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Author Topic: Share your paranormal experiences!  (Read 136673 times)

Offline Janus

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« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2010, 02:42:13 PM »
My family has some weird experiences with spirits.

My niece's 5th birthday had just passed and she had gotten a helium balloon. She lived at my parents house with her mother, my older sister Meghan. One night, Meghan and I were in the living room watching tv, when this helium balloon started to float around the entire house, as if it was being pulled by it's ribbon. It even went up to the third floor and down to the first floor, as well as into a dead end kitchen and back out.

A week or two later, my niece was getting ready for bed when she said that the girl on Melina's (my other sister) lap didn't want her to go to bed, that she still wanted to play. Without prior knowledge of the balloon incident. We were a little freaked, but we figured a little girl wouldn't bother us much.

As far as I know, she didn't do anything major. She'd make things fall and rattle around the house, especially when you'd go to investigate (she played games), but she didn't give my niece any problems.

Another weird occurrence happened to me at this cemetery in Kitchener, Ontario. I used to have to walk through it at night around 1-2 in the morning to get home from work, and it had this short little street that connected it to neighbouring streets. I was never too worried because it was lit up by street lights and the other option was a 20 minute detour around the park.

The first night I got the creeps I was walking up to the cemetery as usual, but when I got close, the street lights shut off. I thought "whatever, I'm not walking the long way" and keep at it. The moment I step through the gate, the first street light turns on. I keep walking, getting to the edge of it's light, and the next one turns on. The moment I'm fully in it's light, the one behind me shuts off. This sequence happened through all six lights as I walked past the darkened gravestones. As I step through the far gate, the light behind me shuts off and I walk away with that eerie feeling. I keep glance back, and as I cross the street, the street lights in the cemetery turn back on.

The didn't just flash this at me either. It's done the reverse. It's had them all flicker as I walk through, but be fine before and after. I've even taken my sisters and friends there on multiple occasions to show them.

The one time, my friends and I drove up to the gate and parked. I was telling them the previous story and my other experiences, and they were getting creeped out. I hopped out of the SUV and walked up to the gate. As I did, they turned on as I walked through, but shut off when I stopped to look back. I kept walking and they flashed a few times, and then went out. Right then there was a flash of lightning and my friend Hilary freaked hardcore and cried for me to get back into the car.

The sad thing is, this cemetery is located between some older houses and a grocery store...

I dunno if I qualify as a sensitive, but my family has shown some psychic abilities

the thing with the street lights i've found pretty common in a number of cases I've done, hold on and I'll call up the case files to see what I can find... the first logical explanation I can find is that there is faulty wiring in the street lamps, that can make the lights go on and off, but the fact that each lamp went off as you approached it and turned back on as you left throws this possibility out the window, I've had a number of cases where lights turn on and off in houses or buildings I've investigated over the four years my team and I have done this.  but I've never encountered this in a street lamp, you said that your family has a history of psychic? ever consider one of those people coming to take a psychic walkthrough of the area? maybe the entities in the graveyard are trying to make contact with you for help, a medium is what could be of use in a case like this even though I rarely use them.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2010, 02:53:15 PM »
(I had the scariest night of my life! I saw this on my way to the art section, and decided to post it.)

Right, so I guess it really started about a year ago. It was the day after Easter, and one of my relatives had sent us some gifts. Well, this time she sent me a mini Monopoly game on a key chain. But my sister got something far worse. A mini Ouija board. My sister wasn't really into that stuff, so she asked me to trade. I happily agreed. That was the first mistake.

The second mistake, you've probably already guessed. I used it. I started out with "Are there any ghosts present?" Slowly, but surely, I felt my hand being pulled. I let go, calmed down, and asked again. It moved again, and stopped over Yes.

By now you must be thinking "So you stopped using it right?" Wrong. My third mistake, I kept using it. I asked it to spell it's name, no reply. I asked if he were a relative of mine. It moved to Yes. I asked if it was my grandfather, whom had died only a few months prior. No. Was it my great Uncle Jim, whom had died almost a year prior? Yes. Having deduced his identity, I put the board away. That night, I couldn't sleep.

The next incident was far worse. It was around September, at about midnight. Unable to sleep, I thought of my Ouija board. I decided to do some call and response. I asked if anyone was there. No reply. I asked again. no reply. but I felt a sudden cold on my check. I felt it. It was wet, and cold only in one spot. As if I had been kissed. I wiped it off, making sure it was warm again. I asked again, a little more shakily. Again I was kissed. I asked if I could have a hug. Immediately, I felt a chill around my upper torso. i had been given what I had asked for. I finally fell asleep.

