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Author Topic: Share your paranormal experiences!  (Read 136697 times)

Offline Janus

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« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2010, 05:10:46 AM »
This something weird that happened to me a while ago. About 4 years ago, before I had switched schools, I had a weird dream. I had dreamt about these three boys (my age [12]) and we were walking around at a school and talking about stuff. Two years later, after being in the school for a while, I met those SAME boys from the dream, and we actually became friends. So HOW did I dream of becoming friends with people I had never SEEN before, then actually become friends?! The odd part is the dream even got their VOICES right!

The freaky dreams don't end there. About three years ago, I had dreams of conversations with some of my old friends. I knew them back then. Almost 2 years later, I found myself having those same conversations!
I would say, "Hey, haven't we talked about this before?"
And my friend would say, "No, we've never talked about this before."

I've never told ANYONE about my future-predicting dreams. I don't get them anymore, thanks to school and all that stress.


One other thing that doesn't have to do with school. Sometimes, when I'm typing something on the computer, I type random words on accident. Most of the time, it's things like 'mu'. But some times I get things like:

The most common of these words is dark or darkness, which creeps me out A LOT and I just think, "What the heck? Why did I do that?" And I don't think it's me reminding myself what my favorite pokemon type is.

Think you can help me before I start thinking the darkness is eating me alive?

Prediction dreams are not unheard of, I've had one myself where I won gold at Skills USA State championships, let's see what I can find on them...

well, nothing in my grimoire but I've encountered children having dreams of their parents getting hurt, like for example a little girl having a dream that her dad got his leg sliced open with a chain saw, and then the very next day it happened!  these dreams are not bad, but they can be restored, I recommend seeking out a local sensetive and seek guidence, it takes mental discapline and a reduced amount of stress but it is possible.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2010, 05:14:29 AM »
I was on vacation with my family in Thailand, it had been a fun day, we had been on the beach all day just enjoying our selves.
So night finally arrived and we decided to stay in and play some games me and my brothers, after that we went to bed.
We only had 3rooms but we where 5 on that trip, so my mom and dad had one room, my brother the other, and me and my younger brother shared.

I woke from my deep slumber, I was facing the window, my brother was right beside me, and I could see the electric clock past his shoulder (it was a double bed and I was facing "inwards" towards my brother", it was about 3am.
Suddenly I felt a chill, not like any I have ever felt before.
The chill moved slowly from my feet, up my leg, up my back  and to the back of my head where it stopped.
I felt as if someone was standing behind me, so I tried to turn around, but I was not able to, in fact I could not move at all.
Then it felt like someone was leaning slowly over me, the chill growing on the left side of my face, I stared at my brother trying to speak to wake him up, but I just couldnt make a sound.
Suddenly I heard someone whispering to me.
The voice was cold and scary, it was a girl or a woman.
She said something strange to me in  a language I didnt understand, it sounded thai-ish to me.
As she spoke to me I started sweating and my heart was beating faster and faster, then I heard a faint noise, and the feeling was gone.
I turned around as fast as I could but nothing was there. I woke my brother and told him what I had experienced.
He had felt it to, but not as strong as me, and he was really freaked out
I didnt sleep any more that night...

Wow, moving cold spot and disembodied voices, interesting,

Offline Darkstar64

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« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2010, 05:35:30 AM »
I forgot about one more story. One night, when I was 8, I was sleeping in my parents room. I woke up to something, but I don't remember what it was. Anyway, I looked over at their closet, and I saw something scary(scary at the time). I thought I saw a Vampyre with it's cloak pulled up, as if it were going to attack. It did nothing for a while, so I threw a dart at it. It went right through the 'vampyre' and the monster just faded away. So, what was that I saw? The whole thing looked like a big shadow shaped like a vampyre. If it helps, this happened after we added an extra bedroom and an new 2nd floor to the house.

Offline Eslin

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« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2010, 05:55:25 AM »
I forgot about one more story. One night, when I was 8, I was sleeping in my parents room. I woke up to something, but I don't remember what it was. Anyway, I looked over at their closet, and I saw something scary(scary at the time). I thought I saw a Vampyre with it's cloak pulled up, as if it were going to attack. It did nothing for a while, so I threw a dart at it. It went right through the 'vampyre' and the monster just faded away. So, what was that I saw? The whole thing looked like a big shadow shaped like a vampyre. If it helps, this happened after we added an extra bedroom and an new 2nd floor to the house.
That sounds like a trick of lights. Inspect the closet and search for any objects which could pose such figures. The fading could have been you imagination.

