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Author Topic: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts  (Read 71029 times)

Offline Robbase231

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(OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: November 06, 2011, 09:18:28 PM »
If you have questions or comments about this R.P feel free to ask here

« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 01:57:23 PM by Mr_Dark »

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2011, 11:48:47 PM »
I have a question, about the Magus Institute, by different kinds of magic does that mean the basic elements like water, earth, wind, etc., or does it mean special kinds of magic like say controling shadows?
. . .

Offline Robbase231

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2011, 03:48:34 AM »
I have a question, about the Magus Institute, by different kinds of magic does that mean the basic elements like water, earth, wind, etc., or does it mean special kinds of magic like say controling shadows?

Yes the acceptable forms of magic are based on the elements. Shadows would be dark magic obviously, so if your character were studying this he would have to be doing it in secret or with a shady teacher. If you need any help making a character though I.M me what you got and we can bounce Ideas off each other

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2011, 06:53:00 AM »
Meowth recommended me to this RP. And I must say, you've outdone yourself here. This is all pretty complicated, and it looks like quite a lot of work went into this RP. I hope it's alright, but I plan on joining this RP.

One question though. I'm a little fuzzy on the whole thing on magic. Can anyone use it, or is it confined to a specific group of people? And how is it used?
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 06:55:34 AM by Darkstar64 »

Offline Tickles

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2011, 08:17:30 AM »
Anyone can use these abilities, there are three types however.

gifts- These agree powers bestowed by a deity, like dragon or god, and are of one element, fire, water, earth, energy(electricity), and wind. These take little effort to use since they are natural talents. To make them stronger, all you need to do is make a pact with the deity that granted you the power.

Magic- These are [pursued and take a bit of work to obtain. when someone uses magic, or pursues it, they no longer have their gifts if they had any. These can go along the lines of the elements, including light and dark. Magic draws its power from the outside, and channeled through the body.

Soul- Like magic, but uses the power within the body, does not use the elements, and is released as an aura. This is especially useful for physical people, since it heightens up physical abilities.

You can choose one of the three, but you can transfer between soul and magic, but you can't revert back to gifts. Rob can correct most of this.

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Offline Robbase231

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2011, 10:10:44 PM »
Magic is one of the more complicated powers in the game, so I'll give a rundown on what will be taught at the magic institute

Magic: Magic is utilizing outside energies of the elements or other sources that is absorbed into the body through concentration and exposure and directing that energy on the world around you. Thanks to the gifts, all sentient beings have the preternatural ability to accumulate small amounts of magic into their bodies through constant exposure to the element they are gifted in. For instance a man with the gift of fire who becomes a blacksmith would have a lot of exposure to fire and thus be able to use it in ways that people would not normally be able too, or at least manipulate fire and forge weapons easier. This concept is amplified through magical study. Those who remove the gift from themselves and relearn how to absorb energy would be able to draw from their surroundings as a whole, not just the element they were once gifted in. this is why Witches and Wizards who use magic like to stay in areas where the type of magic they need to use is available.
With meditation and focus, a trained magic user can draw in energy from the elements around him/her faster than if they are just being near it. However in order to access this power, they have to be able to speak their words of power.
WORDS OF POWER: It is a sentence in an dead language that describes who the character really is as a person, by understanding yourself fully you can draw on the energy you have accumulated and use it for your purpose, that is if you are trained in manipulating magic.
TRAINING: Even if you learn your words of power, which requires days of meditation, if you attempt to weild the magic without training the only thing that will happen is all the magic you have accumulated will seep through your fingers like water, proper mental control, word usage, mental imaging, items of power, ingredients, time of day, surroundings, and many other factors are needed for magic to work properly. the more powerful the spell, the greater the need for everything to be perfect. Masters that have gone through trial and error and learned from spirits have put their findings in books and tomes that can be read and taught at the magic institute or other places of learning magic. 
Combat magic: For spells you can access on the fly during battle, you need magical items designed to use a specific spell. These items can be wands, rings, jewelry, clothing, weapons, anything and everything. The design, shape, materials, incantations, steps, and place the item was created affect how the item performs and what it does. Like how Gifts funnel what kind of magic can be utilized, these objects are designed to focus the energy you put into it in a specifically programmed power. as long as the item remains in tact and is undamaged it will function properly, but if it is broken the magic will seep out of it and make the item barren.
NOTE: An item must be approved by me before you make it in the R.P, and their is a limit to one power per item, you can meld abilities with several items if your well trained, but that takes more energy than just using one item. Also, if you use another persons item or a magical relic, it will not yield to you as well as your own item would.
Familiars: animals and people working for you can gain magical ability from you in the same manner as magical items (this is in large part how GIFTS came about, you are born a Familiar to a god or dragon, and are bound to them till you break that bond), they are called Familiars and draw on some of your magic to protect you during long distance spells or help you during battles.