After that I had many other smaller incidents, flashes of lights, shadows, people running in front of a mirror, and of course the feeling of being watched. But last night I had another major experience. I have this stuffed rabbit, which I've had ever since I was born. I sleep with it every night(yeah, I sleep with a rabbit! So what? that doesn't mean I a wuss or anything!). Last night I woke up feeling something moving in my hand. As usual, the rabbit was in my hand. But there was something strange. I felt it moving in steady, up and down motion, and could actually see the chest rising and falling. My rabbit was breathing! Thoroughly frightened, I tightened my grip, and the breathing stopped. A minute later, my pillow did the same thing. I released my grip on the rabbit, and another minute later, it started breathing again. I grabbed the rabbit and turned the other way. Again, it started breathing, but this time I let it. I had closed my eyes, but I knew it was lying flat. then something strange happened. The rabbit stopped breathing, and I felt something with a spherical shape go around in circles a few centimeters above my hand. I opened my eyes, the it stopped, and I saw the rabbit's legs had been moved so that they curled on it's stomach. I realized that it wasn't the rabbit itself that was moving, rather, something else was moving it! I turned again, and throughout the night, I felt a sharp prick at the back of my neck.

Obviously I have an intelligent haunting. But I can't help wonder why it's happening. Is really my great uncle Jim? Could it be someone else?

*FACEPALM* oh gawd, i really dislike the cases where somebody uses the ouija board, usualy it opens up "Old wounds" essentially to this day I am seriously scarred for life by the incident I described in the first posting, based on what you posted here it doesn't sound like there is anything to fear, you see, ghosts are essentially people without bodies, it doesn't seem to want any harm, just to be part of the family again, so I don't think you have anything to fear. if you want, get a non-filtered digital voice recorder and try some EVP sessions, just hit record and just talk like you were talking to him, you might get some responses,

Offline stephenkill2

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« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2010, 05:13:32 PM »
My family has some weird experiences with spirits.

My niece's 5th birthday had just passed and she had gotten a helium balloon. She lived at my parents house with her mother, my older sister Meghan. One night, Meghan and I were in the living room watching tv, when this helium balloon started to float around the entire house, as if it was being pulled by it's ribbon. It even went up to the third floor and down to the first floor, as well as into a dead end kitchen and back out.

A week or two later, my niece was getting ready for bed when she said that the girl on Melina's (my other sister) lap didn't want her to go to bed, that she still wanted to play. Without prior knowledge of the balloon incident. We were a little freaked, but we figured a little girl wouldn't bother us much.

As far as I know, she didn't do anything major. She'd make things fall and rattle around the house, especially when you'd go to investigate (she played games), but she didn't give my niece any problems.

Another weird occurrence happened to me at this cemetery in Kitchener, Ontario. I used to have to walk through it at night around 1-2 in the morning to get home from work, and it had this short little street that connected it to neighbouring streets. I was never too worried because it was lit up by street lights and the other option was a 20 minute detour around the park.

The first night I got the creeps I was walking up to the cemetery as usual, but when I got close, the street lights shut off. I thought "whatever, I'm not walking the long way" and keep at it. The moment I step through the gate, the first street light turns on. I keep walking, getting to the edge of it's light, and the next one turns on. The moment I'm fully in it's light, the one behind me shuts off. This sequence happened through all six lights as I walked past the darkened gravestones. As I step through the far gate, the light behind me shuts off and I walk away with that eerie feeling. I keep glance back, and as I cross the street, the street lights in the cemetery turn back on.

The didn't just flash this at me either. It's done the reverse. It's had them all flicker as I walk through, but be fine before and after. I've even taken my sisters and friends there on multiple occasions to show them.

The one time, my friends and I drove up to the gate and parked. I was telling them the previous story and my other experiences, and they were getting creeped out. I hopped out of the SUV and walked up to the gate. As I did, they turned on as I walked through, but shut off when I stopped to look back. I kept walking and they flashed a few times, and then went out. Right then there was a flash of lightning and my friend Hilary freaked hardcore and cried for me to get back into the car.

The sad thing is, this cemetery is located between some older houses and a grocery store...

