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Author Topic: Balance Server Rules  (Read 11420 times)

Offline Level5Pidgey

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Balance Server Rules
« on: November 02, 2011, 12:40:03 PM »
1. No flaming
2. No spamming
3. Generally behave yourself, you know.
4. Use Standard Clauses - Sleep, Freeze, Evasion, Self-KO
5. No Legendaries. (Or I'll be forced to make all their stats 1)
6. If you find a glitch (example, a move that really doesn't belong and seems unintentional) report it.
7. Please use only the pokemon in the "Available for use" category - we may be in the process of changing others.
8. If someone seems to be exploiting a glitch, or is using Legendaries, report them in this forum.
9. Don't complain about changes in the server.
10. In fact, don't complain - discuss. We don't like whinging, we do like reasonable feedback.
11. Do not ask when the server will be released.
12. If you don't like the idea of a balanced metagame, GET OUT.

(Reason for 12 is simply because we don't need people complaining about the base ideas behind PU. If you don't like balanced Pokemon, PU simply sin't for you - we don't need to be constantly hassled for it.)
Read my Game Design Blog!

And that one, lone, distressed flying Krabby went on to become the most powerful being in the Universe.