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Author Topic: #199 - Slowking  (Read 3917 times)


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#199 - Slowking
« on: November 03, 2011, 09:34:18 PM »
Name: Slowking
Number: 199
Type: Water/Psychic

Oblivious, Own Tempo, Regenerator

Base Stats:
95 / 75 / 80 / 100 / 110 / 30

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move/TM Edits: 

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set 1
Tank @ Leftovers
252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD
Regenerator, Calm Nature
- Scald
- Psychic/Flamethrower
- Dragon Tail
- Slack Off

Explanation of Set

Scald is the STAB attack of choice for its burn rate, which helps ward off potential counters like Tyranitar. Psychic also gives it a chance to counter Fighting-types such as Machamp, Conkeldurr, and Toxicroak, while also preventing Tentacruel from setting up Toxic Spikes without fear, while Flamethrower is mainly used to combat Scizor and Ferrothorn trying to switch in. Dragon Tail lets Slowking force out anything it can't beat immediately, and phases set-up Pokemon like Reuniclus, Latias, and Conkeldurr in a clutch situation. Slack Off gives the king a reliable recovery move.

Example Set 2
Defensive Nasty Plot @ Leftovers
252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD
Regenerator, Calm Nature
- Scald
- Psychock
- Nasty Plot
- Ice Beam/Fire Blast/Slack Off

Explanation of Set

This set utilizes one of Slowking's greatest selling points over its cousin Slobro: Nasty Plot. Unlike Calm Mind, this move allows Slowking to boost its Special Attack to dangerous levels twice as quickly, enabling it to survive powerful hits from sweepers and KO in return, or overcome walls that would otherwise impede its progress. Regenerator is key to this set's effectiveness: while Slowking may not be able to sweep an entire team in one sitting, Regenerator gives it multiple chances to switch in and set up by recovering 33% of its health on each switch.