Offline Darkstar64

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« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2010, 02:45:17 PM »
Yes, except I did that and came up with nothing. Plus the lights were off.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2010, 06:21:12 PM »
Okay, It does help in saying that you did do some renovations to the location because I've had cases (in fact one down the street from the building my apartment is in) I've investigated where there are houses that have energy sealed within places and when those places are changed it can stir up sleeping manifestations and they may not like what you're doing to the place and may be trying to make its point clear but unintentionally scaring you in the process, that's possibly why it backed off when you threw the dart at it.  If I was doing this kind of case I would check out the history of the place, interview former owners, see if there was any dabbling in black magick, etc. try to find out what this is, most likely It didn't like what you did to the house but fails to realize the place was yours and your family's now, that is pretty common in haunted houses, they fail to realize they're dead and can't cope with that, and it is a part of some investigator's jobs to help the spirit accept it and move on.

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« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2010, 03:18:53 AM »
Do they ever come out if they do like the new environment? It is possible that since it just stood (floated) there, it was admiring the new house. When I threw the dart at it, it was surprised and fled. After that, it didn't show up anymore. Have you ever heard of something like that? Or does that just not happen?
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 07:11:11 AM by Darkstar64 »

Offline Janus

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« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2010, 10:22:31 AM »
It's rare, but a team I've worked with in an investigation in the lower end of my home state where the clients had finished turning a spot of the house into a spa bathroom, the team did catch an EVP which we took to one of our contacts to have a look at and what we heard sounded like this "... I like the marble..." it was rather distorted due to background noise of the team photographer setting up a full spectrum camera (into on tech: a full spectrum camera is a camera that can take pictures in different light waves, such as infared and others.) while another member was doing an EVP session and caught that one, we did a little digging into local history and talked to people who knew the older owners of the place, and one of them confirmed the voice as Betty Drieves wife of the one who built the house, she was from a wealthy family in boston and always loved marble countertops and vanities in bathrooms, reminded her a bit of home, she always wanted at least one marble top in the house, but at the time and the location of where they lived it was expensive so they stuck with something simple and when the new family moved in and put a marble vanity in their remodeled bathroom the spirit of Betty was excited, when we showed our findings to the family they were surprised and decided for the memory of her they placed marble countertops in their other bathroom and in their kitchen.  I should have you and everyone who posts here know that I discuss all of these experiences with my team to come up with a way to help you understand what you saw, my psychic medium on the team (she's optional if the client wants one to come in) suggested the possibility that when you threw the dart at it that it understood that it was making you feel uncomfortable and backed off, so to answer your question, yes It's possible

Offline obi

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« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2010, 06:03:43 PM »
When I was a kid I was running down our hallway, and I heard someone else's footsteps, so I stopped, and this shadow on the wall kept running and turned the corner to my parents room and I heard the door slam.

Then my brother told me of a time when he got up one night to go to the bathroom & all the lights were off, and he saw these figures in the shadows. He said they were shadows as well, but they were darker than the regular shadows. He said they were really skinny, and that the heads looked sort of like cow skulls. He said there were about 3 or 4 of them, and he could hear them making a low mumbling sound, then laughing, like they were talking to each other.

Freakiest thing though, happened to my great grandmother, way back in the day. She was on a train, and there was this guy on the train, with these little silver balls. She said he rolled them down the aisle, and as they rolled, they transformed into these demon/gremlin type things, and ran around terrorizing the other passengers. Then they ran back up the aisle, and turned back into the balls, and the guy picked them up and put them back in his pocket.

True story.

So, yeah, supernatural/paranormal stuff is pretty common in my family.


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Offline Janus

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« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2010, 09:54:23 PM »
When I was a kid I was running down our hallway, and I heard someone else's footsteps, so I stopped, and this shadow on the wall kept running and turned the corner to my parents room and I heard the door slam.

Then my brother told me of a time when he got up one night to go to the bathroom & all the lights were off, and he saw these figures in the shadows. He said they were shadows as well, but they were darker than the regular shadows. He said they were really skinny, and that the heads looked sort of like cow skulls. He said there were about 3 or 4 of them, and he could hear them making a low mumbling sound, then laughing, like they were talking to each other.

Freakiest thing though, happened to my great grandmother, way back in the day. She was on a train, and there was this guy on the train, with these little silver balls. She said he rolled them down the aisle, and as they rolled, they transformed into these demon/gremlin type things, and ran around terrorizing the other passengers. Then they ran back up the aisle, and turned back into the balls, and the guy picked them up and put them back in his pocket.

True story.

So, yeah, supernatural/paranormal stuff is pretty common in my family.

is it possible to do research into the properties history to see if there has been any dabbling in black magick or satanism, because what your brother saw there resembles what is known in demonology as shadow demons, whatever was seen there isn't human.

the story of your great grandmother's experience is very interesting, is it possible that you could find any reference to that incident in other accounts, such as the railway's history because that sounds like the sort of thing that would get public attention, and it is real strange.

Offline obi

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« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2010, 10:56:07 PM »
I forgot to mention that the house we were living in at the time was a duplex, and that our neighbor dabbled in the occult, so demonic activity would come over from her place to ours all the time.

