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Author Topic: Share your paranormal experiences!  (Read 136597 times)

Offline Ziger

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #270 on: August 14, 2011, 05:43:31 PM »
                Alright, The Evidence is in! and the winner of american idol..... Nojks. <3.

I will start with EVPS. they found 3 EVPS: 1. Whats your name? Reply a couple seconds later: Deiu [ or as we think its spelled, It was scrachy too. ] 2. Why are you here? Reply: To find... [ And a door slammed upstairs.] they went upstairs, and did the last EVP: 3. Why do you eat crackers? [ Or something like that ] A young girls reply came very loud. HUNGRY SILLY!!!!  [All of those were at night, none at day ]

              Secondly Psyical Evidence:

              They had some person agervate " Deiu " every like 15 minutes. 1. In the 2nd EVP had a door slam. 2. at day they were packing up and they heard a Loud BANG and they went upstairs in my dads office, and found his desk tipped over. 3. at day: they were doing EVPS and they were sititng on the bed, and they felt the other side of the bed sink as if it was being sat on. Walking on the stairs. and they said something about manafesting. whatever that is, Lance can you explain that? lol.

 Black Mass:

 When they were going upstairs, they heard a disembodied voice and saw a shadow moving from my parents bedroom to my bedroom.

     :-\ They said they dont know what they are going to do, they said they will recall within a few days. riht now they are trying to get some more information.


Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #271 on: August 14, 2011, 09:17:33 PM »
wow, just wow, hope the team researchers can find stuff to shed light on the evidence and look foreword to hearing what they find!

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #272 on: August 14, 2011, 09:22:01 PM »
 Interesting... I wonder what it's trying to find? I loled a bit at the third evp.

Offline Ziger

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #273 on: August 14, 2011, 09:57:47 PM »
Anyone know what Manafesting means?  ???

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #274 on: August 14, 2011, 10:03:15 PM »
I don't really know how to explain it...

Spirits can manifest in an object, usually related to it's death or an object that it was attached to in life. It's sort of like it's storing it's energy in the object(I think). If the object is moved somewhere else in the world, the spirit moves with it.

Lance could explain it better, I'm not even sure if that was right  :-\

Offline Lance_Stormblade

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #275 on: August 14, 2011, 10:07:40 PM »
the definition in the dictionary of the word manifest is "to be clearly apparent to sight or understanding, Obvious."  (from www.thefreedictionary.com/manifest) so in this case a ghost manifesting is drawing in energy to make itself apparent or obvious to the living that it is there. and TrainerX, that is true, but most of the time those are Residual hauntings

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #276 on: August 14, 2011, 10:15:32 PM »
From what I know, residual is a ghost repeating itself as if it was still alive, unaware of whats happened. Intellegent hauntings are ghosts that activily know what they are doing.
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Offline Gardevoir

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #277 on: August 15, 2011, 12:25:15 AM »
The other day me, my brother, and my boyfriend decided we were going to pull a prank on our friend. Our friend , Yoder, is into all that paranormal stuff and has been watching all these weird videos on youtube of ghosts, aliens, and other ungodly stuff lately, and he decided he wanted to try and catch something on his video camera. So me, my bro (Koda) , and Kc (bf) planned that we would get some of my fake blood, take him to the local rundown park in the woods, and fake an attack. Everything was going good, I had the blood in my pocket, it was extremely dark so we had a heavy duty flashlight, and Yoder was filming and scared already. After watching him jerk and twist around at every little sound, I ran back towards the truck. I got out the fake blood, squished a capsule in my mouth to let it gush out, spread a little on my neck to look like a slash wound, did the same on my arms, tore my shirt to look like rips, spread some on the ground, and I was ready. I let out the most realistic, bloodcurdling scream, and posed myself in an unnatural position (flexible so it didn't hurt) on the ground. It took what seemed like hours before I heard pounding feet on the ground rushing my way. Trying my best not to giggle, I was waiting just to hear him freak out. Next thing I know, though, I was being lifted off the ground by Kc, and hauled into the truck. Everyone piled into the truck screaming their heads off (including me in confusion), and Kc floored it out of the park. Nobody would tell me what went on until we were back in town under the lights. Koda was crying, something that's hard to make him do, and Yoder and Kc were both trying to explain what happened at the same time. Basically, they saw something that looked like a really shaggy deer, but stood on two legs. They saw the thing, tried to get a better look at it, then got freaked out and sprinted back to the truck when it looked at them. I still don't know if they got spooked by someone playing a trick out there dressed up, their imagination, or something legitimately freaky out there. I choose not to believe it though because I didn't see it and I'm one of those "I don't believe it until I see it" people.

