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Author Topic: [Profiles] Forsaken RP  (Read 13431 times)

Offline Robbase231

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[Profiles] Forsaken RP
« on: October 07, 2011, 10:49:39 PM »
Post Profiles here, the RP is here http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,3684.0.html

this is only for profiles

bravery level-
collected pokemon (if any)-

how you died-
wandering ghost or spacial (spacial is stronger, wandering is more mobile) -

Offline Tickles

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2011, 11:00:13 PM »
Profile: Cortex J.
Name: Maxwell
Bravery Level: Neutral (He has his moments of bravery, but sometimes falls to fear.)
Fear: Spiders and Sharp Things
Weakness: Cookies (can't get enough of them for some reason)
Collected Pokemon: Houndoom, Spiritomb, Hydreigon
Bio: Maxwell was a simple Dark type breeder who lived just outside Blackthorn, and populated the route with those kinds of Pokemon. He enjoyed this life for a while, but felt as though something was missing. He left his breeding career, and asked his brother to keep an eye on the house, and set off on his journey. Now, he has found his way into a deserted town, and feels that something is about to happen, soon.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 11:03:26 PM »
Profile: Cortex J.
Name: Maxwell
Bravery Level: Neutral (He has his moments of bravery, but sometimes falls to fear.)
Fear: Spiders and Sharp Things
Weakness: Cookies (can't get enough of them for some reason)
Collected Pokemon: Houndoom, Spiritomb, Hydreigon
Bio: Maxwell was a simple Dark type breeder who lived just outside Blackthorn, and populated the route with those kinds of Pokemon. He enjoyed this life for a while, but felt as though something was missing. He left his breeding career, and asked his brother to keep an eye on the house, and set off on his journey. Now, he has found his way into a deserted town, and feels that something is about to happen, soon.

approved...lol cookies

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2011, 11:33:57 PM »
how you died- A mad pokemon attacked me and killed me.
wandering ghost or spacial (spacial is stronger, wandering is more mobile) - Mobile
bio- Rex was a baker when he was alive, one of the best. He had no fondness for pokemon in his real life and hates people who train then even in death. One day while dilevering a cake to a customer, a mad houndoom attacked him. The paramedic did every thing they could to revive him, but to no avail. He can still make some mean cookies...

Offline Bing

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2011, 11:42:52 PM »
Profile: Bing
Name- Clyde
bravery level- Brave (Except when it comes to water).
fear- Though he is brave, he never learned how to swim and therefore has a deep fear of water.
weakness- Drowning/Swiming.
collected pokemon- Infernape.
bio- Clyde is a drifter, he doesn't know who is parents are, or if they're still alive.  He grew up in an orphanage in Snow Point city.  He was given his first and only pokemon there by a passing pokemon professor.  He has a tendency to enjoy extremely scary things, and wishes for the start of the zombie apocalypse, though it's just a dream of his.
       -Clyde woke up in a desolate place, apparently spending the entire night drinking was a bad idea (Or was it?).

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2011, 12:53:28 AM »
how you died- A mad pokemon attacked me and killed me.
wandering ghost or spacial (spacial is stronger, wandering is more mobile) - Mobile
bio- Rex was a baker when he was alive, one of the best. He had no fondness for pokemon in his real life and hates people who train then even in death. One day while dilevering a cake to a customer, a mad houndoom attacked him. The paramedic did every thing they could to revive him, but to no avail. He can still make some mean cookies...

Approved...cookies appear to be a recurring theme...lol

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2011, 12:54:35 AM »
Profile: Bing
Name- Clyde
bravery level- Brave (Except when it comes to water).
fear- Though he is brave, he never learned how to swim and therefore has a deep fear of water.
weakness- Drowning/Swiming.
collected pokemon- Infernape.
bio- Clyde is a drifter, he doesn't know who is parents are, or if they're still alive.  He grew up in an orphanage in Snow Point city.  He was given his first and only pokemon there by a passing pokemon professor.  He has a tendency to enjoy extremely scary things, and wishes for the start of the zombie apocalypse, though it's just a dream of his.
       -Clyde woke up in a desolate place, apparently spending the entire night drinking was a bad idea (Or was it?).


