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Author Topic: Share your paranormal experiences!  (Read 136580 times)

Offline Janus

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Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:45:26 PM »
After having a number of run-ins with the paranormal at various points in my life, I thought I should share them here and invite other members to talk of any experiences with unexplained creatures, ghosts or possibly a demon or two (like me), share them here for there are things that can't be explained and this is where we share those stories!

First off myself, I am n00b paranormal investigator trained by one of my College Teachers and have already either debunked a number of claims or found startling evidence for a world beyond the grave.

Let's start with my first experience... I was around 12, nine years ago, I was with my cousin and friends for Halloween and they pulled out the stupidest invention ever: the ouija board.  I had heard stories of really negative stuff from those things so I decided to sit out. a few seconds into its use, crazy stuff started happening, Lights burned out, cans of coke slid across tables, we heard a deep, growling laugh, but what I saw, topped all that out by a long shot:
a black mass floating at the end of the hall which formed into a black cloaked figure with no feet hovering in the hall looking directly at me! it started to drift foreword but one of my friends saw it and got in its way with a cross in hand and held it foreword and the entity backed down, to this day, I believe I saw a demon.

but my experiences didn't stop there, this is the one that brought me into doing this stuff, it was two or three years ago, at my local hangout a place that holds official pokemon tournaments, in this case it's a pre-release for DP3 (secret wonders) expansion set.  I had finished building my pre-release deck for that tournament and I had to go to the bathroom, I went down the hall and was about to turn on the light, that is until I saw a figure standing in the dark room, its back to me, it was a tall man wearing a gray wispy lab coat and was bald.  I was about to call out but it took a step further and walked right through the wall. I hurried upstairs to use the bathroom there, when I got home after that I started looking up the paranormal and I was into it ever since.

Feel free to share your run ins with the paranormal now!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 12:46:16 PM by Mr_Dark »

Offline shadowbattlex

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« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 07:41:31 PM »
wow. first of all let me say... that is creepy. especialy the first one. second, my experiences dont amount to much but seeing a shadowy figure walking in my house a few times. which could have been just my imagination. either way. you should be carefull. any thing dealing with demons is dangerous. btw, smart move sitting out with the ouija board. i hate those things. they scare me. if i were you i probably would not have even stayed.
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Offline Kuhns

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« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 10:35:02 PM »
Hm, I was about seven and was at home in my room. I was laying on my bed doing pretty much nothing with my light on. My room was pretty tiny, and the bed was to the left of a small entry way into my room--like right up against a wall, so if anyone came in they'd have to walk by the bed (and me) to get to the rest of the room. Anyways, I was staring up at the ceiling when a black--it looked like a head and shoulders(is what I could see)--something peeked out around the entryway wall and looked right down at me. I sat straight up and flew out of my bed. :P

And of course, my mother was in her room, and my brothers were playing video games in the living room. I also didn't here one sound from whatever it was.

I'm not saying it was a ghost, demon or whatever, I don't know what it was, but I do know that I saw it (and it looked like it saw me). It still creeps me out though. >.<

Offline Janus

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« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 10:50:58 PM »
wow. first of all let me say... that is creepy. especialy the first one. second, my experiences dont amount to much but seeing a shadowy figure walking in my house a few times. which could have been just my imagination. either way. you should be carefull. any thing dealing with demons is dangerous. btw, smart move sitting out with the ouija board. i hate those things. they scare me. if i were you i probably would not have even stayed.

bout the shadow figure, did it seem flat against a wall? or did it seem to have mass to it? if it had mass to it, you saw what is known in paranormal investigation as a shadow person, commonly believed by me and my fellow investigators to be physical manifestations of the dead, I'd recommend first thinking of the time you saw the shadows, was it night or day? if night  go to the locations you saw the shadow at, are there any windows that face a light source outside? if so, have somebody you know go outside at this time and walk in front of the light source, if you see something that looks like what you saw, it means that it is probably somebody walking by your house late at night. however if it is NOT what you saw, then I'd recommend having an electrician coming in and checking for faulty wiring, or do it yourself by getting an EMF gauge and scan for Electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the area, seek out those that spike form high numbers to low numbers and back up, this shows that you have faulty wiring, we are all sensitive to EMFs in one way or another, long-term exposure to EMFs can cause feelings of paranoia, hallucinations, skin irritation which may be mistken for being touched by an unknown source, the list is pretty lengthy these are some of the methods that I use on investigations to try and disprove a haunting, that's the primary step of most investigations, if you go in trying to prove a haunting, anything can seem like evidence, but going in trying to disprove can root out the things that can be explained and you're left with what leaves you scratching your head.