TL;DR: Friends saw creepy, shaggy deer on two legs in woods,  pee themselves, and nope all the way back to the truck.

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #278 on: August 15, 2011, 12:46:40 AM »
Do you live in New Jersey?  If so, do you know what woods you were in, and/or what part of New Jersey (North South East West)?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 12:52:44 AM by St. Jimmy »

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #279 on: August 15, 2011, 12:53:13 AM »
Nope, I live in Texas.

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #280 on: August 15, 2011, 12:54:59 AM »
Oh, well I'm not sure then.

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #281 on: August 25, 2011, 01:14:06 AM »
I don't really know how to explain it...

Spirits can manifest in an object, usually related to it's death or an object that it was attached to in life. It's sort of like it's storing it's energy in the object(I think). If the object is moved somewhere else in the world, the spirit moves with it.

Lance could explain it better, I'm not even sure if that was right  :-\

Like the pokemon Spiritomb :D
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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #282 on: August 25, 2011, 03:38:49 AM »
My friend told me a story about him going to his dead great-grandmother's house. He had to sleep in her old room. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he saw her sitting in a chair, and he felt a sense of pleasure before immediately falling asleep again.
He seemed really serious when he told the story, and he's not one to lie about things like that without confessing to it.
Just want to get your opinion on this.

Offline Cloaked Schemer

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #283 on: August 25, 2011, 04:58:23 AM »
Hmm, there were some strange occurances in my life that could count as paranormal experiences. I mostly write them off as paranoia, but I might as well share.

1. When I was younger - around the age of eight or nine - my parents took my sister and I, along with a couple of their friends, to a nice restaurant. I can't remember the occasion, but I do remember that my father had asked for a more private table and we were brought to this small room (a wine-cellar, I would later learn) with only a couple of tables and a doorway without a door. After taking my seat, a feeling of unease swept over me and throughout the course of the dinner, it grew into absolute terror and panic. I have felt fear before, everyone has, but never before had I felt so... I don't know. Close to death? All I knew - all that was running through my head - was that I had to get out of that room immediately - I remember eventually being reduced to tears because of that, much to my parents' displeasure. To avoid further embarressment in front of their friends, my father had escorted me out of the restaurant - and I was mumbling my thanks the entire way. Once in the car, however, I felt much better, until I realized my father was going back into the restaurant. Naturally, I freaked out, but not for the normal reasons - not because I was an eight/nine year old child in the back of an empty car late at night, but because someone I loved was going back to the bad place. Again, I was in hysterics, begging him not to go back - begging him to just get my mother and sister and leave. Eventually, he gave in, but I recieved a great tongue lashing all the way home. I didn't mind in the slightest, I only felt great relief.

Now, I've always been somewhat paranoid, and under any other circumstance, I'd dismiss this entirely. But there's just something... wrong about how I felt. I've never felt fear so intense - as though I knew death would find me if I stayed too long in that room. I remember the feeling clearly, and it still gives me the creeps... I try to forget it.

