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Author Topic: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion  (Read 147480 times)

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #195 on: October 29, 2011, 11:52:53 PM »
I braced myself on the bite, this guy thought he was a frigging vampire, the electricity wasn't as bad this time around

I grabbed his wrist and pulled it away just enough to have the dark pulse fire past my head

I used my aura to pin him to the ground and away from my arm

Your just sad you know that, you have all this power and all you can do with it is distroy, all you can think about is distruction, your pathetic, weak, and not worth the air your breathing

I got up "Im done here, if you insist on being a rabid animal then I will put you down like one, but all you are right now is just a moron craving attention, good bye...whoever you are

and with that I shadowed out and went back to the city

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #196 on: October 30, 2011, 12:00:17 AM »
The name is Shroud. And thanks for the cave, buddy.

My fun was done, I turned invisible, and left the place. I went back to my casual transformation. I had his scent, now I can follow him.

He went this way, I know it. Shadow or not, I still know what your human half smells like.

i went towards the direction I smelled.
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Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #197 on: October 30, 2011, 12:08:28 AM »
it took me a moment but I got back to the city, the wounds I had were covered up by the glamore of Ven, but I would need some time and a bit of dream eater to recover from that fight

thank goodness that they were still there

"um...SORRY, I uh...it took longer than I thought....did anything happen while I was away?"

Meditite and Riolu jumped on me, Meditite rapped its legs around my neck and rested on my head luxuriously and Riolu clung to my waist...they had grown quite attached already

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #198 on: October 30, 2011, 01:00:32 AM »
Well, it's alright, but your ice cream melted. Nothign special, I'm still trying to figure out what this necklase does.

Then I facepalmed, it's a necklace, it's made to go on yuor neck. I put it on and I feel slightly smarter.

So, back on subject, what do you think that light was? I think I'll check it out later.
. . .

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #199 on: October 30, 2011, 01:12:51 AM »
aww...that's too bad, I wanted that icecream too

I held my breath looking at him with the necklace...it didn't seem to change anything....maybe you had to activate it our something

so back on subject, what do you think that light was?I'll check it out later

um...well I'dunno...it seemed kind of scary to me though, the way it just came and went like that...

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #200 on: October 30, 2011, 01:26:47 AM »
I folowed the scent all the way to an Ice Cream Shop.

Aww, my buddy shouldn't have.

I was still in my casual form, and nobody suspected that this form was the thing that destroyed the lake. I walked into the shop to find my buddy, looking weird, next to someone.

Hi, I'm Gedo, I'm new here.

If he's smart, he would stay in his disguise, and not try to throw mine off. I put on my innocent smile.
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Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #201 on: October 30, 2011, 01:32:51 AM »
WHAT THE FRIG!?!? how did he find me?

dam dog nose, must of tracked me by sent...Im going to have to fix that

I hid behind Florence "um....i don't like this...he has horns n'stuff and its spooky"

while keeping airs of being freaked by this "newcomer" I flashed a bit of aura in my eyes, warning him with my breif expression not to start anything

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #202 on: October 30, 2011, 02:11:22 AM »
Really? He dosent seem ev-

I stopped myself right then and there. Horns? Tail? Tan skin? He looked all too much like that guy on the newpaper, I figured we shouldent take chances.

*whispers faintly* When encountering someone like that... aneak through the back door. If he follows try to sneak past him in a crowd.

I grab his shoulder and we sneak away quietly, find the back door and leave.

I've seen that guy on the news, I think he's the terrorist, He dosent look as threatening, but the horns and tail seem to be enough of a signal, even if it's not him we shouldent take chances. Afterall, we've already got caught in the middle of an incident like that once, and once is enough for one day.
. . .

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #203 on: October 30, 2011, 02:17:02 AM »
I followed them, I already had their scents. I heard the strange one say something about me.

Oh, you met shroud I take it.

I breathed a sigh.

We are not the same, I have horns and a tail yes, but it's because I'm a Tarok, and so is he. We're the last of our clan.

I looked down, almost crying.

All of us, my mom and dad, were killed by a strange pokemon. Shroud took me far away, but something in him snapped. I ran from him, and now he's attacking random places. Look, you can trust me, I can even help you find some good pokemon.

I gave a smile, and put my hand out for a handshake.

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Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #204 on: October 30, 2011, 02:26:38 AM »
Just when I was about to reach for his hand, the necklace glowed, and a voice echoed in my head.

He's lying...

Do I have "Gullable" written on my for-head?
. . .

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #205 on: October 30, 2011, 02:32:14 AM »
What was this he was blabbing about...is he seriously trying to act like two different people?

I had a figure out a way to keep this kid safe and keep it like he is the one protecting me...
Um....I think he can smell us...since he is a dog n'stuff...we should probably find a place with a lot of smells and then...you know...mask our sent or something...you know?

all of us, my mom and dad, were killed by a strange pokemon. Shroud took me far away, but something in him snapped. I ran from him, and now he's attacking random places...look you can trust me...

he got in front of us, putting his hand out and smiling that deceptive smile "you can trust me, i can even help you find some good pokemon.

"um...that's ok mister, we got good pokemon, we're sorry about your family though, hope that gets resolved

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #206 on: October 30, 2011, 02:32:36 AM »
Fool, don't test me!

I noticed the necklace on him.

Oh, so that's what gave me away huh?

I swiped it while placing a fist in his gut.

What a pretty little necklace.

I put it on, but something happened, it burned. Was this pain? It was.


Images flashed in my head, all the things I've done, hitting me at once. The images of my clan, the death's of all those people. But one image was different, a pokemon, a strong one, one that can destroy me. I threw the necklace off.

What the hell was that?!
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Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #207 on: October 30, 2011, 02:38:15 AM »
I caught it and grabed the boys hand and ran into a crowd. Luckily it was a big crowd with many wemon with perfume, I swipe a bottle or two from soem and run out the other side.

Lets go with your scent disquise idea, I think theres a clothes shop over that corner, if we can disquise oursleves and our scent, we can slip out of the town.

We turn and run ebhind a building, then the crowd clears and I put the perfume on the both of us. We run into the store.

Okay, we need disquises, what to do, what to do...
. . .

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #208 on: October 30, 2011, 02:46:02 AM »
They didn't know I used faint Attack to become invisible and followed them. I grabbed the one I knew was Darkrai.

Show your true form fool!

I looked at the other guy.

You, that necklace it's important!

I leered at him.

Don't let anyone get a hold of it again. And keep it far away from me!

I kept holding onto Darkrai.

I know what you're thinking...

I placed him down.

But I want to help, whatever I seen in that vision, it's worse than me. You have to believe me.

I dropped my guard. I didn't want to show any aggression.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 02:52:44 AM by Cortex J. »
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Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #209 on: October 30, 2011, 02:52:17 AM »
I looked into the freaks face, for once it seemed to show genuine emotion

I said whispering to the feind...hopefully I could maintain my desguise, I did not want to end this so soon

I...i dunno what you mean mister, you have me confused with someone else...

I made like I was summing up my courage, instead of resisting Darkrai and preventing full blown war in this crowded street

...but...but if you want me to believe you...then turn yourself in, no bad stuff, no killing