Name: Dugtrio
Number: 51
Type: Ground
Abilities: Arena Trap, Sand Veil, Sand Power
Base Stats:
Level Up Move Edits:
Move Tutor Move Edits:
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Example Set
name: Revenge-killer
ability: Arena Trap
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 3: Night Slash / Sucker Punch
move 4: Aerial Ace / Pursuit
item: Choice Band / Life Orb
Explanation of Set
The trapping-set from UU returns!!! The idea is simple, switch him in after one of your own pokémon has died (unless the pokémon is part flying or has the Levitate-ability), and kill the opponent with the appropriate move. Choice Band for more power, or Life Orb for the possibility to switch between moves. It was always a good revenge-killer, so why would you change it?