Offline Ayara012

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2011, 07:05:25 AM »
Profile: Ayara012
Name: Ayara
Bravery level: mostly brave, but still know when to be cautious.
Fear: spiders, losing someone she considers a friend/
Weakness: Freezes up when she cant think of a way out of a situation, therefore making the situation even worse.-_-
gets REALLLLYYYYY excited when she sees something that has to do with a manga/anime she likes.
Collected Pokemon: Pikachu, Mudkip, Bulbasaur, Charmander.
Bio: 14. Her parents abandoned her when she was a child, so she grew up on the streets on Goldenrod City. The one friend she had growing up was killed in front of her, hence her fear of losing someone she knows. She can be somewhat cold or anti-social before she gets to know someone.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 05:08:01 PM by Ayara012 »
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2011, 07:15:07 AM »
Profile: Ayara012
Name: Ayara
Bravery level: mostly brave, but still know when to be cautious.
Fear: spiders, losing someone she considers a friend/
Weakness: Freezes up when she cant think of a way out of a situation, therefore making the situation even worse.-_-
Collected Pokemon: Pikachu, Mudkip, Bulbasaur, Charmander.
Bio: Her parents abandoned her when she was a child, so she grew up on the streets on Goldenrod City. The one friend she had growing up was killed in front of her, hence her fear of losing someone she knows. She can be somewhat cold or anti-social before she gets to know someone.


Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2011, 01:32:54 PM »
bravery level-Paranoid
fear- Spiders
weakness-His left leg is battered so he walks funny.
collected pokemon (if any)-Pichu
bio-He is a 12 year old boy that just appeared near the campfire... he only remembers a bone freezing cold then he appeared, He was close to being a ghost.He has no idea what saved him, he wears clothes similar ton lucy's only with sleeves.
Appearance:He looks very frail and pale, but alive.

. . .

Offline Level5Pidgey

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2011, 03:08:59 PM »
Name - Joson

Bravado - Weak. He's sort of panicked all the time. And very timid.

Fear - Ghost Pokemon, Temporal Distortion, People with a high Bravado score.

Weakness - Temporal Distortion (like a train wreck, he can't help but investigate), Cookies,  Rodents of a Somewhat Toasty Caliber.

Collected Pokemon - Haunter (shenanigans), Mankey, Hoothoot

Bio - Joson is a 26 year old Lavender-bred Pokemon Trainer. He was named after his father, a la "Joe's Son", in a sort of trailer-trash/Irish manner.
Unfortunately, many people mishear his name (partially due to his persistent stutter and penchant for spoonerism) as Jason. Joson wishes his name was this simple and common, but, is quick to correct people (often unsuccessfully) out of respect for his father.
A brief wandering into Pokemon Tower when Joson was very small (7 years of age) - would lend itself to Joson's fear of Ghosts, but also a keen interest in the nature of Time.

Joson began his Pokemon Trainer journey at the age of 17 from New Bark Town - though Kanto was his homeland. Simply, his lack of courage showed in his application letter, and the Pokemon League decided that rather than sending him up against the big boys like Ratatta and Pidgey, he'd have more of a chance against cute and cuddly Sentrets and Hoothoots.

And so, Joson's journey began. Which starter did he pick, you ask?
Well, about that.
Again, the Pokemon League had reservations about Joson's abilities.
Deeming him unable to handle the sheer power of flaming weasels, crocodiles, and leafy dinosaurs - Prof Elm went out and quickly nabbed him a last-minute Hoothoot.

Joson was initially disappointed (because he chansey loves flaming weasels let me tell you. If anyone has pyromusomania - it's this guy right here.), but given his fascination with temporal distortion - Hoothoot's metronomic movement quickly won him over.
Plus its ability to use Foresight is pretty decent for handling Ghosts, if not for its possible implications when it comes to paradoxical time nonsense.

Joson left New Bark Town - and quickly made his way to Violet City.
He was keen especially to check out the Bellsprout Tower, as Bellsprouts are pretty cool guys and deserve all the worship they can get. Little did Joson know, there were Gastly in the tower! Ahhh!
Joson paniced when Hoothoot warned him of one - just as the Gastly started to pull all sort of shenanigans all over the place.
Joson decided tactical retreat was the only god damn way he was getting out of this god forsaken tower - and so he threw Hoothoot's Pokeball in an effort to reclaim his best friend before he fled.
Unfortunately though, John had accidentally grabbed at his butt, rather than his hip - and, so, rather than retrieving Hoothoot's Pokeball, he'd drawn a fresh one off his belt.