Long distance magic: The use of materials, rooms, cauldrons, voodoo dolls, glyphs, magical circles and Séances are all ways of making powerful spells work over long distances. They require a lot of preparation and accumulated magical power, and a mess up can cost the user his supernatural ability for quite a while, but if done right the affects can be quite staggering. if you want to do one of these spells, it is best to do it in a well hidden and/or protected area so people cannot tamper with the spell, if they do it could cost you everything.

Potions/alchemy: Similar to long distance magic and magical items, Potions are complex and powerful brews of magic that require a lot of prep work and proper conditions. Each and every ingredient in the potion must be raised and enchanted under the right circumstances like individual magical items and prepared for the actual act of potion making. The steps must be followed to the letter in order for the potion to work properly, and like magical items, your own ingredients will work better than another persons. Even the pot and fire used to cook the potion must be exact, or the desired effect will be tainted. These potions can accomplish all manner of things, from reviving a person from near death, changing their appearance, making someone super strong, longevity, go to sleep, the gift of flight, turn you into a vampire...I could go on and on, they are good for support magic and even crucial as part of a larger spell. Potion work is a craft all on its own and requires a studious and meticulous person to handle it. Standard potions are commercialized and are sold in markets, illegal potions are sold on the black market

Sorcery: With proper potions and conditions, a person can travel into the spirit world, using the accumulated magic they possess along with added benifits from items and potions to keep themselves tethered to the world. There they can either make a pact and become the familiar of great spirits, or subdue weaker spirits to become their familiars. It is a dangerous and illegal practice, it is vary easy to loose yourself in the spirit world, and a hoard of spirits can come into your uninhabited body and take it over, wreaking havoc on the mortal world. Those who successfully practice sorcery can access the spiritual powers of light and darkness, which are purer and more powerful than elemental magic, but at the cost of being detached from your own people and potentially loosing your body

Necromancy: the use of dead bodies to create vessals for a sorcerers familiars, making zombies and powerful Litches (Undead Magic users with phenomenal powers and high intelligence), the Necromancer is constantly under threat of being overpowered by his/her minions and must maintain a high level of Magical ability at all times.

Offline Tickles

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2011, 10:16:38 PM »
Of course, you don't have to choose a magical ability, correct me if I'm wrong. If you want to be a casual character, like a shopkeeper, town person, Royal guard, Animal trainer, etc. I'm sure you can, since it looks like this RP is flexible enough.
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Offline Robbase231

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2011, 10:27:46 PM »
Of course, you don't have to choose a magical ability, correct me if I'm wrong. If you want to be a casual character, like a shopkeeper, town person, Royal guard, Animal trainer, etc. I'm sure you can, since it looks like this RP is flexible enough.

Oh for sure, you can lead a perfectly normal life running a store, being a black smith, nanny, raise a family, you don't HAVE to be a fighter or a mage or anything like that. I welcome all levels of characters, it will add a lot of flavor to the R.P

Offline Ayara012

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2011, 10:35:23 PM »
Hi people. Meowth told me about this. looks interesting, just like ur last one did. mind if i join? ill come up with a character, obviously.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline Tickles

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2011, 10:49:50 PM »
Hey Rob, can we a list of creatures/animals, other than real world ones (rabbits, wolves, etc.), found in the world? That way if someone is a tamer or hunter, they know what to use.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 10:52:08 PM by Cortex J. »
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Offline Robbase231

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2011, 11:20:53 PM »
Hi people. Meowth told me about this. looks interesting, just like ur last one did. mind if i join? ill come up with a character, obviously.

