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Author Topic: Share your paranormal experiences!  (Read 136656 times)

Offline Janus

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« Reply #75 on: April 08, 2010, 12:23:24 AM »
is it a tattoo or is it an actual mark on the skin?

Offline Amphi

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« Reply #76 on: April 09, 2010, 03:22:16 AM »
most major experiences I've had

1st one at my friends home in a small town called Revillo, SD.  I was staying at his house and with out my prior knowledge their house is haunted, by two spirits, one of them good one bad,  the bad one decided to have a fit that night and it threw a few dishes and a lamp but it stayed out of this room where the good spirit was usually seen sitting in my friends grandmother's rocking chair.  we all decided to sleep there that night as my friends parents weren't home, the bad spirit we think is a either some sort of demon or the person who killed the lady who lived there before my friends grandmother, who also killed himself

the 2nd experience is just a spirit walking up and down the stairs at another friends house, when they moved in they also found a doll head in the attic with human blood on it
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Offline duotent

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« Reply #77 on: April 09, 2010, 11:59:28 AM »
ive had a few minor(at least in my mind) stuff that might be nothing everytime i go into a new room or i go outside or if im thinking i dont feel anything  but everyone who watches see's me shaking as if hit by a cold blast and i also feel at random moments i feel stabing pain as if a knife is just pricking my temple or i feel it on the back of my neck.
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Offline Janus

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« Reply #78 on: April 09, 2010, 01:14:56 PM »
most major experiences I've had

1st one at my friends home in a small town called Revillo, SD.  I was staying at his house and with out my prior knowledge their house is haunted, by two spirits, one of them good one bad,  the bad one decided to have a fit that night and it threw a few dishes and a lamp but it stayed out of this room where the good spirit was usually seen sitting in my friends grandmother's rocking chair.  we all decided to sleep there that night as my friends parents weren't home, the bad spirit we think is a either some sort of demon or the person who killed the lady who lived there before my friends grandmother, who also killed himself

the 2nd experience is just a spirit walking up and down the stairs at another friends house, when they moved in they also found a doll head in the attic with human blood on it

okay, on the subject of your friends two spirits: the one you claim is a bad spirit sounds more like a poltergeist, the name is german for "noisy spirit" these I refer to as spirit vandals the other spirit you provided very little info on but most likely it was the spirit of your friend's grandma, and her presence is keeping the poltergeist at bay.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #79 on: April 09, 2010, 01:17:14 PM »
ive had a few minor(at least in my mind) stuff that might be nothing everytime i go into a new room or i go outside or if im thinking i dont feel anything  but everyone who watches see's me shaking as if hit by a cold blast and i also feel at random moments i feel stabing pain as if a knife is just pricking my temple or i feel it on the back of my neck.

first of all, how old is the wiring in the location these things occur in?

Offline duotent

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« Reply #80 on: April 09, 2010, 03:04:30 PM »
at least 2 yrs or so
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Offline Amphi

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« Reply #81 on: April 09, 2010, 05:52:05 PM »
most major experiences I've had

1st one at my friends home in a small town called Revillo, SD.  I was staying at his house and with out my prior knowledge their house is haunted, by two spirits, one of them good one bad,  the bad one decided to have a fit that night and it threw a few dishes and a lamp but it stayed out of this room where the good spirit was usually seen sitting in my friends grandmother's rocking chair.  we all decided to sleep there that night as my friends parents weren't home, the bad spirit we think is a either some sort of demon or the person who killed the lady who lived there before my friends grandmother, who also killed himself

the 2nd experience is just a spirit walking up and down the stairs at another friends house, when they moved in they also found a doll head in the attic with human blood on it

okay, on the subject of your friends two spirits: the one you claim is a bad spirit sounds more like a poltergeist, the name is german for "noisy spirit" these I refer to as spirit vandals the other spirit you provided very little info on but most likely it was the spirit of your friend's grandma, and her presence is keeping the poltergeist at bay.