As far as what happened to my great grandma, I've been looking for facts on that for decades. All I have to go on is what my grandma told me, which is what her mom told her. I tend to believe her though, because my grandma's one of those no-nonsense devout Christians, and for her to make something up like that wouldn't make any sense.

I did google demonic activity though, and found this site.


Don't know if all the accounts on there are true or not, but at least it makes for some interesting reading.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 10:57:46 PM by obi »


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Offline Janus

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« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2010, 04:16:21 PM »
well, that explains the entities you and your brother saw, you were lucky you weren't attacked by them, because most of the demonic cases I've dealt with (apart from my own) I've usually seen people attacked, but what you encountered was a bit unique, you haven't described any of the usual signs of the demonic, most of the activity I've encountered, I've only investigated 3 demonic cases and was present at two exorcisms, what I've seen was heavy furniture moving across the room, I've had a kitchen table thrown at me, had to go to the hospital for a couple cracked ribs, they must've been biding their time possibly waiting for the one who summoned them to tell them when to strike.

as far as research into the incident on the train, I'm sure your grandma wasn't lying, but in your research, did you try to find out which railway she was on? and try to see if the local area's historical society has anything? maybe a local historian? My mom is a librarian and the honorary historical researcher to my team and she has pulled up some interesting stuff in a number of cases

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« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2010, 06:06:09 PM »
I forgot about one more story. One night, when I was 8, I was sleeping in my parents room. I woke up to something, but I don't remember what it was. Anyway, I looked over at their closet, and I saw something scary(scary at the time). I thought I saw a Vampyre with it's cloak pulled up, as if it were going to attack. It did nothing for a while, so I threw a dart at it. It went right through the 'vampyre' and the monster just faded away. So, what was that I saw? The whole thing looked like a big shadow shaped like a vampyre. If it helps, this happened after we added an extra bedroom and an new 2nd floor to the house.

Just read this one. I'm pretty sure you saw a demon. In my belief/experience, demons can take many forms, and will usually take the form of what will cause you the most fear. They don't always need to physically attack to get their point across (whatever it may be). My very first demonic encounter was when I was around 6 years old and it took the form of a dinosaur, and it terrified me. So a demon assuming the form of a vampire around an 8 year old makes sense, cause what 8 year old wouldn't be frightened to see, in their mind, a vampire in their house?

@Janus: I'd have to ask my grandma if she remembers what railway it was, or if she even knows. Her mind's not what it used to be though, so I'm not entirely sure how fruitful that endeavor would even be though.  :-\

The thing with my demonic/supernatural encounters though, is that they all happened in the duplex in CA. After we moved I haven't seen anything since. Even in my old apt in AZ when my ex-wife (who had experiences of her own that I'll get into in a second) woke me up in the middle of the night claiming that the figure from her childhood was back, I didn't see/feel anything. My mom always said that the reason there was so much demonic activity in our place was a combination of our neighbor, and Satan attacking us (we were born-again Christians). She said that he (Satan) was upset that we belonged to the Lord and not him, and that's why he was making our lives a living hell (pun not intended). There was one instance where a demon actually tried to kill my father. I didn't witness it personally, but my mom told me about it the next morning. She said she woke up in the middle of the night because she felt this evil presence. She looked next to her and saw my father trying to breathe, and this dark figure on top of him, pressing on his chest. She said she called to Jesus and the figure disappeared. Anyways, all of it stopped once we moved. Was it because we left our neighbor behind? Or was it because we all faded away from being devout Christians? I don't know and, to be honest, I don't care. I'm just glad it doesn't happen anymore.

As far as my ex goes, she's had her share of experiences as well. She had a lot of factors in her life that explain why though (Extended family members who didn't like her immediate family that practiced Santeria, negativity/sexual abuse running rampant in her house growing up, herself being a practicing witch, and messing around with Ouija boards whenever her and her friends would get bored). She told me that growing up, she'd always see a dark figure with red eyes standing over her bed (the same figure that I didn't see or feel years later). She said that one time she saw a little boy standing in front of her closet, and that when she called to him he disappeared. She also said that, one time, she was looking into a mirror and she saw herself from the back, as though she was standing behind herself. She said she reached her hand out to touch the glass, but right before she did she felt a hand grab her shoulder and yank her back, causing her to fall to the floor. She was also home alone at the time this happened.


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« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2010, 07:58:27 AM »
My family has some weird experiences with spirits.

My niece's 5th birthday had just passed and she had gotten a helium balloon. She lived at my parents house with her mother, my older sister Meghan. One night, Meghan and I were in the living room watching tv, when this helium balloon started to float around the entire house, as if it was being pulled by it's ribbon. It even went up to the third floor and down to the first floor, as well as into a dead end kitchen and back out.