I dunno if I qualify as a sensitive, but my family has shown some psychic abilities

the thing with the street lights i've found pretty common in a number of cases I've done, hold on and I'll call up the case files to see what I can find... the first logical explanation I can find is that there is faulty wiring in the street lamps, that can make the lights go on and off, but the fact that each lamp went off as you approached it and turned back on as you left throws this possibility out the window, I've had a number of cases where lights turn on and off in houses or buildings I've investigated over the four years my team and I have done this.  but I've never encountered this in a street lamp, you said that your family has a history of psychic? ever consider one of those people coming to take a psychic walkthrough of the area? maybe the entities in the graveyard are trying to make contact with you for help, a medium is what could be of use in a case like this even though I rarely use them.

This also happens to me, usually when I walk close to cemetarys or by a tree where someone used to be hanged in my town. Lights will go off as I walk by though.

Offline obi

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« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2010, 09:01:32 PM »
I'm pretty sure the lights were motion sensored.


You've only got one mind. Lose it wisely.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2010, 11:19:46 PM »
My family has some weird experiences with spirits.

My niece's 5th birthday had just passed and she had gotten a helium balloon. She lived at my parents house with her mother, my older sister Meghan. One night, Meghan and I were in the living room watching tv, when this helium balloon started to float around the entire house, as if it was being pulled by it's ribbon. It even went up to the third floor and down to the first floor, as well as into a dead end kitchen and back out.

A week or two later, my niece was getting ready for bed when she said that the girl on Melina's (my other sister) lap didn't want her to go to bed, that she still wanted to play. Without prior knowledge of the balloon incident. We were a little freaked, but we figured a little girl wouldn't bother us much.

As far as I know, she didn't do anything major. She'd make things fall and rattle around the house, especially when you'd go to investigate (she played games), but she didn't give my niece any problems.

Another weird occurrence happened to me at this cemetery in Kitchener, Ontario. I used to have to walk through it at night around 1-2 in the morning to get home from work, and it had this short little street that connected it to neighbouring streets. I was never too worried because it was lit up by street lights and the other option was a 20 minute detour around the park.

The first night I got the creeps I was walking up to the cemetery as usual, but when I got close, the street lights shut off. I thought "whatever, I'm not walking the long way" and keep at it. The moment I step through the gate, the first street light turns on. I keep walking, getting to the edge of it's light, and the next one turns on. The moment I'm fully in it's light, the one behind me shuts off. This sequence happened through all six lights as I walked past the darkened gravestones. As I step through the far gate, the light behind me shuts off and I walk away with that eerie feeling. I keep glance back, and as I cross the street, the street lights in the cemetery turn back on.

The didn't just flash this at me either. It's done the reverse. It's had them all flicker as I walk through, but be fine before and after. I've even taken my sisters and friends there on multiple occasions to show them.

The one time, my friends and I drove up to the gate and parked. I was telling them the previous story and my other experiences, and they were getting creeped out. I hopped out of the SUV and walked up to the gate. As I did, they turned on as I walked through, but shut off when I stopped to look back. I kept walking and they flashed a few times, and then went out. Right then there was a flash of lightning and my friend Hilary freaked hardcore and cried for me to get back into the car.

The sad thing is, this cemetery is located between some older houses and a grocery store...

I dunno if I qualify as a sensitive, but my family has shown some psychic abilities

the thing with the street lights i've found pretty common in a number of cases I've done, hold on and I'll call up the case files to see what I can find... the first logical explanation I can find is that there is faulty wiring in the street lamps, that can make the lights go on and off, but the fact that each lamp went off as you approached it and turned back on as you left throws this possibility out the window, I've had a number of cases where lights turn on and off in houses or buildings I've investigated over the four years my team and I have done this.  but I've never encountered this in a street lamp, you said that your family has a history of psychic? ever consider one of those people coming to take a psychic walkthrough of the area? maybe the entities in the graveyard are trying to make contact with you for help, a medium is what could be of use in a case like this even though I rarely use them.

This also happens to me, usually when I walk close to cemetarys or by a tree where someone used to be hanged in my town. Lights will go off as I walk by though.

