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Author Topic: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion  (Read 198483 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #435 on: November 01, 2011, 08:04:11 AM »
What is that?

Houndoom, is that you?

I can't believe my one friend was actually here. He never talks when I am.


I guess he went back to shroud, but I'm curious, what is Air Gear?
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Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #436 on: November 01, 2011, 08:08:58 AM »
-Well, it's a manga and an anime about people who have rollerblades with motors. I won't bore you with details though.

-So I guess Houndoom was able to communicate there for a moment, then went away. Yup, just like Akito and Agito.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #437 on: November 01, 2011, 08:17:51 AM »
(I honestly never heard of that, I might look it up.)

That's the first time he did too. Our fusion could have worked properly, we were in perfect harmony. But my hunger for power created Shroud. He was stronger than me I guess.

I remembered another detail.

He killed off all of my clan. I'm not sure if anyone survived. But seeing how that kid and Darkrai were able to fuse tells me that there were more clans in the past. I'm not sure how many descendants remain.

I was sure of this thoery.

This can also mean that humans always had this power to begin with, they just never practiced like the Tarok.

I got up.

I'm going to head back to the others, the hour is almost up for them, I want to see if any of them were successful. You just started, so you still have quite a while to see, but I'm sure yours was successful.

I left my new friend there to enjoy his fusion till time was up.
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Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #438 on: November 01, 2011, 08:26:59 AM »
The Houndoom Tarok got up, and went to go check on the others.

-...Definitely Akito.


I caught up to walk with him.

-I don't think we've all introduced ourselves. I only know Florence actually.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #439 on: November 01, 2011, 08:29:34 AM »
Well, I really don't remember my name. I heard Shroud use the name Gedo, but I'm not sure that's it. I don't really like it.

I though a bit about it.

Yeah, I can't remember my name. I guess you guys can call me Tarok. It is my clan, and I guess I can carry it's name. What's yours?
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #440 on: November 01, 2011, 08:37:57 AM »
-I'm Jason. Videogame addict and Audioholic. Now that I think about it, I don't know where my...

I looked down at my arm and noticed there were some buttons on it that matched my MP3 player. I pressed the play button, and the music started playing in my helmet.

-That is sooo cool.

-I can't believe my MP3 player and my headphones made it in here.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #441 on: November 01, 2011, 08:44:38 AM »
That is new to me. I don't think I ever seen a Tarok do that. But I also never seen a Tarok be able to transform into a stronger version of their fusion.

I looked down as I walked. My other form, the strongest form. I was sure of it. It's shroud's form.

The pieces are starting to fit.

(So, you're unlocking your secrets it seems. I should have gotten rid of you in the beginning.)

Now Shroud was taunting me.

(You don't have power here anymore. I'm taking control. My friends are helping me gain strenght over you.)

(Foolish as always, all you crave is power. Even if it's your own body. I'll let you have your fun, but be warned, I will take control again.)

And like that, he went silent.

It's nice to meet you Jason, I'm glad to have met you.
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Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #442 on: November 01, 2011, 08:51:32 AM »
-I'm glad to have met you too. One other thing.

I stopped walking for a moment, looking down.

-I know this whole endeavor is a little hard to manage...but just...hang in there, okay?

I looked up and gave him a big smile. I knew that everything he was going through, the relics, Shroud and Houndoom...He had a lot of stuff in his life to deal with.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #443 on: November 01, 2011, 08:54:57 AM »
I smile back.

I will. I promise.

I get back to the clearing, I seen everyone still there. I waited to see how the fusions would end up. They should wear off any minute now.

(And with this, I'm signing off.)
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #444 on: November 01, 2011, 08:57:33 AM »
-Did everyone see that epic game of tag?

-It was epic for all of 10 seconds, and then we fell on our face.

(I'm off to Dreamland. Well, maybe not with all this...candy...Excuse me while I gobble candy before bed.)

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #445 on: November 01, 2011, 08:58:28 AM »
-What do you mean by that? My body has the same properties as the fusion bands?

Aspen walked up to a computer and booted it up. I meant exactly what I said, your body is what we have been looking for to enhance the fusion battling experience.
The computer went to the login screen, he logged in and opened a folder labeled "Rex" Clicking on a file in the folder it pulled up a series of numbers and words. He grabbed a pen and pulled a chair for me.

-See here, he said pointing to some red lines, this is what tells me that you are immune. When we compared this to other people they didn't have these lines here. He closed the current file and opened a new one. He traced the waves with his pen.

-See here, this is your body's natural wave flow, as you just walk around from day to day. Now...Here we have someone using the Fusion Bands, identical. I believe that if you had a crystal you could fuse any where with out the need of a band. Unfortunately I don't have one.

Luxray looked at me as to say told you so.

-Where can I find one?