after trying the above steps try doing research into the house, see if any of the previous owners died there, if none seek info on the land itself, see if it was the site of any battles, any native american sacred locations or burial grounds (If any, try calling in a local shaman to help, they're usually helpful when dealing with this sort of thing), if you find something that seems right, go to the location you saw the possible entity (NOTE: ONLY DO THIS IF YOU'VE DONE THE STUFF IN THE FIRST PART AND FOUND NOTHING, OTHERWISE THIS WOULD BE A WASTE OF TIME), bring with you the following items: a video camera, place this in a place where you'll have a wide shot of the area you saw it in, so you'd get a shot of it if this shadow person comes through, A small Digital Voice Recorder for EVPs EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena, Ghost voices that are on a decibel that can't be heard with the human ear, however a simple Digital voice recorder that can be easily bought at radio shack that has no filters on the microphone to block out background noice can pick it up and make it able to hear, (I got mine for 15 bucks), then begin addressing whatever entities may be in the area, invite them to talk and ask questions to the possible spirit like What's your name? Why are you still here? or any others you can think of, I hope this has been a good way to come up with the truth to what you saw there. Happy ghost hunting!

Offline Janus

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« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 10:54:31 PM »
Hm, I was about seven and was at home in my room. I was laying on my bed doing pretty much nothing with my light on. My room was pretty tiny, and the bed was to the left of a small entry way into my room--like right up against a wall, so if anyone came in they'd have to walk by the bed (and me) to get to the rest of the room. Anyways, I was staring up at the ceiling when a black--it looked like a head and shoulders(is what I could see)--something peeked out around the entryway wall and looked right down at me. I sat straight up and flew out of my bed. :P

And of course, my mother was in her room, and my brothers were playing video games in the living room. I also didn't here one sound from whatever it was.

I'm not saying it was a ghost, demon or whatever, I don't know what it was, but I do know that I saw it (and it looked like it saw me). It still creeps me out though. >.<

wow, the way you described it creeps me out too, I get a lot of stories like this in this field and they chill my spine every time, do you still live in that house, if so, was there anything else weird going on? if so tell me so I can figure out what you saw, check my previous quote for more details on basic investigation

Offline Aristos

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« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2010, 03:23:05 AM »
As I was sleeping right? I was sleeping, chilling in my room and dreaming about ice cream (lol). Until I heard someone called my name, it was faint, so I thought it was my mom in the kitchen. So, I got up, and went to the kitchen. My mom wasn't there and she was in bed, and I was like WAIT! If my mom is in the bed... Who turn the lights on? So I turned around right? And suddenly, this person in all black (idk but it just look all black to me) was behind me and his arms were open, looking like it was trying to grab me. So I got a knife, and threw the knife at it. But it went through him. So I started screaming, MOM! So she was awake and ran into a kitchen, but she saw the person too. She started to yell. As she yelled the person or entity... started fading away. It was probably cause of my mom's yell (she screeches like a freaking bat). So ever since, I keep hearing the person saying my name faintly.... It still creeps me out, but I seem to live with it.