2. My older step-sister sometimes claimed to see things that weren't there - more specifically, people. Normally, I'd roll my eyes at her or tell her to get some sleep, but there was one instance that really got to me. The day was either Saturday or Sunday - a day without school - and everyone was gathered in the family room to watch a bit of television (my father, my sister, my step-mother, my step-sister and myself). Now, let me give you a bit of insight on how my house is set up. The living room is right in front of the kitchen, separated only by a counter. To the direct right of the family room is an open staircase which led to a sort of half-catwalk upon which you could clearly see my younger sister's open door first followed by my open door. Getting back to the story, everything was fine - it was the middle of the day with the sun lighting up the house and we were watching some sort of comedy show when all of a sudden, my step-sister flips out. She jumps about a foot off the couch and grabs one of the pillows, kind of whisper-yelling "Oh my god!" Naturally we, her family, turn to her with concern and she looks at me. "Someone just went into your room!" she told me, eyes wide and serious, freaking me out a bit. Upon further questioning, she explained that she saw 'something' out of the corner of her eye move up the last few steps and disappear through my open doorway once she turned her head. She claimed the figure was humanoid, and seemed like a shadow. Looking up, I saw nothing, and neither did the rest of my family, so we dismissed my step-sister immediately. She was adamant though, and refused to believe that what she saw was a figment of her imagination. We tried to tell her that it was probably the ceiling fan in my room casting shadows (it was almost always on- I like my room really cold, otherwise I can't sleep). Unfortunately, when my younger sister and I went up to investigate (my older sister refused to go check it out) my fan was, surprisingly, not on. Since then, nearly every person in my immediate family (with the exception of my father) had some sort of weird... occurance.

- My step-mom thought she saw a child going through our pantry (and for that matter, thought that I had screamed her name early one morning, but I had not). Whoever it was or whatever it was faded before she could get a proper look. Now, she claims that she was just tired and seeing things.

- While my younger sister was sleeping, I went into her room to look for something. She could sleep through WWIII, so I wasn't concerned. All of a sudden, the eleven year old bolts upright and stares out the open door behind me with the most horrified expression on her face (her eyes were actually bulging and her entire frame was stiff) She looked as though a mass murderer were behind me, holding an axe over my head or something of that nature. For three or four minutes, I tried to shake her out of it, and eventually succeeded, only for my sister to look at me in confusion and fall back asleep.

- A few days after my step-sister's sixteenth birthday, the family and I were staying at a condo by the beach with only two rooms. One my dad and step-mom had, the other I shared with my sisters. That morning, my step-sister wakes me up, calling my name warily. She explains that at some point in the night, I had sat up in my bed and started chanting some sort of incoherent babble under my breath. Then, I repeated the phrase "three more times" thrice before returning to sleep. She said I was clutching my abdomen as if in pain, and rocking back and forth.

I would like to point out right now that I live in Florida - incredibly hot almost year round. I would also like to point out that my ceiling fan sucks. It does little more than circulate air and occasionally blows room temperature air at me. Now that you know that, you should also know that for a majority of the year, my room is an icebox. And only my room. No, my room does not have separate air conditioning and yes, I only use my fan. My step-mom always says that my room is unnaturally cold and that I must have one great fan, but I don't. On the rare days that my room isn't just cold, the fan does nothing. If anything, it just makes the room stuffy, so I leave it off.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 12:49:09 AM by Cloaked Schemer »
It is what it is.

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Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« Reply #284 on: August 25, 2011, 08:35:50 PM »
Dude o.0 that's some freaky stuff...family haunted maybe?

Speaking of shadow people, my mother decided to get a video of me and my bro playing QWOP yesterday. She was looking dead serious at the video and called me over to watch it saying she saw shadow people (she watches all these dumb, fake ghost movies and is very paranoid). I went over and watched, and yes I did see shadows, but it wasn't shadow people. It was a weird black mist/smudge thing that alternated between getting bigger each time we laughed, and smaller when we would calm down. I looked at her, laughed, and called her crazy. I'm dismissing it as her camera being low quality, but is there anything similar? Just wondering, for all you people who know about this kind of stuff. Not asking her because all she does is watch the movies, not search for the actual facts.