thank you for your insight ^ ^ and i wish i could provide more information, but as such im no longer in contact with my friend, not really sure what went wrong but his personality changed for the worse when his little brother died, some how there garage door fell on the poor kid, but yeah my friend is a really bad person now, has satanic tattoos all over his body the one i felt was most prominent is an upside down pentagram in his right hand palm, i remember him waking up with that one around the same time his little brother died either a few days before or a few days after, not exactly sure
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Offline Janus

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« Reply #82 on: April 09, 2010, 06:50:54 PM »
I feel sorry for your friend, man, it's good that you're avoiding him, satanists and their followers cannot be trusted, I got on the wrong end of one and that caused me to break up with my last girlfriend.  it was a hard decision for the two of us to make, but I did lay protection spells on her and provided her a talisman for protection against negative spirits.  I keep in touch with her in the event she is in trouble again.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #83 on: April 24, 2010, 03:34:02 PM »
Hello everybody, just thought I'd post this here, as You might have heard, I am a Paranormal investigator myself, the reason I started this thread was to help people on this website who have or have had run ins with the paranormal understand or debunk their experiences.  and I just got back from an investigation down state where there were some very interesting claims, in this case, it was an old camping location close to a lake, and it is said by many native american tribes that water is said to fuel spirit activity.  some of the claims were centered around when there was a campfire going and people were making merry and drinking, Now I am 21 just like the people on my team, so we thought we dropped by a grocery store on the way there, bought some drinks and headed to the camp, built a campfire, and I brought my acoustic guitar and played some jolly tunes to make it sound like a camp party hoping to draw out activity.  we took it in turns to monitor the equipment and sit on the edge of the campsite trying to make contact with the entities.  once the sun rose up a couple of us (me not included) managed to somehow recover quickly from hangovers then went to see if we gathered any evidence, apparently we caught quite a lot; a number of EVPS of drunken laughter that seemed to be coming from the area where the partying was going on, we caught some interesting hits on our thermal cam, and with our motion activated cameras we caught some shadow figures, it was a boatload of evidence that made us safe to say that the camp was haunted!

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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« Reply #84 on: May 03, 2010, 03:13:23 PM »
Hello everyone, I was once known as Janus but due to some complicated reasons I had to make a new account luckily my Pre-beta tester status was transferred over, and if Mr. Dark is reading this, I thank him, but on to business, after my uncle and his family allegedly photographed the jersey devil, a dragon-like creature with a horse's head, bat-like wings and what looks like goat hooves, and after my uncle gave me the original picture I was traveling up and down all of new england talking with various photo experts to see if the photo was indeed fake, my uncle is a pro photographer so he would know how to fake something like this and so I took the pic around to photo specialists to take a look at. and after the photo was deemed credible by three different experts, I decided to open a NEW topic where ALL stories not just about ghosts but other strange activity such as Bigfoot, Nessie, and other strange creatures sid to be roaming this large world of ours

I will now share a story from my latest paranormal investigation into an asylum in the osuthern end of my home state where it is said that former patients still reside there.  the moment the investigation began we were experiencing stuff from cold spots to footsteps, more than once my partner that I worked with on the team got slapped in the rear end by an unseen hand, the first time I thought it was my partner fooling around with me but he was on the other side of the room, no way he could have reached that far, I tried reaching out to the possible entity by trying to be sympathetic if it was a patient, try to talk to them as if I was a patient too. being one who spent a couple months in a facility but a lot better than this one, we later found an EVP from that talk when I asked "What's keeping you here?" and I heard a voice say "THe pain.." we caught some other pieces of audio from that investigation, one of a exhaled breath into the microphone, many screams but what was really intriguing was two pieces of video footage, one of this translucent apparition walkint out into a hall paused to take  look at the camera then darted down the hall, and another where one of our IR cameras turned a full 360 degrees and then pointed back to where it was originally pointing! VERDICT: Haunted!