One time I said, "Can't we be friends?" And it said nothing... Lol.
You should be happy what you have right now and to enjoy the youth you have right now.
When your parents were young they didn't have this type of technology and maybe not money they have right now to buy computers, games, etc.
And some kids that are under 13 already want to grow up. Trust me you don't want to grow up that fast. When you grow up there are many responsibilities ahead of you, but you are just sometimes naive to know that. Appreciate what you have right now, and the stuff your parents give you. Don't make it all go to waste, but to make it last.
Truely your Member,

Offline kammy2000

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« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2010, 03:34:53 AM »
 Oh the good ol' days  ::)
 Anyways i'm (or we as a matter of fact) are making a new team for paronormal.


so i'll tell ya all about our adventures  ;)
my cat loves computers as much as i do :)

Offline Janus

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« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2010, 04:54:38 AM »
As I was sleeping right? I was sleeping, chilling in my room and dreaming about ice cream (lol). Until I heard someone called my name, it was faint, so I thought it was my mom in the kitchen. So, I got up, and went to the kitchen. My mom wasn't there and she was in bed, and I was like WAIT! If my mom is in the bed... Who turn the lights on? So I turned around right? And suddenly, this person in all black (idk but it just look all black to me) was behind me and his arms were open, looking like it was trying to grab me. So I got a knife, and threw the knife at it. But it went through him. So I started screaming, MOM! So she was awake and ran into a kitchen, but she saw the person too. She started to yell. As she yelled the person or entity... started fading away. It was probably cause of my mom's yell (she screeches like a freaking bat). So ever since, I keep hearing the person saying my name faintly.... It still creeps me out, but I seem to live with it.

One time I said, "Can't we be friends?" And it said nothing... Lol.

OMFG, You've pretty much encountered the HOLY GRAIL of paranormal activity, I bet if you put the word out, Investigation teams would be scrambling for a chance to investigate this place, I wouldn't put this entity on the level of the demonic (even though it bears similarity to my experience with the Ouija board), for those cases are rare (unless there are cases of heavy objects moving on their own, bad smells of rotting flesh and the like), seems more to me like it is trying to make contact for one reason or another, maybe call in a psychic medium (I personally don't use them in investigations but I give clients the option to bring them in if they believe in that sort of stuff), DO NOT USE OUIJA BOARDS, I"VE TOLD YOU OF MY EXPERIENCE WITH THEM AND YOU HEARD THE RESULTS!

Offline Aristos

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« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2010, 06:34:46 AM »
Lol, I was AFK, I was at home eating, until I heard the voice again... It sounded like, "Heeelp......." I don't know it could sound like, "Kelp..." But I'm confused, so it's either a cry for help...
You should be happy what you have right now and to enjoy the youth you have right now.
When your parents were young they didn't have this type of technology and maybe not money they have right now to buy computers, games, etc.
And some kids that are under 13 already want to grow up. Trust me you don't want to grow up that fast. When you grow up there are many responsibilities ahead of you, but you are just sometimes naive to know that. Appreciate what you have right now, and the stuff your parents give you. Don't make it all go to waste, but to make it last.
Truely your Member,

Offline Janus

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« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2010, 02:48:50 PM »
Lol, I was AFK, I was at home eating, until I heard the voice again... It sounded like, "Heeelp......." I don't know it could sound like, "Kelp..." But I'm confused, so it's either a cry for help...

Okay, slash out the possibility of the demonic, when it comes to entities calling for help this is what I recommend: first do some research on the property (both house AND land) find out who died on the property and based on research, find out who this entity is, what you heard is quite common in the paranormal, usually spirits remain on this end of existence due to a traumatic experience or something of that nature. try making contact with the spirit, ask it what it needs help with, for this I recommend contacting a local native Shaman, these people have training with spirits and are very helpful, they've helped me in a number of cases (there is a wabanaki shaman who is an honorary member of my team and is a good friend of mine).

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« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2010, 12:32:43 AM »
Okey. I have had two kinda strange things happen to me.

1. One time I totally opened the kitchen cupboard and it was like it was sucking me into it. I hit my head on the 2nd shelf, got a big cut, woke up a few minutes later and was like "Woah."
Logical Explanation: It was about 5am. I probably needed sleep (I had been gaming all night), fell asleep, and fell into the cupboard, cutting my head - but dreaming it was sucking me in. In the dream a lot of paper went into the cupboard, when I examined it there was none in there.