Personally My team and I don't like to investigate cemeteries because those places are for people to be laid to rest and I don't like stirring up the dead. one theory I can come up with is that there is an entity in the area drawing energy from the street lamp using that energy to manifest itself.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #35 on: March 21, 2010, 11:20:42 PM »
I'm pretty sure the lights were motion sensored.

haven't heard of anything like that, but it does sound possible

Offline Coltrane

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« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2010, 11:31:24 PM »
I'm pretty sure the lights were motion sensored.

haven't heard of anything like that, but it does sound possible

Not plausible. I checked with the city about the lights. No cemetery uses motion sensors on their lights unless attached to a building. ^_^ sorry to burst that theory.

Plus if they were motion-sensored lights, then what would explain the changes in the patterns? They didn't always follow the same sequence, or any sequence for that matter.

Offline stephenkill2

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« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2010, 02:14:05 AM »
I'm pretty sure the lights were motion sensored.

no, they're not.

Offline Hiyaku

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« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2010, 01:13:31 PM »
(I had the scariest night of my life! I saw this on my way to the art section, and decided to post it.)

Right, so I guess it really started about a year ago. It was the day after Easter, and one of my relatives had sent us some gifts. Well, this time she sent me a mini Monopoly game on a key chain. But my sister got something far worse. A mini Ouija board. My sister wasn't really into that stuff, so she asked me to trade. I happily agreed. That was the first mistake.

The second mistake, you've probably already guessed. I used it. I started out with "Are there any ghosts present?" Slowly, but surely, I felt my hand being pulled. I let go, calmed down, and asked again. It moved again, and stopped over Yes.

By now you must be thinking "So you stopped using it right?" Wrong. My third mistake, I kept using it. I asked it to spell it's name, no reply. I asked if he were a relative of mine. It moved to Yes. I asked if it was my grandfather, whom had died only a few months prior. No. Was it my great Uncle Jim, whom had died almost a year prior? Yes. Having deduced his identity, I put the board away. That night, I couldn't sleep.

The next incident was far worse. It was around September, at about midnight. Unable to sleep, I thought of my Ouija board. I decided to do some call and response. I asked if anyone was there. No reply. I asked again. no reply. but I felt a sudden cold on my check. I felt it. It was wet, and cold only in one spot. As if I had been kissed. I wiped it off, making sure it was warm again. I asked again, a little more shakily. Again I was kissed. I asked if I could have a hug. Immediately, I felt a chill around my upper torso. i had been given what I had asked for. I finally fell asleep.

After that I had many other smaller incidents, flashes of lights, shadows, people running in front of a mirror, and of course the feeling of being watched. But last night I had another major experience. I have this stuffed rabbit, which I've had ever since I was born. I sleep with it every night(yeah, I sleep with a rabbit! So what? that doesn't mean I a wuss or anything!). Last night I woke up feeling something moving in my hand. As usual, the rabbit was in my hand. But there was something strange. I felt it moving in steady, up and down motion, and could actually see the chest rising and falling. My rabbit was breathing! Thoroughly frightened, I tightened my grip, and the breathing stopped. A minute later, my pillow did the same thing. I released my grip on the rabbit, and another minute later, it started breathing again. I grabbed the rabbit and turned the other way. Again, it started breathing, but this time I let it. I had closed my eyes, but I knew it was lying flat. then something strange happened. The rabbit stopped breathing, and I felt something with a spherical shape go around in circles a few centimeters above my hand. I opened my eyes, the it stopped, and I saw the rabbit's legs had been moved so that they curled on it's stomach. I realized that it wasn't the rabbit itself that was moving, rather, something else was moving it! I turned again, and throughout the night, I felt a sharp prick at the back of my neck.

Obviously I have an intelligent haunting. But I can't help wonder why it's happening. Is really my great uncle Jim? Could it be someone else?

*FACEPALM* oh gawd, i really dislike the cases where somebody uses the ouija board, usualy it opens up "Old wounds" essentially to this day I am seriously scarred for life by the incident I described in the first posting, based on what you posted here it doesn't sound like there is anything to fear, you see, ghosts are essentially people without bodies, it doesn't seem to want any harm, just to be part of the family again, so I don't think you have anything to fear. if you want, get a non-filtered digital voice recorder and try some EVP sessions, just hit record and just talk like you were talking to him, you might get some responses,

Alright, I'll try it.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2010, 02:42:21 PM »

Offline Hiyaku

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« Reply #40 on: March 22, 2010, 08:34:19 PM »
(Gawd I hate school! :P)

I think it might be a little girl, because the night it started, I heard a girl's voice say "Play with us! Play with us!" And it said my name a couple times. I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared! I haven't had a good haunt in about a year! XD

Offline stephenkill2

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« Reply #41 on: March 22, 2010, 09:22:49 PM »
(Gawd I hate school! :P)

I think it might be a little girl, because the night it started, I heard a girl's voice say "Play with us! Play with us!" And it said my name a couple times. I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared! I haven't had a good haunt in about a year! XD

dude. play with them. lolicon ftw.

