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Author Topic: Share your paranormal experiences!  (Read 136988 times)

Offline Janus

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« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2010, 01:22:53 PM »
You can actually use a hiking compass as an EMF Detector. Without the holder moving, the compass needle will spin wildly or stay in one place.

Another haunting last night, the worst so far. Someone or something was sleeping with me in my bed! I could hear breathing behind me, and I could feel it breathing too! And at one point, I actually felt pressure on my back, as if someone was sleeping right next to me.  :(

thanks for the tip with the compass, but EMF gauges i find are more precise, I'm not saying that it won't work, it may be a good method for starting investigators but I've been investigating for 4 years now and the funding from a good friend of mine to buy equipment has been phenomenal (I have a friend who's family is well off even in financial times like these and his family has been very helpful in funding for my team's equipment) thanks to their funding, we've been able to get ahold of gear that we normally wouldn't have been able to!
On the subject of your experience, I have heard of stuff like this, based on how it felt do you think it was an adult or child?

Well, the breathing was irregular, but steady, and the pressure was only on my back, so I would assume a child, maybe six to ten years old. Finally got a good night's rest btw! So that means it's just my dad's house that's haunted.

maybe some residual energy is tied to the bed and the entity is sleeping in that bed

Offline PokeRoach

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« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2010, 04:46:00 AM »
this may sound weird, but i have been plagued by the paranormal all my life.
ever since i was 5, i've been terrified of being alone ANYTIME. even in brightly lit rooms.
when i was 5 years old, i remember my bedroom door would open and close while i was in bed. and when i would try to get out of my room. the door would slam shut and the knob refuses to turn. that happened about 3 times before things escalated. i would be fast asleep and i'd wake up to an extreme cold that feels like it comes out of a freezer, and i'd hear heavy footsteps approaching my bedroom door, then the cold would vanish and i would hear a loud moaning come from the guest bedroom.
when i was 7 things got bad. i vividly remember one time, i was up at around 9 at night playing the legend of zelda on NES, and i heard a loud bang come from my room. i didn't go investigate because i thought it was just my dad at the back door. but a couple minutes later, the room i was playing video games in got cold, probably colder than those nights i'd wake up. next thing i knew, i was on the ground with a huge gash on my shoulder and a few other cuts. wait until you know what happens almost every day now. things even happen when i'm in a public place, i was at school in math class and the bathroom door made a loud click and the door swung open. and another example is when i was on the school bus, i was sitting across from my friend and all of a sudden, i couldnt breathe, it was like somebody had put a belt around my neck and pulled it tight.
right before it happened, my friend said he saw a white mist form in the seat behind me and he literally freaked out while it was happening.

worst experience i've had is most likely when i first moved to florida.
i was unpacking some of my clothes from my boxes and i swear i could smell a strong sulphuric smell right before i got hit with this heavy force that pinned me to a wall and actually left a huge crack.

i'm not the only one experiencing this thing, anyone anywhere near me is subject to this harassment. and no, i'm not joking.

also, about a month ago, i actually tried to set up a video camera to tape me while i sleep, i woke up and half the camera had been melted
reviewing the video showed that the battery level dropped to the flashing low bar 2 minutes after i got in bed. and after i was fast asleep, the camera started shaking and it caught a shadow moving around the room. the lens cracked and liquid plastic leaked over the lens, then the camera caught the words "Sie alle sterben" (you're all going to die)
after that i've been having my girlfriend and her sisters sleep over alot.
it hasnt bothered me much after that, but as i'm writing this, i can hear weird noises coming from the kitchen.

it only physically hurt me a couple times, but i'm still living in fear of what i cannot see.
and as was stated in the first post, we did a quija board session after the camera incident and we asked the name of the entity and it passed over the letters "A-M-S-E-L" which so happens to be my family's last name.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #62 on: March 29, 2010, 03:16:26 PM »
this may sound weird, but i have been plagued by the paranormal all my life.
ever since i was 5, i've been terrified of being alone ANYTIME. even in brightly lit rooms.
when i was 5 years old, i remember my bedroom door would open and close while i was in bed. and when i would try to get out of my room. the door would slam shut and the knob refuses to turn. that happened about 3 times before things escalated. i would be fast asleep and i'd wake up to an extreme cold that feels like it comes out of a freezer, and i'd hear heavy footsteps approaching my bedroom door, then the cold would vanish and i would hear a loud moaning come from the guest bedroom.
when i was 7 things got bad. i vividly remember one time, i was up at around 9 at night playing the legend of zelda on NES, and i heard a loud bang come from my room. i didn't go investigate because i thought it was just my dad at the back door. but a couple minutes later, the room i was playing video games in got cold, probably colder than those nights i'd wake up. next thing i knew, i was on the ground with a huge gash on my shoulder and a few other cuts. wait until you know what happens almost every day now. things even happen when i'm in a public place, i was at school in math class and the bathroom door made a loud click and the door swung open. and another example is when i was on the school bus, i was sitting across from my friend and all of a sudden, i couldnt breathe, it was like somebody had put a belt around my neck and pulled it tight.
right before it happened, my friend said he saw a white mist form in the seat behind me and he literally freaked out while it was happening.