2. One time really recently, like, last year, I tried to go to the toilet, and the door wouldn't open. It was a slide door, so it wasn't like wind resistance or anything. Anyway, I went to open it, and it slammed shut. I called out sorry to whoever was in there, no response. It was just me and my little sis in the house, and she was watching TV. I opened it a touch and there was no-one in there, but the door would barely budge. At last the door opened - but as soon as I put my hand in there, it slammed shut on my fingers. Then it finally opened properly, and I went to the toilet after freaking out for about 10 minutes.
Logical Explanation: The door was jammed and I was pushing against resistance, such as a spring mechanism that could fling the door back to slam it on my fingers. I know for a fact that there are no springs in those doors, but track and slide mechanisms. I'm not sure if these could slam the door, but I'd assume they could.
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« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2010, 05:02:37 AM »
This isn't really a scary paranormal experience, but more of one where I have interacted with the spirit of someone I was close to in real life. This person I'm speaking of is my Grandmother, who passed away two years ago.

1st experience: My Grandmother and I planted a rosebush together, and it never bloomed. One day after she died, in the middle of winter, the rosebush put out one, full, pink blossom. Not really an experience with me, just more of a connection.

2nd experience: I was really unnerved about going to college, and felt really upset when I moved into my dorm. As I was sitting in my dorm room, alone, I caught a whiff of my Grandmother's perfume. Like, a strong one, from a fresh blast of spray. It immediately calmed me, and I searched through my boxes and bags to see if anything could have caused it. I found nothing.

3rd experience(s): My dreams, and semi-conciousness. The first time it happened, I was having a completely random, and troubling nightmare. All of a sudden, the randomness ended, and I was sitting in my Grandmother's room, with her in her chair. She smiled at me, and we started having a conversation about school, about how everything would be alright, and how I needed to watch my mother, because she was having some troubles with alcoholism. This surprised me, and I told her that my mother wouldn't do that. She told me to go check the spare room, under a pile of clothes, if I needed proof. Next time I went home, I did so, and I found stacks of empty wine bottles. I had no prior knowledge of this, and I'm sure that the only reason my mother didn't end up getting worse was because I found it, and I intervened enough for her to stop drinking.

Next dream, I was having a nightmare, and the same thing happened. She just randomly appeared, clear as day, and told me she was sorry that I was having nightmares, and she wished she could help. It went back to the dreamlike state after she left, not the lucid and almost touchable realness that it had been.

The last experience I had was actually not too long ago. I had been up late, studying for a final, and I was having a dream about Skittles. Totally random, totally weird. I heard my Grandmother's voice very clearly say: "Wake up. Wake up, honey." I rose with a start, and I reached for the clock. It was 8:40. My final was at 9:00, and I had forgotten to set my alarm.

These could all just be coincidence, but my Grandmother watched over me while she was alive. I don't see why she wouldn't do it now. :)

Offline Janus

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« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2010, 05:27:57 AM »
This isn't really a scary paranormal experience, but more of one where I have interacted with the spirit of someone I was close to in real life. This person I'm speaking of is my Grandmother, who passed away two years ago.

1st experience: My Grandmother and I planted a rosebush together, and it never bloomed. One day after she died, in the middle of winter, the rosebush put out one, full, pink blossom. Not really an experience with me, just more of a connection.

2nd experience: I was really unnerved about going to college, and felt really upset when I moved into my dorm. As I was sitting in my dorm room, alone, I caught a whiff of my Grandmother's perfume. Like, a strong one, from a fresh blast of spray. It immediately calmed me, and I searched through my boxes and bags to see if anything could have caused it. I found nothing.

3rd experience(s): My dreams, and semi-conciousness. The first time it happened, I was having a completely random, and troubling nightmare. All of a sudden, the randomness ended, and I was sitting in my Grandmother's room, with her in her chair. She smiled at me, and we started having a conversation about school, about how everything would be alright, and how I needed to watch my mother, because she was having some troubles with alcoholism. This surprised me, and I told her that my mother wouldn't do that. She told me to go check the spare room, under a pile of clothes, if I needed proof. Next time I went home, I did so, and I found stacks of empty wine bottles. I had no prior knowledge of this, and I'm sure that the only reason my mother didn't end up getting worse was because I found it, and I intervened enough for her to stop drinking.

