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Author Topic: Available Pokemon  (Read 14435 times)

Offline Shadowfred

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Available Pokemon
« on: October 31, 2011, 02:18:13 PM »
This is a list of all the pokemon currently released by the balance team to the public, it is meant as a quick reference list when building your teams. If you want to see the actual changes, head over to http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,3736.0.html and follow the links.

-----------------------GEN  I ------------------------------

3: Venusaur
6: Charizard
9: Blastoise
12: Butterfree
18: Pidgeot
20: Raticate
22: Fearow
24: Arbok
26: Raichu
28: Sandslash
34: Nidoking
38: Ninetales
40: Wigglytuff
45: Vileplume
51: Dugtrio
53: Persian
55: Golduck
59: Arcanine
62: Poliwrath
65: Alakazam
68: Machamp
73: Tentacruel
76: Golem
78: Rapidash
80: Slowbro
85: Dodrio
87: Dewgong
89: Muk
91: Cloyster
94: Gengar
97: Hypno
99: Kingler
101: Electrode
103: Exeggutor
106: Hitmonlee
107: Hitmonchan
110: Weezing
121: Starmie
122: Mr. Mime
123: Scyther
125: Electabuzz
128: Tauros
130: Gyarados
132: Ditto
134: Vaporeon
135: Jolteon
136: Flareon
143: Snorlax
149: Dragonite

-----------------------GEN  II -----------------------------

154: Meganium
157: Typhlosion
160: Feraligatr
162: Furret
164: Noctowl
166: Ledian
169: Crobat
171: Lanturn
181: Ampharos
184: Azumarill
186: Politoed
195: Quagsire
196: Espeon
197: Umbreon
199: Slowking
201: Unown
203: Girafarig
205: Forretress
208: Steelix
212: Scizor
214: Heracross
217: Ursaring
227: Skarmory
229: Houndoom
230: Kingdra
232: Donphan
233: Porygon2
235: Smeargle
237: Hitmontop
241: Miltank
242: Blissey

-----------------------GEN  III ----------------------------

254: Sceptile
257: Blaziken
260: Swampert
262: Mightyena
264: Linoone
269: Dustox
272: Ludicolo
277: Swellow
284: Masquerain
289: Slaking
291: Ninjask
292: Shedinja
295: Exploud
297: Hariyama
301: Delcatty
319: Sharpedo
324: Torkoal
330: Flygon
336: Seviper
337: Lunatone
338: Solrock
342: Crawdaunt
346: Cradily
351: Castform
352: Kecleon
359: Absol
362: Glalie
373: Salamence
376: Metagross

-----------------------GEN  IV -----------------------------

389: Torterra
392: Infernape
395: Empoleon
398: Staraptor
400: Bibarel
414: Mothim
417: Pachirisu
423: Gastrodon
424: Ambipom
430: Honchkrow
437: Bronzong
442: Spiritomb
445: Garchomp
448: Lucario
450: Hippowdon
452: Drapion
454: Toxicroak
461: Weavile
462: Magnezone
464: Rhyperior
466: Electivire
468: Togekiss
469: Yanmega
470: Leafeon
471: Glaceon
472: Gliscor
473: Mamoswine
475: Gallade
477: Dusknoir
479: Rotom (All forms)

-----------------------GEN  V ------------------------------

497: Serperior
500: Emboar
503: Samurott
510: Liepard
512: Simisage
514: Simisear
516: Simipour
530: Excadrill
534: Conkeldurr
545: Scolipede
547: Whimsicott
553: Krookodile
555: Darmanitan
560: Scrafty
563: Cofagrigus
567: Archeops
569: Garbodor
571: Zoroark
573: Cinccino
587: Emolga
593: Jellicent
596: Galvantula
598: Ferrothorn
601: Klinklang
609: Chandelure
612: Haxorus
614: Beartic
615: Cryogonal
621: Druddigon
623: Golurk
628: Braviary
632: Durant
635: Hydreigon
637: Volcarona
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 08:06:51 AM by Shadowfred »