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Author Topic: [RP] Fallout Legends  (Read 3824 times)

Offline repo222

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[RP] Fallout Legends
« on: October 07, 2011, 05:57:56 PM »
 In the year 2012, the government claimed the world would end. They were right, in a finacial and political way that is. The government sent the army to blow up many cities in the US, using nucleur bombs. This ended most lives pretty quick.... But there were suvivors... The animals and people who werent hit with the bombs were now viciuos. Those who were hit and survived.. They became mutants. Huge mutants and small mutants, they were all blood thirsty. And then most of mankind became raiders and killers. When all was lost... There came two types of shelters: a) ghost cities or small abandon  towns. But then came the vaults.. Vaults are underground communities of 50-100 survivors each. They also have a vault leader in charge of everything. The vault leader controls the whole vault making you go to school and getting under ground jobs, where the currency are bottlecaps. The vault leader also gives you a pip boy. A pipboy is everything you need.
Now you must find a way to survive in the wasteland.

Survival Guide:
1. Beware of rad roaches! They are giant, pesky roaches who have dangerous and stinky gases in them.
2. Guards. If you ever want to escape the vault, you go past these heavy armored boys!
3. Mutants. We all know regular mutants suck, but super mutants are bigger and stronger! Dont die!
4. Radiation. Dont eat or drink anything that seems old or has chemicals in it. Also, beware of radiated water.
5. Cities and towns. Some old towns, they have people that might let you stay.
6. Karma. Dont get caught doing crimes. You might get arrested or worst...
7. Equipment. You can money, weapons, armor, and anything else in this world.
8. Raiders. If raiders attack you.... Its smart to hide....

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 07:26:02 PM by Jerry »

Offline repo222

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Re: [RP] Fallout Legends
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2011, 11:09:40 PM »
BeyondX wakes up in a cold, light room. He sitsup and looks at the floor. "Wow. What happened last night?" He says as he gets out of bed and gets dressed. He wears his spiky, blacl skull shirt, and his ripped jeans. He looks on his right arm, and turns on his pipboy 5000. "Greetings, Vault Member 001." The pipboy says. Beyond flips through the menus and looks at the map. "Hmm... Today im going to go visit Vault 002.... Im getting lonely here." He says to himself. He gets up and goes to the armory room. He grabs a gun and puts on some armor. "Helmet, check! Vest, check! Gun, check! Shield, check!" He says as he heads to the vault leader's office. He goes to the main control system and enters the code, and then he watches the exit open. "Now its time for some fun!" He walks out the exit, closing it as he leaves. "Door key, check!" He says as he puts the key in his pocket.