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #446 on: November 01, 2011, 10:50:03 PM »
I was training a bit after the drama cooled down, and hetting used to my new form. It must have been an hour by now, could that mean... Suddenly I glowed, and we de-fused and fell on each other's faces. it worked... it was succesful!


I hugged Skiploom, glad it was only temporary.

By the way, Darkrai, Ven, just because you both are limited on your freedom dosent mean this is all simply an illusion. You both have your own bodies right now, it's just your both chained together for now in a way. My purpose in this world is done... now I can rest in peace knowing our world is in good hands. Goodbye, I hope you two will be happier in the future.

He starts walking up the mountain, instead of down to the villadge at the foot of the mountain.
. . .

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #447 on: November 01, 2011, 10:51:39 PM »
They stood before Darkrai and I, the three pokemon we had saved from the bad men back in the city: Combuskin, Meditite, and Riolu. They were doing better and look well rested, they had pretty much been sleeping during our travel to the mountain, but now it was time to train. We had left the group silently, we had things we needed to take care of. Darkrai and I had come to an agreement, to work together for as long as we needed until the day we could finally be our own person again.

We were on another part of Olba Mountains, away from the rest of them in a severely rocky and trecherous area...pretty much only Gedo would be get here. The old man had given us a lot to think about, but now was the time for action.

"Our way of training is different than what the humans do, its intensive and dangerous" Darkrai spoke "But it gives you power unparralelled by any normal pokemon...you will learn how to fight using more than just your moves, your whole body will become a weapon"

"I will be training with you three, think of me as your comrade and not as a trainer...when we spar I want you to come at me with everything you got, and I'll respond in kind"

Combuskin nodded, Riolu looked concerned though, meditite was floating and taking in what we were saying

"don't worry, I may have the body of a child now, but I am stronger than I look....Combuskin...come at me"

It came up to me, and we circled one another...it was used to receiving orders so it did not start the attack "Come at me, use whatever move comes to your mind"

Combuskin nodded and jumped, throwing a kick at my face, I spun to the ground and swivled under neath the pokemon, charging my aura on the rise up, slamming a darkpulse into its back....it was far weaker than what I was used to, but the fact I could pull it off as a human was promising enough

Combuskin sailed and landed on its feet and performed a backflip, shooting a flamethrower as it turned through the air. I slammed the ground and sailed into the air over the flames, they felt extreamely hot, Combuskin got to its feat and blocked my downward strike, I countered by swiveling around and slamming into its side, it backed to the side a bit on the rocks, I landed on a jaggad rock that gave out at my weight. I fell for a moment but regained my balance with a dark pulse, running along side the mountain back up to the pokemon, it rushed to meet me with a quick attack, we collided, I ducked under its flame thrower and slammed my legs into its chest, It grinded on the wall of the mountain and came at me again. It came at me with a barrage of attacks, I blocked as much as I could, but it was starting to draw blood. It stopped in concern, but I erged it on, slamming my leg into the side of its head. I got it into a head lock on the side of the mountain...it submitted, I was exausted and fell next to it..."that was...good..."

Darkrai was hovering above us...his energy flew about him in complex patterns, he focused his aura in ways I could barely comprehend, even when I was fused with him he knew this power better than I ever could, he was older and wiser than me after all. This thing he was doing in the air, It was a way of training himself without even moving, I only just bearly understood how it worked.

I had gone through a similar battle with the other too, but Combuskin was the strongest out of the three....if I were to label a level she would be around 30, though I never put much credence to those stats. It was the skill and not the level that won the day.

I was exausted after those matches with these pokemon, trying to keep up with these creatures was extreamely tireing, my young muscles ached and my lungs were on fire...but I was going to get stronger

Darkrai floated toward me..."Spar with me" its said

I laughed...that was suicide...but I did anyway

All I could do was dodge, Darkrai was bearly trying, he was making me dance around with his dark energy befor pinning me to the ground...how I ever got into the position I had with him was beyond me...Darkrai was amazingly strong already, and he needed to get stronger still...how powerful would we be when all was said and done...
"you must get stronger boy, I will grow stronger as well....my own way

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #448 on: November 01, 2011, 10:59:50 PM »

That's good sign. Oh, a little note, you will only be able to perform a true fusion with pokemon you performed the technique with, you won't be able to do so with any other. That's just how it is. But you need not worry about perma-fusion anymore.

I looked around for Darkrai and that kid. They disappeared. I smelled the air, he was close, and Shroud wanted to go find him, but I was in control. I decided it was best to leave him alone, we would meet again one day.

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Re: [RP] Pokemon X-Fusion
« Reply #449 on: November 01, 2011, 11:05:25 PM »
I'm not de-fusing.
Uhh guys. Isn't the hour up? Because it probably is. Florence de-fused. Whatever.
I think about the necklace of wisdom.
The necklace of wisdom. I want to find it. That's my goal. Mental note, FIND NECKLACE OF WISDOM. Anyone want to come, and help me?
I say.