Offline Gman

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« Reply #42 on: March 22, 2010, 11:38:47 PM »
Alright, I have a couple of'em.

This first one takes place at a friend's party. They were into the occult, and they wanted to try and disprove of a local ghost by attempting to summon it. It required a mirror, and a pitch-black room, and they sat me in a chair in the middle of the room(didn't know any better at the time, and I can't remember if a Ouija Board was used or not). Well, after some creepy chanting, they get a result.

Orbs of light start going up around the room, and people start freaking out. They run out the door, and held the exit's door shut, purposely keeping me in, and in a lame attempt to keep the ghost from coming out. I hyperventilated when I saw a figure in the room with me, and lost consciousness. It wasn't long until they opened the door up, and woke me back up by traditionally pouring water on my head.
This next story is more of a short event. What happened was I woke up, around one or two in the morning, and I couldn't fall asleep. I looked out my bedroom window, and I saw multiple figures in black cloaks outside. That freaked me out a lot. One of my cats was in the room with me, and just stared at me. It left me paranoid for a while, until I forced myself to go to sleep, and ignore all of it.
I suppose it's worth mentioning that friends and family say that I do things that I have no recollection of, sometimes it's kind of mean, but it's usual just me insulting them, or being arrogant. But I would rather say it is coming from a personality disorder, or just the fact that I have bad memory(despite the fact I'm not really old enough to have bad memory yet).

Offline Janus

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« Reply #43 on: March 23, 2010, 12:22:13 AM »
(Gawd I hate school! :P)

I think it might be a little girl, because the night it started, I heard a girl's voice say "Play with us! Play with us!" And it said my name a couple times. I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared! I haven't had a good haunt in about a year! XD

THis is pretty common, disembodied voice of a child asking to play, in cases like this, we have a small box of toys, a teddy bear, a ball, a toy car, simple stuff and set them out for the alleged spirit to try and get him or her to appear, a good tip when dealing with child spirits is to sit on the floor, doing this puts you at child height so it'll make it more comfortable to come out.

Offline Janus

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« Reply #44 on: March 23, 2010, 12:29:14 AM »
Alright, I have a couple of'em.

This first one takes place at a friend's party. They were into the occult, and they wanted to try and disprove of a local ghost by attempting to summon it. It required a mirror, and a pitch-black room, and they sat me in a chair in the middle of the room(didn't know any better at the time, and I can't remember if a Ouija Board was used or not). Well, after some creepy chanting, they get a result.

Orbs of light start going up around the room, and people start freaking out. They run out the door, and held the exit's door shut, purposely keeping me in, and in a lame attempt to keep the ghost from coming out. I hyperventilated when I saw a figure in the room with me, and lost consciousness. It wasn't long until they opened the door up, and woke me back up by traditionally pouring water on my head.
This next story is more of a short event. What happened was I woke up, around one or two in the morning, and I couldn't fall asleep. I looked out my bedroom window, and I saw multiple figures in black cloaks outside. That freaked me out a lot. One of my cats was in the room with me, and just stared at me. It left me paranoid for a while, until I forced myself to go to sleep, and ignore all of it.
I suppose it's worth mentioning that friends and family say that I do things that I have no recollection of, sometimes it's kind of mean, but it's usual just me insulting them, or being arrogant. But I would rather say it is coming from a personality disorder, or just the fact that I have bad memory(despite the fact I'm not really old enough to have bad memory yet).

Real Orbs are pretty darn rare, orbs in pictures or on video don't impress me because they are usually dust or bugs close up to the camera lens, but you saw these orbs and that is impressive! Summoning the dead is never a good idea, for there is no safe way to send them back, and you could have things follow you home that can cause trouble for your family or friends

on the subject of the black cloaks? what time of night was it? or what time of year was it? because it might have been some local pagans or in my case wiccans gathering for a ritual, we wear black cloaks because it is an energy gathiering color and we use that energy gathering to raise the power of our spells