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Author Topic: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team  (Read 12975 times)

Offline Ursaring

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I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« on: October 06, 2011, 11:53:30 PM »
This is the team I plan to use in PU. I know I have got a lot of effect moves and that most of my Pokémon are stall/support but, Its like this because I plan to stay grouped with my real life friend who uses mostly attacking Pokémon(we wanna do double battles). I also like this style of play better than a high attack low defense team. Now to talk about my Pokémon. I am not sure what items I will be using but, I no my Ev spreads. Please tell me who I should replace, or what move to change.

Togekiss- serene grace
Aura sphere
Nast plot (maybe cal mind?)
Air slash

Roseraid – natural cure
Weather ball (it turns fire in the sun)
Solar beam
I am not sure. (Maybe toxic, leech seed or, shadow ball)

Lopunny-cute charm

T wave
Substitute? (I don’t know)

Ninetails- drought

Flame thrower
Energy ball
Hidden power fighting

Spirtom –pressure

Pain split
Calm mind
Dark pulse

Espeon –magic bounce

Hidden power fighting
Light screen

Offline Aquashin

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2011, 01:50:03 AM »
pleasse note the natures and evs, otherwise i cant help you
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 02:22:35 AM »
This is the team I plan to use in PU. I know I have got a lot of effect moves and that most of my Pokémon are stall/support but, Its like this because I plan to stay grouped with my real life friend who uses mostly attacking Pokémon(we wanna do double battles). I also like this style of play better than a high attack low defense team. Now to talk about my Pokémon. I am not sure what items I will be using but, I no my Ev spreads. Please tell me who I should replace, or what move to change.

Togekiss- serene grace
Aura sphere
Nast plot (maybe cal mind?)
Air slash

Roseraid – natural cure
Weather ball (it turns fire in the sun)
Solar beam
I am not sure. (Maybe toxic, leech seed or, shadow ball)

Lopunny-cute charm

T wave
Substitute? (I don’t know)

Ninetails- drought

Flame thrower
Energy ball
Hidden power fighting

Spirtom –pressure

Pain split
Calm mind
Dark pulse

Espeon –magic bounce

Hidden power fighting
Light screen
help urself smogon.com click strategy pokedex for some good moveset templates or nu can just use what they have listed but thats not much of a trainer is it...
Rakia(Ra-kie-ya) Deadae(D-A-day)
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I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise...
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Offline Ursaring

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2011, 12:38:18 PM »
Togekiss- modest 252 HP / 36 SpA / 220 Spe
Espeon- timid 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 Spe 
Roseraid- timid  4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Nineails- timid 72 HP / 216 SpA / 220 Spe
Lupunny- jolly 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Spirtomb – calm 252 HP / 140 Def / 116 SpD

I used smogun for some help before I posted but, I did't wanna copy everthing they said.

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2011, 01:52:19 PM »
Togekiss - for a pokemon whith those Ev's, you need to add Thunder Wave, ussualy Togekiss is used as a staller, so use those two.

Espeon - Espeon is rather weak when taking damage, so why not putting more EVS of defense on it? just an ideia

Roserade - Try using a Dream World Roserade, it has Technician Ability that will boost your Weather Ball power by half, and put Toxic.

Ninetails - Nasty Plot to it, to make it more powerfull

Lopunny - its a nice build, but remove Return and add another attack, like Ice Punch, will explain it in a minute

Spiritomb - Instead of Toxic, try Hypnosis, if you let ones pokemon asleep, it will be better for you so use Calm Mind then attack

Items for your pokemon:

Togekiss: Leftovers
Espeon: Leftovers
Roserade: Black Sludge
Ninetails: Air Ballon
Lopunny: Leftovers
Spiritomb: Leftovers

Reason for Ice Punch : alot of people wifi use Dragon Types, and with dragon types, in most cases, also means Flying types, that means x4 weakness to Ice, and you have no Ice type attack, not even Electric Type, or just change one of the Hidden Power  to Ice, your team looks like is ready to fight a team of Steel Types, just saying...

i hope i helped, anything just ask
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Noah_Road

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2011, 02:56:14 PM »
Alrighty I've gotten a pretty good look at your team. I'm known for helping others around this community with their teams so I'll give you some advice on yours.

Togekiss- What you have right here is a bulky special attacker. You have converage in Air Slash and Aura Sphere. From there you can decide one of 2 things: turn Togekiss into a support sweeper or into a set up sweeper. For a support sweeper, switch Nasty Plot to Thunderwave. When a pokemon is paralyzed and is being attacked by an Air Slash from a pokemon with Serene Grace, the pokemon has only a 40% chance to be able to move. This is very useful and exploitable on a Togekiss. If you choose to go for a set up sweeper, keep Nasty Plot and switch your EV spread from what you have now to 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Sp.Def. This will help Togekiss bring out the maximum potential on the +2 boost it gets from Nasty Plot.