worst experience i've had is most likely when i first moved to florida.
i was unpacking some of my clothes from my boxes and i swear i could smell a strong sulphuric smell right before i got hit with this heavy force that pinned me to a wall and actually left a huge crack.

i'm not the only one experiencing this thing, anyone anywhere near me is subject to this harassment. and no, i'm not joking.

also, about a month ago, i actually tried to set up a video camera to tape me while i sleep, i woke up and half the camera had been melted
reviewing the video showed that the battery level dropped to the flashing low bar 2 minutes after i got in bed. and after i was fast asleep, the camera started shaking and it caught a shadow moving around the room. the lens cracked and liquid plastic leaked over the lens, then the camera caught the words "Sie alle sterben" (you're all going to die)
after that i've been having my girlfriend and her sisters sleep over alot.
it hasnt bothered me much after that, but as i'm writing this, i can hear weird noises coming from the kitchen.

it only physically hurt me a couple times, but i'm still living in fear of what i cannot see.
and as was stated in the first post, we did a quija board session after the camera incident and we asked the name of the entity and it passed over the letters "A-M-S-E-L" which so happens to be my family's last name.

I may be wiccan, but there is no doubt about it, You've got a demon on your hands, you've got textbook demonic activity, I tried googling Amsel and looking it up to see if it is also a demon name, didn't find it on the list of known demons, has any of your family ever dabbled in the occult? or anyone who lived in your place of residence done so? it seems to be attatched to you for some reason, you need help, if you attend church or anything of that nature contact your religious leader, it is part of what they do to help and if you ignore this entities presence any longer it might not be long before you wound up possessed or something of that nature, get spiritual help! take it from someone who is a practicing wiccan and has a few experiences with the demonic!
I'll talk with a close friend of mine who has had more experience with demons then me and once I seek his advise I'll Private message you

Offline PokeRoach

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« Reply #63 on: March 29, 2010, 04:56:15 PM »
haven't looked into family history much yet, but what everyone's been talking about every time i ask my relatives is some "Albrecht". apparently what everyone has been telling me is  that Albrecht Amsel was a complete lunatic who thought everyone was trying to kill him so he killed a few people before he had a heart attack and died right next to his last victim.
that is what my grandparents told me.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #64 on: March 29, 2010, 06:57:41 PM »
personally based on that new info you provided, I have to say this:
demons are creatures of deception, from what you described of this Albrecht person, I'd like to know more about what you can find on him, because most people suffering from demonic possession are normally classified as lunatics, what kind of behavior did he exibit, I wouldn't rule out the entity feeding him deception that everyone was out to kill him, and mostly when a demon has no need of the person it makes the victim die of of natural causes like a heart attack OR forces them to commit suicide, I am astounded that you've lasted this long and haven't been possessed yet, is your family christian or anything? because that may be why you haven't been possessed yet because you have family and/or friends praying for you so the entity can only intimidate you, this is part from experience as an investigator and just consulting one who has cast out demons for his advice, he advised the same thing I did, get spiritual help, and if you can pull it off, I'd recommend calling in investigator and demonologists Ed and Lorraine warren, they are my Idols in the paranormal community and THE top demonologists in the world working on cases such as the infamous amnityville horror case in which Lorraine took on step into the house and said instantly: I hope this is the closest to hell I ever come! they would be the best people to consult coming from an investigator's point of view

Offline PokeRoach

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« Reply #65 on: March 30, 2010, 01:41:48 AM »
well i was doing a bit more digging with other people in my family and i did get some new information, he was a normal everyday person one day, and the next, according to what i heard from a few family members, he was in a total state of insanity. not to scare anyone. but he literally gouged out the eyes of each of his victims and ate them. one link between the victims is a quite obvious one, they were all close to dying of some form of illness.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #66 on: March 30, 2010, 03:23:50 AM »
yep, that sounds demonic to me, most likely the entity is using your ancestor as a mask of it's true nature

Offline Neona

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« Reply #67 on: April 05, 2010, 04:58:12 AM »
VERY RARE OCCASSIONS...(it's only happened twice)
when i'm in bed,this weird fuzz..thing appears(its always at night)

the first time...i turned my head a little to the right(there's no door so it's not coming from a different room)i saw it...i flinched and jumped backwards it jumped across the room and materialized when it hit the floor

the second somebody was in my room, right when they left, i dropped something when i went to get it(i leaned over in bed) and it was there,it jumped and hit the ceiling and dissapeared in my covers...i had to sleep on the couch all night...

another occassions :

i see a faintly colored silhouette of something floating smiling creepily appears...whats wired is that its not thrown over the wall..its strange...i only see it for a split second (only in the bathroom) the first yome,you know when you take a hot shower that the mirror is foggy exept for the edges? i saw it and i was frozen solid with fear,another time is when i saw it infront of me TWICE when i turn around mostly when i stare at the floor for about 20 seconds,im afraid to take showers now  :-[

i haven't seen it..but i know it's there,there's a hallway between my computer and my room, i feel the presence of something chasing me,i saw it once but it evaporated when light hit it

« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 12:18:35 AM by Neona »

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« Reply #68 on: April 05, 2010, 06:54:30 AM »
It seems you have some weird monsters in your house.

