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Author Topic: Share your paranormal experiences!  (Read 136660 times)

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #135 on: July 29, 2011, 07:23:10 PM »
the thing with the doll is not unheard of, there are cases of spirit energy attaching to items, usually Items that the person was close to in life, I've only heard of them, haven't encountered a case of that yet, but there is a first time for everything

Offline Wire

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #136 on: July 29, 2011, 09:40:23 PM »
I had freaky experiences with those Furby dolls when i was trying to sleep they would just stare at me then one night it started talking out of the blue i definetly turned it off that night but it was scary as poop.

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #137 on: July 29, 2011, 09:44:59 PM »
let me ask ya something about that furby, did ya check the batteries on that thing? Jason's Daughter (Jason Hawes is the founder of TAPS or The Atlantic Paranormal Society) was hearing strange things in her room for a time so they went and checked it out and found that her Furby doll was low on battery power, that may be what you were experiencing

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #138 on: July 29, 2011, 10:18:55 PM »
hmm... from what you saw did it have mass or was it just a shadow on the wall, if the latter are there any windows near where you were? if what you saw was legit, what you saw is known as a shadow person, usually manifestations of the dead, keep your eyes peeled around there and let me know of anything similar happening, this is the first claim to catch my real attention in a while

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #139 on: July 30, 2011, 06:50:48 AM »
okay, were you doing any renovating or construction on the house or land? do you know any of the history of the location? are there any objects in the basement or nearby that could be linked to a death or even an object someone was close to? is there a body of water near your house? water can be a source for spirit energy according to some native american tribes 

Offline Wire

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #140 on: July 30, 2011, 01:56:14 PM »
Trainerx maybe it was your shadow.

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #141 on: July 30, 2011, 03:06:21 PM »
Trainerx maybe it was your shadow.

Unlikely, he said it was moving too fast for him to see, if it was his, he would've seen it better because he would be moving at the same speed, am I making any sense?

Offline Desbear

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #142 on: July 30, 2011, 05:30:54 PM »
You are making sense lance, trainerx, was there light? And if not it could have been a mouse, or do you have any pets? Evan if it was light the pet could already have black fur and was running, or it got into something and got it's fur black or brown, like mud, see immortal expert in paranormal stuff,I Kay like to put the practical view, I may post more often on this thread now, trying to help any way I can.

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #143 on: July 30, 2011, 07:47:02 PM »
if you read trainerx's claim more closely he said it couldn't have been an animal because his dogs were outside and he had a clear view of his cat, but rodents do sound like something to look into, trainerx, is there any sign of rodent activity in your house?

Offline Wire

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #144 on: July 30, 2011, 09:27:39 PM »
Ok really i think your making too big a deal of this go down the freaking cellar unless you too chicken.

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #145 on: July 31, 2011, 03:15:30 PM »
Ok really i think your making too big a deal of this go down the freaking cellar unless you too chicken.

okay, Wire, that was pretty obnoxious of you, I keep saying this and I'll say it again, if you don't have anything to say that can help explain or debunk what people experienced then please don't post, this is where people who have had experiences can turn to to talk about what happened to them without getting laughed at, I get ridiculed all the time by my family for being an investigator

okay, were you doing any renovating or construction on the house or land? do you know any of the history of the location? are there any objects in the basement or nearby that could be linked to a death or even an object someone was close to? is there a body of water near your house? water can be a source for spirit energy according to some native american tribes
I don't know anything about the history of the land. My parents found the property when they were looking for a new place, and decided to build a house there since there was so much unused land there. There's a small pond on the property, about 50 yards away from the house(That's just a guess, it could be closer or farther than that.). I'm not sure, there could be something in a box somewhere that belonged to my great-grandmother. I don't think anything down there would be linked to the death of someone though.

You are making sense lance, trainerx, was there light? And if not it could have been a mouse, or do you have any pets? Evan if it was light the pet could already have black fur and was running, or it got into something and got it's fur black or brown, like mud, see immortal expert in paranormal stuff,I Kay like to put the practical view, I may post more often on this thread now, trying to help any way I can.
It was during the day, but the windows were too small to let much light in. I have two cats and a dog, and there's also my uncle's dog there. One of the cats was outside with the two dogs, and I saw the other one on the steps before I went downstairs. The cat couldn't have gotten in there, so it wasn't her.

if you read trainerx's claim more closely he said it couldn't have been an animal because his dogs were outside and he had a clear view of his cat, but rodents do sound like something to look into, trainerx, is there any sign of rodent activity in your house?
We don't see many rodents where I live, and I've never seen any in the house unless one of the cats killed it and carried it inside. We see a few outside every once in a while though. And now that I think about it, my cat won't go into the root cellar at all. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with paranormal activity, but I've heard that animals and small children are more sensitive to spirits, so it could be a possibility. My uncle's dog doesn't like to go in there either. I think it was bigger than a rodent though, but it's hard to tell because of how quickly it moved.

And there was also the time when that priest said that he sensed bad energy down there, so it could be what he sensed. My uncle is also a very negative and prideful person(so basically, he's an ass), and his bed is very close to the root cellar. He also keeps all of his stuff down there, so it's basically his room, and he's usually watching TV down there when he's not working or making something to eat.

okay, how recently was the house built? and I am also recommending looking into the history of the land, because it is POSSIBLE your family stirred up something when the house was built, how long have you experienced activity?

you are correct that animals & Children are more sensitive to spirits, especially cats that is why they have been a favorite of witches, wiccans such as myself and so on because they are naturally psychic animals.

I don't know about what the priest sensed, because if it was a negative entity, you would have a LOT more going on, you would have lightbulbs exploding, stuff thrown at ya, being hit by unknown forces, the list goes on.
possibly the entity doesn't like your uncle storing his things in the entity's space and is mad at him

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #146 on: July 31, 2011, 10:04:09 PM »
okay, about that experience your mom had, what you describe sounds to me like sleep paralysis, it is a form of paralysis that we all go into when we go to sleep, it keeps us from lashing around in our sleep, and sometimes we sind up waking up while our bodies are still in that state, I've had cases of it too, I can concur with her that it IS scary, but it is not paranormal.  when you moved in on christmas eve, how long after you moved did you experience activity? I do NOT think that this entity has malicious intent, it might be trying to get your attention.  However, I was talking with my mom just today about your case and she asked if you have a medical history of hallucinations or similar symptoms. also hallucinations are symptoms of high Sensitivity to EMFs so I recommend checking the area that you saw this shadow for how high the EMF level is If any

Offline Wire

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #147 on: August 01, 2011, 12:21:07 AM »
Video evidance of somthing scary happening would be helpful otherwise this kind of stuff is easily made up after such movies being released such as paranormal activity which first time seeing its scary as poop when you watch it alone.

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #148 on: August 01, 2011, 04:43:39 AM »
Wire, I respect your skepticism but please, don't use it as a way to insult people

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #149 on: August 01, 2011, 05:01:18 AM »
Wire, I respect your skepticism but please, don't use it as a way to insult people

Ignore Wire. He's a fail troll.
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