been extremely diligent in his pokemon's well being and strength, they have been through a lot together, even saved eachothers lives in the harsh remote terrain they trained in.
He is highly resistant to cold and cold climates, resourceful and quick thinking, only his social skills are next to nill due to the fact that he spent most of his time away from people in general. 

He has a bit of a stutter, as he didn't speak that much growing up, or at all during his training...but he is still a nice guy, just shy. He decides the best place to start his debut is the pokemon league in Kanto, Taking the S.S Anne to Vermillion City (Im under the impression that we are using both regions, if we are only using Orre, S.S anne would be going that way)


Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2011, 12:51:15 AM »
Username:The Fox
Character Name: Daniel
Character Gender: Male
Character Age:30
Short Backstory: When He was a young child his parents dropped him off at a church because they weren't able to care for him any longer. He was passed from foster home to foster home not getting enough time to even get to know the people who's home it was. He grew up thinking that he didn't matter to any one because they didn't want him in their homes. Until his final foster home taught him to fight with pokemon and with his own body. He was trained to hunt things down. A very persistent bounty hunter that wouldn't give up on his target until the job is done, he quickly became a heavy hitter in the Bounty Hunter wolrld. He doesn't care about the story of either side, only about who is paying more. As he travels from region to region as the job requires, he rarely returns to his home in the Orre Region. And once he does get home, he often finds it hard to leave. He is in love with the harsh environment of the dessert, because it reminds him of his own heart.
Pokemon Collected (if any): Luxray, Galvantula, Salamence, Weavile, Whimsicott, Zoroark
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):


Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2011, 12:18:24 AM »

Character Name:Fetri
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:14
Short Backstory:

A very cold and mischevious trainer that battles ruthlessly. His parents were killed in an accident and he so far hasent been able to recover afetr seeing his mother die before his eyes in a hospital bed. He is slightly insane and normaly tries fooling people into thinking he's an innocent young boy with a fake jolly personality. He is originaly from the dragon village in Jhoto, but they banished him for his wicked heart and he ran away from Jhoto to Orre. He managed to steel a few dragon pokemon before leaving though before he left the village. Despite his cruelness to his pokemon, they are very loyal to him.

Pokemon Collected (if any): Shelgon, Dratini, Gabite, Sneasel.

Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):
. . .

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2011, 01:08:07 AM »

Character Name:Fetri
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:14
Short Backstory:

A very cold and mischevious trainer that battles ruthlessly. His parents were killed in an accident and he so far hasent been able to recover afetr seeing his mother die before his eyes in a hospital bed. He is slightly insane and normaly tries fooling people into thinking he's an innocent young boy with a fake jolly personality. He is originaly from the dragon village in Jhoto, but they banished him for his wicked heart and he ran away from Jhoto to Orre. He managed to steel a few dragon pokemon before leaving though before he left the village. Despite his cruelness to his pokemon, they are very loyal to him.

Pokemon Collected (if any): Shelgon, Dratini, Gabite, Sneasel.

Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):


Offline lizardman0101

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #34 on: December 09, 2011, 12:50:03 AM »
ShortBackstory:I was created when a person got caught in a Pokeball.
BeingChased:I'm being chased by a Pokemon hunter.
Location:I roam from region to region.
Appearance: 8)

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2011, 02:28:41 AM »
ShortBackstory:I was created when a person got caught in a Pokeball.
BeingChased:I'm being chased by a Pokemon hunter.
Location:I roam from region to region.
Appearance: 8)

-Declined. Your pokemon wasn't specified. I'm going to assume your character is a legendary pokemon, in which case, a picture is required.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2011, 06:02:49 AM »
Username:The Fox
Character Name:Officer James
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:41
Short Backstory: He was a workaholic until the day that Daniel killed his wife, on that day something snapped inside him, he became obssess with what he had lost and what he calls "Righteous Revenge". Officer James has been tracking Daniel down ever since Daniel killed his wife to prove his might to the police. He is now tracking him in the Kanto region.
Pokemon Collected (if any):Dosen't carry pokemon.
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):

This is a NPC that I will be controlling from time to time.

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2011, 08:26:45 AM »
Username:The Fox
Character Name:Officer James
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:41
Short Backstory: He was a workaholic until the day that Daniel killed his wife, on that day something snapped inside him, he became obssess with what he had lost and what he calls "Righteous Revenge". Officer James has been tracking Daniel down ever since Daniel killed his wife to prove his might to the police. He is now tracking him in the Kanto region.
Pokemon Collected (if any):Dosen't carry pokemon.
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):

This is a NPC that I will be controlling from time to time.

You don't need to post profiles for NPC's, but accepted

Offline Hades2520

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2011, 02:11:15 AM »
Character Name:Ice
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:14
Name of Organization:Votonage
Good or Evil?:Good
Short Backstory:When I started my pokemon journey 3 years ago Team Rocket stoled my beloved Serviper, so I wanted to take back seviper,but I sadly my pokemon were unable to continue the mission since they used mewtwo on my pokemon!So know I made organization made up of team rocket victims who lost their pokemon too and together we plan to stop team rocket and destroy their organization completely!

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #39 on: December 17, 2011, 05:18:43 AM »
Character Name:Ice
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:14
Name of Organization:Votonage
Good or Evil?:Good
Short Backstory:When I started my pokemon journey 3 years ago Team Rocket stoled my beloved Serviper, so I wanted to take back seviper,but I sadly my pokemon were unable to continue the mission since they used mewtwo on my pokemon!So know I made organization made up of team rocket victims who lost their pokemon too and together we plan to stop team rocket and destroy their organization completely!

Good start, but Organization Leaders require a longer backstory. They are also a more difficult type of character to play as, so I would seriously consider whether or not I wanted to play as one.

Offline Zekiram

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2011, 03:42:45 PM »
backstory: from virvidian city he has been picked on all his life for not having any real friends just pokemon because he really cant understand people but could tell u what any pokemon is thinking. then during a battle gets kicked out of town for hurting a little girl by accident when the girl mentioned him being different he went into rage an accidentally hit her with force palm. now he is begining  a journey across the world searching for something to ease his guilty conscious and trying to become a better person to repay his debt to the girl he is currently in pewter city training and looking for more strong pokemon.for reasons unknown  when  he is made fun of or confronted about his past will break into fits of rage attempting to destroy anything in his way  He is kind to his pokemon but cold hearted and suspicous with everyone else since the incident with the girl in virvidian.
Pokemon:wartortle:Water gun,Rapid spin,Mega punch,Withdraw,riolu:Force palm,drain punch,low kick
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 05:46:30 AM by tepig8592 »

We've all been there.

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Rising Legends
« Reply #41 on: December 18, 2011, 05:58:08 AM »
backstory: from virvidian city he has been picked on all his life for not having any real friends just pokemon because he really cant understand people but could tell u what any pokemon is thinking. then during a battle gets kicked out of town for hurting a little girl by accident when the girl mentioned him being different he went into rage an accidentally hit her with force palm. now he is begining  a journey across the world searching for something to ease his guilty conscious and trying to become a better person to repay his debt to the girl he is currently in pewter city training and looking for more strong pokemon.for reasons unknown  when  he is made fun of or confronted about his past will break into fits of rage attempting to destroy anything in his way  He is kind to his pokemon but cold hearted and suspicous with everyone else since the incident with the girl in virvidian.
Pokemon:wartortle:Water gun,Rapid spin,Mega punch,Withdraw,riolu:Force palm,drain punch,low kick

-Accepted. Remember to use proper punctuation and grammar.