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Author Topic: Overpowered  (Read 11544 times)

Offline Chad29

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« on: October 06, 2011, 07:47:45 PM »
I've had discussions about what is overpowered, and what isn't, and I don't think I fully understand what the standard is for saying something is overpowered.

I can see why anything that has a base total of 600+ is going to have a clear advantage against most everything else, but I'm not sure why certain strategies are banned. The thing I get the most flak for is my swift swim poliwrath while drizzle is going on. There are a dozen or so ways it can be beaten, and that's if it's able to set up in the first place to sweep.

How do you decide that something is overpowered? How do you know you aren't going too far by just banning whatever is popular? I realize that it can be restricting to always see the same teams, but you shouldn't bash something just because it works.

I just have trouble wrapping my head around this.

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Re: Overpowered
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 08:13:08 PM »
I understand what your trying to say.  But, you have to realize that swift swim can be considered OP because it allows for stats to be added to other categories of a pokemon, while allowing it to out speed almost the entire meta game.

Unlike my Hitmonlee, which as pretty much no def or sp def.  Poliwrath is a bulky pokemon.  Taking it out with priority moves is difficult, while hitmonlee can fall pretty easily to a mach punch or something.  (My Poliwarath does not use swift swim,  and that lack of speed is it's weakness.  Now take that away and what do you have.  A bulky fast pokemon with prety good attack and a decent move set.  No offence but that sounds a little OP to me.)

Also, I don't like weather inducing abilities in pokemon.  It started as a move it should stay a move.  That would reduce the OPness of it.  I'm sick of Politoads, I see at least 4 every like 7 battles on PO. 

Finally, you have to remember that pokemon is about smashing you opponent above anything else.  So the most popular strategies are usually the most OP.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 08:20:13 PM by Bing »

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Re: Overpowered
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 09:15:04 PM »
Im still wit chad everything can be beaten stop labeling things op and figure out how to stop them
Rakia(Ra-kie-ya) Deadae(D-A-day)
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Re: Overpoweredeed
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2011, 11:11:15 PM »
Im still wit chad everything can be beaten stop labeling things op and figure out how to stop them

Sure, but then why do we have a balance team?  That fact is simple, in Pokemon there are strategies/pokemon/moves/abilities that are over-powered.  (If it was perfectly balanced, PU wouldn't need to re-balance the whole game.)

Or think about it this way, if the game was actually balanced would PO have tiers?  The answer is simple, no.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 11:18:25 PM by Bing »

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Re: Overpowered
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2011, 01:07:31 AM »
want to hear an OP poke. Sableye. with prankster and double team it's OP. Double team it's self is OP. Takes no skill, only luck.

Offline Level5Pidgey

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Re: Overpowered
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2011, 01:58:15 AM »
The issue isn't necessarily your Poliwrath as we were trying to explain to you the other night, Smogon bans Drizzle and SS altogether.

Why? Because it is something that is very easy to set up, and abuse - while offering amazing benefits.
Speed becomes no factor, because, as long as you're not EVing like a moron, your key attackers should faster than even most Scarfers - who are locked into a single move.

And think of it this way, you can see why Base 600s and such are overpowered, yes?
Well, having Swift Swim is a stat multiplier right?
Let's look at the base stats of various Swift Swimmers under the effects of said Swift Swim.

First off, Ludicolo.
It has Base 70 Speed, for a Stat Total of 480.
Under Swift Swim, it appears to have Base 158 Speed - not including contribution from EVs and Nature (which is Multiplied by 2x too - extremely important)
This takes its total above 568.

Poliwrath has the same speed - meaning, again, with no investment, seemingly 158 Speed.
So, its stat total tends to be above 588.

Kabutops is likely the most dangerous Swift Swimmer.
With 80 Speed, it becomes approx 178.
So, above 593 stat total.

Kingdra - already intimidating as hell.
85 Speed becomes 188.
643+ Base Stats.

Are you kind of seeing it?
Simply for chucking in a Pokemon at the start of the Battle, which takes 0 skill, you're gaining a huge stat advantage over the opponent.

The balance philosophy behind PU frowns on this already.


That's not actually why it was banned from Smogon though (they don't consider "effort" when it comes to banning)

The reason why it has been banned is that it is extremely difficult to counter unless you get
a) Extremely lucky (you know, critting half their team to death)
b) A stupid opponent.

You need to counter it through the following methods:
- Your own weather abuse
- Tailwind (rare and generally not useful)
- Trick Room
- Cloud Nine
- Having a VERY bulky team which does not rely on Speed, hopefully with key resistances to whichever weather is being abused (in this case, Water resistance).