Offline sym

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« Reply #69 on: April 05, 2010, 07:37:24 AM »
i have a pentagram on my hand. my right hand.
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Offline Mr Pokemon

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« Reply #70 on: April 05, 2010, 12:41:39 PM »
This is something that didn't happen to me, but someone that I know. He was jet-skiing around some island (not sure where) when he suddenly hit a rock and gouged his leg open. He managed to swim to sure and a helicopter took him to a hospital. Later in the news he read about a young kid who had been jet-skiing at the same place, and hit the same rock, drowned and died. It said that the kid had resurfaced earlier in the same day that he was jet-skiing there. The kid resurfaced a year and a day after he died (the same time it is believed the soul leaves the body) I just wanted to know if this is true or just a strange coincidence.

As for me, I'll only have occasional De Ja Vu. For those of you who don't know what that is- De ja vu is when you experience something that has never happened before, and you know it, but it feels like you've done the same exact thing the same exact way before. You know it's happened but you still can't predict what will happen next.
Also, sometimes a will not hear footsteps, but feel them. It is kind of weird, I think it might be due to me waking up super early every morning and hearing my dad's light footsteps downstairs, but that is just a thought.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 01:12:10 AM by Mr Pokemon »

Offline Janus

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« Reply #71 on: April 07, 2010, 01:24:35 AM »
VERY RARE OCCASSIONS...(it's only happened twice)
when i'm in bed,this weird fuzz..thing appears(its always at night)

the first time...i turned my head a little to the right(there's no door so it's not coming from a different room)i saw it...i flinched and jumped backwards it jumped across the room and materialized when it hit the floor

the second somebody was in my room, right when they left, i dropped something when i went to get it(i leaned over in bed) and it was there,it jumped and hit the ceiling and dissapeared in my covers...i had to sleep on the couch all night...

another occassions :

i see a faintly colored silhouette of something floating smiling creepily appears...whats wired is that its not thrown over the wall..its strange...i only see it for a split second (only in the bathroom) the first yome,you know when you take a hot shower that the mirror is foggy exept for the edges? i saw it and i was frozen solid with fear,another time is when i saw it infront of me TWICE when i turn around mostly when i stare at the floor for about 20 seconds,im afraid to take showers now  :-[

i haven't seen it..but i know it's there,there's a hallway between my computer and my room, i feel the presence of something chasing me,i saw it once but it evaporated when light hit it

Okay, I Don't really know what to say to your cases apart from they sound like something out of the exorcist, though it doesn't sound demonic, I'd recommend checking out the history of the property, more specifically the land, because what you describe to me sounds like it could be related to native americans to be honest

Offline Janus

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« Reply #72 on: April 07, 2010, 01:30:05 AM »
i have a pentagram on my hand. my right hand.

Is it a tattoo of some kind? or something that resembles a pentagram? which direction is the fifth point facing, up or down? does it have a goat among the star? can you be a bit specific?

Offline Janus

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« Reply #73 on: April 07, 2010, 01:36:30 AM »
This is something that didn't happen to me, but someone that I know. He was jet-skiing around some island (not sure where) when he suddenly hit a rock and gouged his leg open. He managed to swim to sure and a helicopter took him to a hospital. Later in the news he read about a young kid who had been jet-skiing at the same place, and hit the same rock, drowned and died. It said that the kid had resurfaced earlier in the same day that he was jet-skiing there. The kid resurfaced a year and a day after he died (the same time it is believed the soul leaves the body) I just wanted to know if this is true or just a strange coincidence.

As for me, I'll only have occasional De Ja Vu. For those of you who don't know what that is- De ja vu is when you experience something that has never happened before, and you know it, but it feels like you've done the same exact thing the same exact way before. You know it's happened but you still can't predict what will happen next.
Also, sometimes a will not hear footsteps, but feel them. It is kind of weird, I think it might be due to me waking up super early every morning and hearing my dad's light footsteps downstairs, but that is just a thought.

It's not uncommon for living people to face traumatic events that killed others, or animals in that manner, I remember one case another team did where there is a house where a dog died violently and each time a person who had a dog lived in there the dog would usually die pretty violently. most likely there must be some kind of residual energy on that rock that becomes active on the day the person died (the most common time residual energy awakens) and it acted like a magnet to your friend

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« Reply #74 on: April 07, 2010, 02:53:39 AM »
i have a pentagram on my hand. my right hand.

Is it a tattoo of some kind? or something that resembles a pentagram? which direction is the fifth point facing, up or down? does it have a goat among the star? can you be a bit specific?

it faces down.
dolphins eat little children!