Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

The PRAT Team

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this is an expansion of a concept I came up with in Draagn's Light side and Dark Side of pokemon thread in more Detail, what it was called in the posting was Team Counter Strike, I realized too late that it would sound like a rip off from the Counter strike video game series, so I came up with a new name and more Details about it:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: the PRAT team (Pokemon Rescue & Assault Tactics)

A team of elite Trainers formed by the Pokemon League as a team to counter the operations of Team (insert evil team name here), and ensure that freedom and justice are upheld. 

-Each member can specialize what they do on the team, ordinarily PRAT teams work in cells of 3 people, multiple cells can be deployed into a location.  Cells can either specialize or diversify what they do for PRAT, Like

Optional specialized cells:

Covering fire- this squad form's job is to take to the air with pokemon such as Flygon and Charizard which have flight capabilities and ranged special attacks which are used to scatter any enemy forces paving the way fro ground squads to come in and take care of the rest (I know this may be a bit complicated to do in overworld sprites but I think it could be possible if you ask me, any spriters who read this, tell me if you agree or think otherwise)

Ground Squads- the backbone of major operations such as taking down criminal groups, these are forces who go in behind covering fire and mop up what's left of the opposition, basically foot troops.

Intel- for those who don't really like to be combat oriented, most of these people are hackers who pierce enemy computer systems and get the info needed.  Mostly aided by the pokemon Porygon and its evolutions by entering cyberspace and finding what's needed.

Medics- Medics are support in the field for treating injured pokemon that were hurt in the field.  before getting to the level of active service in field operations, all potential medics must train at a pokemon center learning how to treat injuries and the like, next they must pass a test before being certified as medics.

infiltration- is for members who prefer stealth to power, and are usually used for rescue operations.

if I missed anything or have any Ideas plz tell me and submit your thoughts about this

I've got to say I love this idea. I've always thought that the evil teams should have some kind of oppostion. The only thing I would say is remember this is a pokemon game, guns are rarely used and it's normally quite child friendly, so don't start making a crack anti-terrorist squad.

Pokemon is not an army game, sorry.


--- Quote from: Flashy on February 09, 2010, 09:16:07 PM ---Pokemon is not an army game, sorry.

--- End quote ---

Yea I agree. This is not like pokemon at all. It just wont be the same if we try to make it all army and stuff like that. This sounds way to army based and as far as I can tell, the PU devs have no intention of changing PU at all. I think they already have a quest line set out already, and I don't think any of it relates to anything army-like.

As the OP explains it, it would be near impossible to incorporate it "as is".

However, I like that someone is thinking outside of the normal Pokemon realm; coming up with innovative ideas.

We should take from this the "out of box" thinking, not necessarily the idea itself, in my opinion.

I'm sure we're all familiar with the "out of box" ideas, but rarely do we submit ideas that are out of the norm.

Most ideas so far have been along the usual Pokemon lines.


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