now I hereby open my new extended topic to include not only experiences with ghosts, but also with strange creatures that science hasn't explained yet

Offline pokeman99

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« Reply #85 on: June 12, 2010, 03:42:39 PM »
I'm not totally sure if this is paranormal or not but one time I was in my bed in a small dark room and i had to use the restroom so i went out in the hallway and i saw this creepy yellow glowing ball that kinda looked liked the sun except when you swiped at it your hand went through it.
Every night since then ive seen that big glowing ball.
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« Reply #86 on: June 12, 2010, 05:22:07 PM »
Had you just turned on a light in your room and then walked out? Because if you did, the glowing yellow light would be the result of looking into a light directly. I get that a lot after I look into a light. You will see a colored light even when you close your eyes and it appears to change form and shape.

Offline Tetsuo

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« Reply #87 on: June 12, 2010, 08:32:43 PM »
Well, I've had a few experiences but the most scary one was about 8 years ago.
I went to my friends house for a sleepover and for what I knew, their whole family was into the spiritual aspects of life, at that time I thought it was plain bull****...
Now, his sister and a friend of her's went to the caravan outside to sleep there, taken a ouija board there. Again, I thought it was the stupidest thing ever invented (and not for the paranormal, lol). So, we went playing on our N64 till some hours passed and we heard screams from outside. Not just normal screames, but real screams in fear, it was freightening! We went outside (together with his parents) and kept on hearing the screams of those 2 girls, alongside with glass breaking and objects bumping to the wall... His father tried to get in but the door was locked... The caravan caught fire... It was just a small fire but rising rapidly. At this point the father smashed the door and the girls could get out.
The next day they told us what happened, they were just playing with the ouija board when everything started to be smached and thrown over. When they tried to get out the door was locked and the gas started to siss, and after a few seconds it caught fire. They never mentionned an entity they saw or something.
So, after hearing the story we went out to see what was left of the caravan (we put out the fire but most of the damage was already done) and to our surprise, the door was unlocked..
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Offline Lance_Stormblade

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« Reply #88 on: June 12, 2010, 09:43:25 PM »
I'm not totally sure if this is paranormal or not but one time I was in my bed in a small dark room and i had to use the restroom so i went out in the hallway and i saw this creepy yellow glowing ball that kinda looked liked the sun except when you swiped at it your hand went through it.
Every night since then ive seen that big glowing ball.

Did it seem to have mass to it or was it just a light on a wall or something?

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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« Reply #89 on: June 12, 2010, 09:49:32 PM »
Well, I've had a few experiences but the most scary one was about 8 years ago.
I went to my friends house for a sleepover and for what I knew, their whole family was into the spiritual aspects of life, at that time I thought it was plain bull****...
Now, his sister and a friend of her's went to the caravan outside to sleep there, taken a ouija board there. Again, I thought it was the stupidest thing ever invented (and not for the paranormal, lol). So, we went playing on our N64 till some hours passed and we heard screams from outside. Not just normal screames, but real screams in fear, it was freightening! We went outside (together with his parents) and kept on hearing the screams of those 2 girls, alongside with glass breaking and objects bumping to the wall... His father tried to get in but the door was locked... The caravan caught fire... It was just a small fire but rising rapidly. At this point the father smashed the door and the girls could get out.
The next day they told us what happened, they were just playing with the ouija board when everything started to be smached and thrown over. When they tried to get out the door was locked and the gas started to siss, and after a few seconds it caught fire. They never mentionned an entity they saw or something.
So, after hearing the story we went out to see what was left of the caravan (we put out the fire but most of the damage was already done) and to our surprise, the door was unlocked..

*Facepalm* WHAT IN THE NAME OF ISIS WERE THOSE GIRLS THINKING?! those things are very dangerous, inhuman entities will think nothing of harming people like that, usually to death, I mean you might have read about my incident (I was originally Janus)