He lamented this as he saw the Gastly get pulled into the plasma trap - somewhat reminiscent of the Gohstbusters movies, but was sure that hey, as the Gastly had taken no damage, it couldn't be caught.
Little did he know, this Gastly was a slightly hungover from a Bellsprout's (well, now Weepinbell's) 21st the previous night, and was too busy thinking about bacon to really fight the cature.
And that's how Joson caught his second Pokemon.

Joson used a trusty Escape Rope to flee the tower, and quickly legged it back to New Bark Town - moving off to Route 42. Joson knew the rules - you're not allowed to swim in water, you must Surf on a Pokemon, but he'll be damned if he ever has to go back to Bellsprout Tower.
Joson jumped into the water and fought the strong tides trying to carry him back to New Bark Town - flailing until he reached the other side of the Route, to be met with some tall grass.

Checking his Pokedex manically to ensure that no Ghost Pokemon could be found in this grass, Joson took a deep breath and took a shallow step.
Immediately a Mankey pretty much jumped out and punched him in the face.
But this wasn't just any ordinary Mankey, this was a very peculiar Mankey.
It was actually strangely chilled out - and after its assault on Joson, it quickly sat down and closed its eyes, to Meditate over the repercussion of its aggressive action (and raise its Attack I guess). Could this one slap act as a Butterfree flapping its wings in Cerulean City - and make a Hurricane in Unova?

No - but it could get the Mankey caught, as Joson was quick to grab his ass again for 2 out of 2.
Joson was hesitant to really interact with his Mankey - its huge Bravado score easily intimidating the timid Joson, but, over time they became best friends. Well, they all did. Except Gastly. Who Joson is still rather afraid of.

During his Pokemon journey, Joson would train his Pokemon and gain a lot of battle experience, despite his lack of confidence, stutter, and timid nature, Joson would become an extremely adept trainer, capable of commanding his team in the most effective ways possible.
The only battle flaw Joson exhibits however, is how he arranges his balls on his belt. For some reason, Gastly would usually be the first Pokemon to be sent out, even when he specifically ordered his balls for different results...

Unbeknownst to Joson, shenanigans were afoot. See, his Pokemon love him - but, they love trolling him too. A common sequence of events is that Hoothoot will use its Foresight to see who Joson will sent into battle next, while Mankey would use its extreme speed to rearrange Joson's balls without him noticing.

Due to Gastly's penchant for appearing in battle... a lot... it was rather quick to gain a lot of experience and evolve. Now it is a Haunter, and its pranking abilities grow stronger by the day.
Hoothoot and Mankey have both gained enough experience to evolve similarly, but, they choose not for a variety of reasons.
Hoothoot for necessity - it knows how important its time tracking abilities are to Joson, and similarly its monopedal nature reduces its weakness to its feet falling asleep by half. Hoothoot kind of hates that. Especially because it falls over when it does happen.
Mankey chose not to evolve for more personal (Pokemonal?) reasons - its Relaxed nature and steady personality are how it defines itself. It considers itself almost a monk, with how much it Meditates - in fact you could call it a Monk-ey... no... that's stupid.
It is afraid that if it evolves, it will undergo a personality change, and become more temperamental. And there is no way in hell it's giving up Meditate for some crappy move like Rage.

Anyway, Joson found himself in the Forsaken Land after being told by an old man that the town is detached from Time and Space. Joson had to investigate. He loves this timey-wimey stuff.
Well, he did when it wasn't affecting him at all. He didn't mind Time Travel when it was purely theoretical - now that it is though, he's afraid.
At any rate, he will continue to cautiously investigate the chronologically unsound area until the forsaken event is over. Half deathly-curious, half deathly afraid.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 03:46:39 PM by Level5Pidgey »
Read my Game Design Blog!

And that one, lone, distressed flying Krabby went on to become the most powerful being in the Universe.

