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Author Topic: #563 - Cofagrigus  (Read 3938 times)


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#563 - Cofagrigus
« on: November 04, 2011, 03:33:21 PM »
Name: Cofagrigus
Number: 563
Type: Ghost


Base Stats:
58 / 50 / 145 / 95 / 105 / 30

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move/TM Edits:

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set 1
Bulky Ghost @ Leftovers
252 HP / 136 Def / 120 SpD
Mummy, Bold Nature
- Rest
- Haze
- Shadow Ball/Hex
- Will-O-Wisp

Explanation of Set
This standard bulky set takes advantage of Cofagrigus's natural bulk in order to serve as a defensive pivot and team supporter. In addition to being the one of the bulkiest Ghost-types Cofagrigus has a more than passable Special Attack stat, which can ward off frail attackers, and a useful ability in Mummy, which allows Cofagrigus to fare well against certain Pokemon that are dependent on their abilities. Shadow Ball is Cofagrigus's main attacking option, as it gets STAB and has a consistent Base Power. Will-O-Wisp allows Cofagrigus to cripple physical attackers while slowly whittling away their HP at the same time. Haze is largely a filler option, but can be a life saver when going up against defensive stat-boosting Pokemon.

Example Set 2
Calm Mind @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Mummy, Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power Fighting/Will-O-Wisp
- Rest/Will-O-Wisp

Explanation of Set
Thanks to its enormous Defense, Cofagrigus is a very effective user of Calm Mind, as the Special Defense boosts make it extremely difficult to kill without powerful super effective attacks or critical hits. After several Calm Minds, Cofagrigus is practically ready to sweep; Shadow Ball and Hidden Power Fighting give perfect neutral coverage, allowing Cofagrigus to OHKO or 2HKO nearly all opposing Pokemon after a few boosts. Rest is then used to restore Cofagrigus to tiptop condition once it is running low on HP, as it has no other means of recovery (outside of Leftovers).