Tailwind and Trick Room are very rare.
Cloud Nine is unreliable as only UU/RUs have it generally.
Having a slow, bulky team with weather threat specific resistances is very specific - it means you're using a weather-counter team, because you know they're using weather. It's over-centralising (forcing the game to be played a certain way so you have a chance)
Being forced to use your own weather to counter the weather team is similarly over-centralising.

So, the only real strategies to beat a good weather team are to either tailor your team to abuse it yourself, or, make a team to directly counter theirs - otherwise you're relying on them misplaying or luck.
This over-centralisation means that everyone will be using the same teams after a while.
This makes the game a lot less fun.

And all because you sent out your lead.
It doesn't even take skill.


Compare this to say, Baton Pass teams - that everyone is fine with and has adapted to.
Baton Pass teams take a while to set up, and a lot of effort. With each turn, there's a chance that the strategy can be completely unfolded.
The moves that counter Baton Pass teams do it very effectively (stop the strategy altogether, forcing it to reboot) and are common.
Taunt, Whirlwind, Haze, Roar.

You should always have a couple of these moves on your team anyway, as they counter other common strategies - so you don't need to really make huge changes to your team - you just need to make sure that you can get those moves out when you need.

So, comparison:

Weather is easy to set up
Weather is generally countered by specific Pokemon rather than moves (which are rare).
Weather usually requires specific teams to reliably counter.

Baton Pass is hard to set up
BP is countered by very common, necessary moves.
BP does not require specific teams to reliably counter.

I think that should do it, right?


want to hear an OP poke. Sableye. with prankster and double team it's OP. Double team it's self is OP. Takes no skill, only luck.

Double Team is always banned as per Evasion Clause...?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 02:02:57 AM by Level5Pidgey »
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Re: Overpowered
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2011, 02:03:02 AM »
you have no idea how many people use double team.

Offline Level5Pidgey

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Re: Overpowered
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2011, 02:06:10 AM »
you have no idea how many people use double team.

oh, just use Evasion Clause if it's over PO.

If it's on Wi-Fi.... er.... have fun I guess XP
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Re: Overpowered
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2011, 02:22:59 AM »
Epic reply by L5P, you couldnt have said it better. I for one agree that a Swift Swim team is OP, but my method of countering it, like L5P mentioned, is run a Tyranitar on my team to set up my own weather.

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Re: Overpowered
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2011, 05:50:13 PM »
There are pokemon though that be "leeching" off of the opponents teams:

Rain-Golduck(thunder/bolt) for swift swin or cloud nine respectively.
         Seaking can hold it own, given it knew waterfall and Hd(banned by OHKO clause, I know
Sand- Exadrill can out speed/power others: tyranitar could die from EQ or drill run, hippowdon might be a probllem though, which is why...
            Cacturne has somewhat advantage with sand veil. Needle arm/Brick Break can deal with them, if its lucky doging Fire or ice fang/punch.
            I realy don't recommend Garchomp due to its setback of not being able to learn Dragon Dance.

Sun-Charizard- Dragon dance and earthquacke will stop 9tails in her tracks, along with Thinder and Fier Punch for Xtra coverage
        Gyarados- yes, I think that he can counter it weather nearly for the same reason as Charizard, but with the ability to learn Stone edge with Dragon dance in exchange for Thunder fang and FF.

Dragonite can counter all of the wether hazzards if you don't mind it having non- stab offensive moves. Dragon dance is allit needs for Psyical sweeping, along with Fire/thunder punches and Brick Break/Superpower.

I may not play competitively, but I have a share of hypotheses that I can see to the end.
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Re: Overpowered
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2011, 10:53:38 AM »
There are pokemon though that be "leeching" off of the opponents teams:

Rain-Golduck(thunder/bolt) for swift swin or cloud nine respectively.
         Seaking can hold it own, given it knew waterfall and Hd(banned by OHKO clause, I know
Sand- Exadrill can out speed/power others: tyranitar could die from EQ or drill run, hippowdon might be a probllem though, which is why...
            Cacturne has somewhat advantage with sand veil. Needle arm/Brick Break can deal with them, if its lucky doging Fire or ice fang/punch.
            I realy don't recommend Garchomp due to its setback of not being able to learn Dragon Dance.

Sun-Charizard- Dragon dance and earthquacke will stop 9tails in her tracks, along with Thinder and Fier Punch for Xtra coverage
        Gyarados- yes, I think that he can counter it weather nearly for the same reason as Charizard, but with the ability to learn Stone edge with Dragon dance in exchange for Thunder fang and FF.

Dragonite can counter all of the wether hazzards if you don't mind it having non- stab offensive moves. Dragon dance is allit needs for Psyical sweeping, along with Fire/thunder punches and Brick Break/Superpower.

I may not play competitively, but I have a share of hypotheses that I can see to the end.

So you're going to build a weather abuser and place it on a team that does not set up its own weather - in the hopes that the opponent does?

Also, please - Seaking?
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