Okay guys, for those of you who don't know, Annafu made some cookies a few weeks ago, and posted them to a few lucky regulars on IRC chat. Mine arrived today, 14 days after being sent off. Here are some pictures documenting Annafu's awesome culinary skills.

Cookies are here! As you can see I'm ridiculously excited.

A closer look at the box. (I'm sure Annafu doesn't want you all knowing her address)

Wait... What?

I begin making my way into the box armed only with a blunt pair of sizzors. Needless to say, the thing was like fort knox.

The first hint of something cookie-ish

Cookies and a note!

Not so sure if they're good to eat after spending 2 weeks in customs, and my bed's now covered in crumbs :/

But they taste soooo nommable

And hey! Free bubble wrap!