Roserade-Despite what Shin said, you never want to forego natural cure on a Roserade for technician. Since Weather Ball is the only move that takes advantage from teh abiltiy, and its not even a STAB move, the ability would be wasted on a pokemon that would rather be psudeo-immune to status ailments. Roserade actually does very well as a lead instead of an offensive core. Try using Sleep Powder, Toxic Spikes/Spikes, Sludge Bomb/Leech Seed/ Energy Ball. This sets your whole team up and can help take down the special walls that I've noticed would give your team some trouble.

Lopunny- Its odd that you picked Lopunny but nevertheless, its still viable if you use it right. Lopunny has a pretty peculiar ability, klutz, which can actually mess some teams up if you predict right. Klutz is an ability that doesn't let the pokemon use their held item. While this may seem like a bad thing, you can use it to your advantage by holding items that would otherwise be hamrful to you without any danger. Lopunny can then switch this harmful item to the opponent with Switcharoo. Take this set into consideration:

Lopunny@Flame Orb
Timid Nature
252 HP/4 Atk/252 Speed.
-Heal Bell

This set focuses on both crippling your opponent and supporting your team. The idea here is to use Switcharoo on a physical attacker (the burn status cuts the attack stat in half)/wall or T-wave on a special attacker. Protect can be used to scout out your opponents team as well as racking up burn damage and Heal Bell is for curing your team of status ailments.

Ninetails-Ninetails seems to be a doublesided sword on your team. The sun doesn't really help support any of your pokemon other than Ninetails itself. Still, it is a good way to stop rain and sand teams. Your EV spread is fine on Ninetails. I would change Energy Ball to Solar Beam since it won't have any charge up time in the sun. Hidden Power Fighting also seems a bit situational on a Ninetails. I would try using Nasty Plot instead to turn Ninetails into a more dangerous special sweeper.

Spirtomb-I don't see anything wrong with this set. I actually like it. Spiritomb is your only wall though so I would be careful after loosing him.

Espeon-Being completely honest, even with the defence EVs, Espeon won't surive repeated physical hits. You should switch the EVs from HP to Sp.Atk to make use of the stats that Espeon can actually untilize. Just from the fact that I am pretty good with Psychic type pokemon, I know that Espeon does amazingly well as a Calm Mind sweeper. I would switch Reflct to Calm Mind and Light Screen to either Shadow Ball or Yawn to force switches.

Items suggested:
Togekiss: Leftovers
Roserade: Black Sludge
Lopunny: Flame Orb
Ninetails: Life Orb
Spiritomb: Leftovers
Espeon: Leftovers/Life Orb/Kespy Berry

Hope this helped.
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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2011, 04:14:38 PM »
Alrighty I've gotten a pretty good look at your team. I'm known for helping others around this community with their teams so I'll give you some advice on yours.

Togekiss- What you have right here is a bulky special attacker. You have converage in Air Slash and Aura Sphere. From there you can decide one of 2 things: turn Togekiss into a support sweeper or into a set up sweeper. For a support sweeper, switch Nasty Plot to Thunderwave. When a pokemon is paralyzed and is being attacked by an Air Slash from a pokemon with Serene Grace, the pokemon has only a 40% chance to be able to move. This is very useful and exploitable on a Togekiss. If you choose to go for a set up sweeper, keep Nasty Plot and switch your EV spread from what you have now to 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Sp.Def. This will help Togekiss bring out the maximum potential on the +2 boost it gets from Nasty Plot.

Roserade-Despite what Shin said, you never want to forego natural cure on a Roserade for technician. Since Weather Ball is the only move that takes advantage from teh abiltiy, and its not even a STAB move, the ability would be wasted on a pokemon that would rather be psudeo-immune to status ailments. Roserade actually does very well as a lead instead of an offensive core. Try using Sleep Powder, Toxic Spikes/Spikes, Sludge Bomb/Leech Seed/ Energy Ball. This sets your whole team up and can help take down the special walls that I've noticed would give your team some trouble.

Lopunny- Its odd that you picked Lopunny but nevertheless, its still viable if you use it right. Lopunny has a pretty peculiar ability, klutz, which can actually mess some teams up if you predict right. Klutz is an ability that doesn't let the pokemon use their held item. While this may seem like a bad thing, you can use it to your advantage by holding items that would otherwise be hamrful to you without any danger. Lopunny can then switch this harmful item to the opponent with Switcharoo. Take this set into consideration:

Lopunny@Flame Orb
Timid Nature
252 HP/4 Atk/252 Speed.
-Heal Bell

This set focuses on both crippling your opponent and supporting your team. The idea here is to use Switcharoo on a physical attacker (the burn status cuts the attack stat in half)/wall or T-wave on a special attacker. Protect can be used to scout out your opponents team as well as racking up burn damage and Heal Bell is for curing your team of status ailments.

Ninetails-Ninetails seems to be a doublesided sword on your team. The sun doesn't really help support any of your pokemon other than Ninetails itself. Still, it is a good way to stop rain and sand teams. Your EV spread is fine on Ninetails. I would change Energy Ball to Solar Beam since it won't have any charge up time in the sun. Hidden Power Fighting also seems a bit situational on a Ninetails. I would try using Nasty Plot instead to turn Ninetails into a more dangerous special sweeper.