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2011, 03:45:51 PM »
bravery level-Paranoid
fear- Spiders
weakness-His left leg is battered so he walks funny.
collected pokemon (if any)-Pichu
bio-He is a 12 year old boy that just appeared near the campfire... he only remembers a bone freezing cold then he appeared, He was close to being a ghost.He has no idea what saved him, he wears clothes similar ton lucy's only with sleeves.
Appearance:He looks very frail and pale, but alive

Approved....this profile feels interesting to me, I wonder how your going to play it

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2011, 03:49:09 PM »
Name - Joson

Bravado - Weak. He's sort of panicked all the time. And very timid.

Fear - Ghost Pokemon, Temporal Distortion, People with a high Bravado score.

Weakness - Temporal Distortion (like a train wreck, he can't help but investigate), Cookies,  Rodents of a Somewhat Toasty Caliber.

Collected Pokemon - Haunter (shenanigans), Mankey, Hoothoot

Bio - Joson is a 26 year old Lavender-bred Pokemon Trainer. He was named after his father, a la "Joe's Son", in a sort of trailer-trash/Irish manner.
Unfortunately, many people mishear his name (partially due to his persistent stutter and penchant for spoonerism) as Jason. Joson wishes his name was this simple and common, but, is quick to correct people (often unsuccessfully) out of respect for his father.
A brief wandering into Pokemon Tower when Joson was very small (7 years of age) - would lend itself to Joson's fear of Ghosts, but also a keen interest in the nature of Time.

Joson began his Pokemon Trainer journey at the age of 17 from New Bark Town - though Kanto was his homeland. Simply, his lack of courage showed in his application letter, and the Pokemon League decided that rather than sending him up against the big boys like Ratatta and Pidgey, he'd have more of a chance against cute and cuddly Sentrets and Hoothoots.

And so, Joson's journey began. Which starter did he pick, you ask?
Well, about that.
Again, the Pokemon League had reservations about Joson's abilities.
Deeming him unable to handle the sheer power of flaming weasels, crocodiles, and leafy dinosaurs - Prof Elm went out and quickly nabbed him a last-minute Hoothoot.

Joson was initially disappointed (because he chansey loves flaming weasels let me tell you. If anyone has pyromusomania - it's this guy right here.), but given his fascination with temporal distortion - Hoothoot's metronomic movement quickly won him over.
Plus its ability to use Foresight is pretty decent for handling Ghosts, if not for its possible implications when it comes to paradoxical time nonsense.

Joson left New Bark Town - and quickly made his way to Violet City.
He was keen especially to check out the Bellsprout Tower, as Bellsprouts are pretty cool guys and deserve all the worship they can get. Little did Joson know, there were Gastly in the tower! Ahhh!
Joson paniced when Hoothoot warned him of one - just as the Gastly started to pull all sort of shenanigans all over the place.
Joson decided tactical retreat was the only god damn way he was getting out of this god forsaken tower - and so he threw Hoothoot's Pokeball in an effort to reclaim his best friend before he fled.
Unfortunately though, John had accidentally grabbed at his butt, rather than his hip - and, so, rather than retrieving Hoothoot's Pokeball, he'd drawn a fresh one off his belt.

He lamented this as he saw the Gastly get pulled into the plasma trap - somewhat reminiscent of the Gohstbusters movies, but was sure that hey, as the Gastly had taken no damage, it couldn't be caught.
Little did he know, this Gastly was a slightly hungover from a Bellsprout's (well, now Weepinbell's) 21st the previous night, and was too busy thinking about bacon to really fight the cature.
And that's how Joson caught his second Pokemon.

Joson used a trusty Escape Rope to flee the tower, and quickly legged it back to New Bark Town - moving off to Route 42. Joson knew the rules - you're not allowed to swim in water, you must Surf on a Pokemon, but he'll be damned if he ever has to go back to Bellsprout Tower.
Joson jumped into the water and fought the strong tides trying to carry him back to New Bark Town - flailing until he reached the other side of the Route, to be met with some tall grass.

Checking his Pokedex manically to ensure that no Ghost Pokemon could be found in this grass, Joson took a deep breath and took a shallow step.
Immediately a Mankey pretty much jumped out and punched him in the face.
But this wasn't just any ordinary Mankey, this was a very peculiar Mankey.
It was actually strangely chilled out - and after its assault on Joson, it quickly sat down and closed its eyes, to Meditate over the repercussion of its aggressive action (and raise its Attack I guess). Could this one slap act as a Butterfree flapping its wings in Cerulean City - and make a Hurricane in Unova?

