Name: Azumarill
Number: 184
Type: Water
Abilities: Huge Power, Thick Fat, Sap Sipper
Base Stats:
100 / 50 / 80 / 50 / 80 / 50
Level Up Move Edits:
Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Egg Move Edits:
Example Set
Banded @ Choice Band
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Huge Power, Adamant
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Focus Punch / Superpower
- Body Slam / Ice Punch
Explanation of Set
Pretty simple, switch in - and choose a move to exploit your effective Base 150 Atk with a Choice Band. This thing can easily OHKO Volcarona and many other threats with an Aqua Jet so. Yeah.