Spirtomb-I don't see anything wrong with this set. I actually like it. Spiritomb is your only wall though so I would be careful after loosing him.

Espeon-Being completely honest, even with the defence EVs, Espeon won't surive repeated physical hits. You should switch the EVs from HP to Sp.Atk to make use of the stats that Espeon can actually untilize. Just from the fact that I am pretty good with Psychic type pokemon, I know that Espeon does amazingly well as a Calm Mind sweeper. I would switch Reflct to Calm Mind and Light Screen to either Shadow Ball or Yawn to force switches.

Items suggested:
Togekiss: Leftovers
Roserade: Black Sludge
Lopunny: Flame Orb
Ninetails: Life Orb
Spiritomb: Leftovers
Espeon: Leftovers/Life Orb/Kespy Berry

Hope this helped.

I second this, these builds are probably the best buids for your more defensive style of playing, though pokémon like espeon and rosarade are really frail for a defensive player. Magic Bounce on espeon will help you alot though. 
Another option for Roserade could be a bulky water/ground (which surprises me you aren't using it already, although that water type and Drought Ninetales would contradict eachother probably).
Nidoqueen could be a more defensive pokémon for your team than rosarade would and also has acces to Toxic Spikes plus it has a huge , varied movepool.

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2011, 05:05:16 PM »
NOW GET OUT THERE AND WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rakia(Ra-kie-ya) Deadae(D-A-day)
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I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise...
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Offline Aquashin

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2011, 05:10:31 PM »
NOW GET OUT THERE AND WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i quote that in bigger letters " [size=8]NOW GET OUT THERE AND WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size]
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2011, 11:11:00 PM »
leafeon is the cutest ever sorry
Rakia(Ra-kie-ya) Deadae(D-A-day)
"I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive!
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise...
To fly!"

Offline Ursaring

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2011, 11:35:09 PM »
Tehc wouldent help weather ball since in the sun its base power is 100 and its a fire move in the sun which is why i wanted it.Why is it odd I chose lupunny, I picked pokemon I like. I am using  ninetails to help the guy I plan to play double battles with (also helps that ninetails cancles Other weathers).I will not be dropping my duel screens from my espeon.Is espeon Not the best duel screener....I picked it as my duel screener because it was pretty and had magic bounce but, if theres a better choice let me no. I will drop return for ice punch on lupunny but,I will not be running the iteam swap thing. I don't like any of the water ground types very much. I was thinking of umbreon or forotrisss if I wanted to replace for somthing.

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2011, 11:59:33 PM »
leafeon is the cutest ever sorry

nope, pachirisu is the cutest ever^^

Tehc wouldent help weather ball since in the sun its base power is 100

the Base power of the Weather Ball doesnt change with Sunny Day or Drought, only its element does, so Technician its the best for Lopunny

EDIT: nvm... in Serebii it doesnt say that it doubles when in weather
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 12:09:08 AM by shin21 »
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2011, 02:16:45 AM »
Tehc wouldent help weather ball since in the sun its base power is 100 and its a fire move in the sun which is why i wanted it.Why is it odd I chose lupunny, I picked pokemon I like. I am using  ninetails to help the guy I plan to play double battles with (also helps that ninetails cancles Other weathers).I will not be dropping my duel screens from my espeon.Is espeon Not the best duel screener....I picked it as my duel screener because it was pretty and had magic bounce but, if theres a better choice let me no. I will drop return for ice punch on lupunny but,I will not be running the iteam swap thing. I don't like any of the water ground types very much. I was thinking of umbreon or forotrisss if I wanted to replace for somthing.

Part of me forgot that you made this team for double battles but I think  you have some of your logic a little shaken here. I said its odd that you chose Lopunny with that set as there are other pokemon who can do what she's doing alot better, which will help your partner in doubles. Lopunny isn't the best physical attacker so there is a chance that you would just be hindering your partner. Espeon is a good dual screener, yes, but the EVs you had for him didn't really equate to an efficient dual screener. Thats why I suggested the change.

These were all just suggestions though, and I don't think dobule battles will be a big thing in beta however I think you should post your friend's team so we can see how your team supports his.
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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2011, 10:19:59 AM »
I think you definitely need Delibird.
It's like, top tier atm.
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Offline Ursaring

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Re: I am new to Completive pokemon and need help with my team
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2011, 04:42:56 PM »
So Who does lupunny's job better,Cinnico?
 Oh I am not shure If this will help because I am not shure what his move sets will be (probly focusesd on attack excepte dusknoiror ferrothorn if he uses them).He plans to use 6 of these

Am I a hiddrence to a attack based team?I am realy sorry he hasen't decided his move sets yet ,but he will get them down eventuly.So what I just listed probly  won't help yall very much since i don't no his move sets....
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 05:00:13 PM by Ursaring »