No - but it could get the Mankey caught, as Joson was quick to grab his ass again for 2 out of 2.
Joson was hesitant to really interact with his Mankey - its huge Bravado score easily intimidating the timid Joson, but, over time they became best friends. Well, they all did. Except Gastly. Who Joson is still rather afraid of.

During his Pokemon journey, Joson would train his Pokemon and gain a lot of battle experience, despite his lack of confidence, stutter, and timid nature, Joson would become an extremely adept trainer, capable of commanding his team in the most effective ways possible.
The only battle flaw Joson exhibits however, is how he arranges his balls on his belt. For some reason, Gastly would usually be the first Pokemon to be sent out, even when he specifically ordered his balls for different results...

Unbeknownst to Joson, shenanigans were afoot. See, his Pokemon love him - but, they love trolling him too. A common sequence of events is that Hoothoot will use its Foresight to see who Joson will sent into battle next, while Mankey would use its extreme speed to rearrange Joson's balls without him noticing.

Due to Gastly's penchant for appearing in battle... a lot... it was rather quick to gain a lot of experience and evolve. Now it is a Haunter, and its pranking abilities grow stronger by the day.
Hoothoot and Mankey have both gained enough experience to evolve similarly, but, they choose not for a variety of reasons.
Hoothoot for necessity - it knows how important its time tracking abilities are to Joson, and similarly its monopedal nature reduces its weakness to its feet falling asleep by half. Hoothoot kind of hates that. Especially because it falls over when it does happen.
Mankey chose not to evolve for more personal (Pokemonal?) reasons - its Relaxed nature and steady personality are how it defines itself. It considers itself almost a monk, with how much it Meditates - in fact you could call it a Monk-ey... no... that's stupid.
It is afraid that if it evolves, it will undergo a personality change, and become more temperamental. And there is no way in hell it's giving up Meditate for some crappy move like Rage.

Anyway, Joson found himself in the Forsaken Land after being told by an old man that the town is detached from Time and Space. Joson had to investigate. He loves this timey-wimey stuff.
Well, he did when it wasn't affecting him at all. He didn't mind Time Travel when it was purely theoretical - now that it is though, he's afraid.
At any rate, he will continue to cautiously investigate the chronologically unsound area until the forsaken event is over. Half deathly-curious, half deathly afraid.

Well daaaaannnnng....you got yourself one heck of a bio, I'm pretty sure you told his entire life story in there XDDD

APPROVED...Hmmm, so he knows about temporal distortion, and has moves ready for ghosts, this is interesting

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2011, 08:21:31 PM »
bravery level-Very very very cowerdly.
fear-Everything that moves
weakness-Anything that moves
collected pokemon (if any)-gardevoir.
bio-James's parents died when he was 5, they were killed in a forest when they got seperated, he was found and taken care of by a gardevoir, he then decided to go out of the forest for a little bit when he was 10, while he was out he learned about trainers and everything, he then went to the nearest professor and and told him he wanted to become a trainer, he also said he knows a pokemon that would go with him but he has no pokeballs, the proffesor gave james a pokeball and tells James to go catch that pokemon and then he will be a trainer, James went and caught the gardevoir and went back to the professor, teh professor gave him a trainer license thing and he started his journey.

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [Profiles] Forsaken RP
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2011, 08:50:19 PM »
bravery level-Very very very cowerdly.
fear-Everything that moves
weakness-Anything that moves
collected pokemon (if any)-gardevoir.
bio-James's parents died when he was 5, they were killed in a forest when they got seperated, he was found and taken care of by a gardevoir, he then decided to go out of the forest for a little bit when he was 10, while he was out he learned about trainers and everything, he then went to the nearest professor and and told him he wanted to become a trainer, he also said he knows a pokemon that would go with him but he has no pokeballs, the proffesor gave james a pokeball and tells James to go catch that pokemon and then he will be a trainer, James went and caught the gardevoir and went back to the professor, teh professor gave him a trainer license thing and he started his journey.

approved...though this is like the worst possible place for him