A week or two later, my niece was getting ready for bed when she said that the girl on Melina's (my other sister) lap didn't want her to go to bed, that she still wanted to play. Without prior knowledge of the balloon incident. We were a little freaked, but we figured a little girl wouldn't bother us much.

As far as I know, she didn't do anything major. She'd make things fall and rattle around the house, especially when you'd go to investigate (she played games), but she didn't give my niece any problems.

Another weird occurrence happened to me at this cemetery in Kitchener, Ontario. I used to have to walk through it at night around 1-2 in the morning to get home from work, and it had this short little street that connected it to neighbouring streets. I was never too worried because it was lit up by street lights and the other option was a 20 minute detour around the park.

The first night I got the creeps I was walking up to the cemetery as usual, but when I got close, the street lights shut off. I thought "whatever, I'm not walking the long way" and keep at it. The moment I step through the gate, the first street light turns on. I keep walking, getting to the edge of it's light, and the next one turns on. The moment I'm fully in it's light, the one behind me shuts off. This sequence happened through all six lights as I walked past the darkened gravestones. As I step through the far gate, the light behind me shuts off and I walk away with that eerie feeling. I keep glance back, and as I cross the street, the street lights in the cemetery turn back on.

The didn't just flash this at me either. It's done the reverse. It's had them all flicker as I walk through, but be fine before and after. I've even taken my sisters and friends there on multiple occasions to show them.

The one time, my friends and I drove up to the gate and parked. I was telling them the previous story and my other experiences, and they were getting creeped out. I hopped out of the SUV and walked up to the gate. As I did, they turned on as I walked through, but shut off when I stopped to look back. I kept walking and they flashed a few times, and then went out. Right then there was a flash of lightning and my friend Hilary freaked hardcore and cried for me to get back into the car.

The sad thing is, this cemetery is located between some older houses and a grocery store...

I dunno if I qualify as a sensitive, but my family has shown some psychic abilities

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« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2010, 01:11:17 PM »
(I had the scariest night of my life! I saw this on my way to the art section, and decided to post it.)

Right, so I guess it really started about a year ago. It was the day after Easter, and one of my relatives had sent us some gifts. Well, this time she sent me a mini Monopoly game on a key chain. But my sister got something far worse. A mini Ouija board. My sister wasn't really into that stuff, so she asked me to trade. I happily agreed. That was the first mistake.

The second mistake, you've probably already guessed. I used it. I started out with "Are there any ghosts present?" Slowly, but surely, I felt my hand being pulled. I let go, calmed down, and asked again. It moved again, and stopped over Yes.

By now you must be thinking "So you stopped using it right?" Wrong. My third mistake, I kept using it. I asked it to spell it's name, no reply. I asked if he were a relative of mine. It moved to Yes. I asked if it was my grandfather, whom had died only a few months prior. No. Was it my great Uncle Jim, whom had died almost a year prior? Yes. Having deduced his identity, I put the board away. That night, I couldn't sleep.

The next incident was far worse. It was around September, at about midnight. Unable to sleep, I thought of my Ouija board. I decided to do some call and response. I asked if anyone was there. No reply. I asked again. no reply. but I felt a sudden cold on my check. I felt it. It was wet, and cold only in one spot. As if I had been kissed. I wiped it off, making sure it was warm again. I asked again, a little more shakily. Again I was kissed. I asked if I could have a hug. Immediately, I felt a chill around my upper torso. i had been given what I had asked for. I finally fell asleep.

After that I had many other smaller incidents, flashes of lights, shadows, people running in front of a mirror, and of course the feeling of being watched. But last night I had another major experience. I have this stuffed rabbit, which I've had ever since I was born. I sleep with it every night(yeah, I sleep with a rabbit! So what? that doesn't mean I a wuss or anything!). Last night I woke up feeling something moving in my hand. As usual, the rabbit was in my hand. But there was something strange. I felt it moving in steady, up and down motion, and could actually see the chest rising and falling. My rabbit was breathing! Thoroughly frightened, I tightened my grip, and the breathing stopped. A minute later, my pillow did the same thing. I released my grip on the rabbit, and another minute later, it started breathing again. I grabbed the rabbit and turned the other way. Again, it started breathing, but this time I let it. I had closed my eyes, but I knew it was lying flat. then something strange happened. The rabbit stopped breathing, and I felt something with a spherical shape go around in circles a few centimeters above my hand. I opened my eyes, the it stopped, and I saw the rabbit's legs had been moved so that they curled on it's stomach. I realized that it wasn't the rabbit itself that was moving, rather, something else was moving it! I turned again, and throughout the night, I felt a sharp prick at the back of my neck.

Obviously I have an intelligent haunting. But I can't help wonder why it's happening. Is really my great uncle Jim? Could it be someone else?