Next dream, I was having a nightmare, and the same thing happened. She just randomly appeared, clear as day, and told me she was sorry that I was having nightmares, and she wished she could help. It went back to the dreamlike state after she left, not the lucid and almost touchable realness that it had been.

The last experience I had was actually not too long ago. I had been up late, studying for a final, and I was having a dream about Skittles. Totally random, totally weird. I heard my Grandmother's voice very clearly say: "Wake up. Wake up, honey." I rose with a start, and I reached for the clock. It was 8:40. My final was at 9:00, and I had forgotten to set my alarm.

These could all just be coincidence, but my Grandmother watched over me while she was alive. I don't see why she wouldn't do it now. :)

I hear a lot of these cases as well, and it is usually from people who are sensitive to spirits or if you want me to voice my spiritual opinion (I'm wiccan) you're grandmother has become your spirit guardian, everyone has one even if they're not wiccan, spirit guardians go by many names throughout history and faiths, in greece they were referred to as Daemons (the word that demon comes from) which literally translated from greek means Guardian spirit, in the christian and catholic faith they are known as guardian angels, a spirit guardian comes and gives you comfort in a time of need or guides you when you're lost some people know how to call on their guardians but it takes a lot of training and meditation

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« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2010, 02:15:58 AM »
This something weird that happened to me a while ago. About 4 years ago, before I had switched schools, I had a weird dream. I had dreamt about these three boys (my age [12]) and we were walking around at a school and talking about stuff. Two years later, after being in the school for a while, I met those SAME boys from the dream, and we actually became friends. So HOW did I dream of becoming friends with people I had never SEEN before, then actually become friends?! The odd part is the dream even got their VOICES right!

The freaky dreams don't end there. About three years ago, I had dreams of conversations with some of my old friends. I knew them back then. Almost 2 years later, I found myself having those same conversations!
I would say, "Hey, haven't we talked about this before?"
And my friend would say, "No, we've never talked about this before."

I've never told ANYONE about my future-predicting dreams. I don't get them anymore, thanks to school and all that stress.


One other thing that doesn't have to do with school. Sometimes, when I'm typing something on the computer, I type random words on accident. Most of the time, it's things like 'mu'. But some times I get things like:

The most common of these words is dark or darkness, which creeps me out A LOT and I just think, "What the heck? Why did I do that?" And I don't think it's me reminding myself what my favorite pokemon type is.

Think you can help me before I start thinking the darkness is eating me alive?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 02:38:35 AM by Darkmage64 »

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« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2010, 03:12:03 AM »
I was on vacation with my family in Thailand, it had been a fun day, we had been on the beach all day just enjoying our selves.
So night finally arrived and we decided to stay in and play some games me and my brothers, after that we went to bed.
We only had 3rooms but we where 5 on that trip, so my mom and dad had one room, my brother the other, and me and my younger brother shared.

I woke from my deep slumber, I was facing the window, my brother was right beside me, and I could see the electric clock past his shoulder (it was a double bed and I was facing "inwards" towards my brother", it was about 3am.
Suddenly I felt a chill, not like any I have ever felt before.
The chill moved slowly from my feet, up my leg, up my back  and to the back of my head where it stopped.
I felt as if someone was standing behind me, so I tried to turn around, but I was not able to, in fact I could not move at all.
Then it felt like someone was leaning slowly over me, the chill growing on the left side of my face, I stared at my brother trying to speak to wake him up, but I just couldnt make a sound.
Suddenly I heard someone whispering to me.
The voice was cold and scary, it was a girl or a woman.
She said something strange to me in  a language I didnt understand, it sounded thai-ish to me.
As she spoke to me I started sweating and my heart was beating faster and faster, then I heard a faint noise, and the feeling was gone.
I turned around as fast as I could but nothing was there. I woke my brother and told him what I had experienced.
He had felt it to, but not as strong as me, and he was really freaked out
I didnt sleep any more that night...
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 03:19:50 AM by Gammal »