Of course you can! If you need any help or just want to bounce any ideas off me for a character feel free to P.M me

Hey Rob, can we a list of creatures/animals, other than real world ones (rabbits, wolves, etc.), found in the world? That way if someone is a tamer or hunter, they know what to use.

I could do that of course

Normal Creatures: Wild and tame creatures who are untouched by magic and live all over Kokia. They are the typical source of food for most people and are also used for fur and farming.

Magical creatures: These creatures were descendants of familiars that were altered by magic users or deities long ago, and since then they developed entire races of naturally magical creatures. They are harder to tame since they are intelligent and they do not like to be controlled, since they have pride and free will.

Lesser Dragons: Created after the image of the Deities known as Dragons, they have to a lesser extent the power of a deity, they are large and extremely powerful, and many of their parts can be used for complex spells and potions, though the killing of a lesser dragon is considered a sin. They come in many different shapes and sizes and are highly intelligent, some of them even formed their own communities and social structures

Griffons: One of the many hybrid creatures made by an Unknown Sorcerer, Griffons are massive beings with high levels of natural magical ability. like Dragons they are as powerful as a demigod and are vary territorial, Dragons and Griffons do NOT like each other one bit. Where their are Griffons, you can be sure their is gold and riches near by, since they love to hoard vast amounts of valuables, one of the original traits given by the Unknown Sorcerer to gather materials for magical items

Warewolves: One of the experiments of the Unknown Sorcerer, These beings were once wolves granted enormous size and given the ability to corrupt humans and turn them into hybrid familiars that work for the warewolves. Warewolves exist today as the heads of packs of once humans, and they are characterized by their massive size(thirty to forty feet tall) and bulging muscles, while the human ones are relatively smaller (nine feet or so) and are Bipedal.

Vampires: A Necromancer long ago had one of his spells backfire, and as a result his body was taken over by dark spirits and morphed into the blood sucking fiend known as a vampire. Now their are many varieties of vampire in the world, all with their own strengths and weaknesses, some more feral while others are highly intelligent, its all based on the head vampire they branch from

There are dozens of creatures I have in mind, but I want to organize how to word all of them. 

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2011, 01:02:03 AM »
3 questions.

1) My plan was for Scythe to be able to channel electricity through his sword when fighting. Is it alright if I plan for the sword he's given to have qualities of Electricity without him knowing? Or would he be able to do that with a gift?

2) Can you give me an example as to how a character would go about taming a creature? Both normal and magical would be nice.

3) How long did it take you to come up with this entire RP? It looks like you took a LONG time thinking this entire thing through.

Offline Robbase231

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2011, 01:22:33 AM »
3 questions.

1) My plan was for Scythe to be able to channel electricity through his sword when fighting. Is it alright if I plan for the sword he's given to have qualities of Electricity without him knowing? Or would he be able to do that with a gift?

2) Can you give me an example as to how a character would go about taming a creature? Both normal and magical would be nice.

3) How long did it take you to come up with this entire RP? It looks like you took a LONG time thinking this entire thing through.

I'll answer that backwards

3. 4 hours tops (I know A LOT about magical theory and mythology, it wasn't hard)
(P.S, you can ask Cortex, he was in the room when I made it lol)

2. For more intelligent beings I'd suggest befriending it, for dumber animals you can tame it by force and break its spirit

1. The electricity thing would be fine if its a family heirloom that was secretly a magical item, and if his gifts are dragon aligned he would be able to call upon the items forged in ability to an extent
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 01:33:21 AM by Robbase231 »

Offline Ayara012

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2011, 03:37:10 AM »
yo, Rob, i sent u a character Skeleton. Is that an okay Character?
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
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Offline Robbase231

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Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2011, 03:44:25 AM »
yo, Rob, i sent u a character Skeleton. Is that an okay Character?

YES YES IT IS!!! I liked it vary much