Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots
8 paths... DUNGEON QUEST
Requires 8 players
Difficulty: (You Rank it) XD
Rewards: High Experience, Valuable Items to be decided by the GM's
The quest will be have three difficulties:
1st(Normal Mode): Player's Pokemon lvl maximum is 55, minimum is 40
Levels of opponent trainer's pokemon is between 40-45.
While the gate keeper will have lvl 45-50 pokemons.
Legendaries will be at level 55-60.
2nd(Hard Mode): Player's Pokemon lvl maximum is 75, minimum is 60
Levels of opponent trainer's pokemon is between 60-65.
Gate keepers will have lvl 65-70 pokemons.
Legendaries will be at 75-80.
3rd(Hell Mode): Player's Pokemon lvl maximum is 100, minimum is 75
Levels of opponent trainer's pokemon is between 70-75.
Gate keepers will have lvl 75-80 pokemons.
Legendaries will be at 80-100.
After entering the cave, each will be battled by a trainer.
After the battle:
Appearing before them is 8 doors
Each may choose whatever they want to enter and only one player may enter a path.
Inside each paths is a maze that is filled with trainer and each has a specific twist.
Plus: You have to defeat all enemies to get out. total of 3-4 trainers.
Path 1: Dark room. You can't light up the room using flash. You can only light up the room by defeating trainers.(Room will be very windy)
Path 2: Arrow floor room(the one that when you stand on it, it will move you to another spot).
Path 3: Ice floor room
Path 4: Strength rock room
Path 5: Locked door room(you have to find levers to open specific doors)
Path 6: Teleporter room
Path 7: Puzzle Room- straightforward hall, divided into 2, each room has 2-3 trainers, and before you can go to the next hall, you have to complete a puzzle. (like the puzzles in gsc) Opponents that are defeated will give you clues to what pokemon it is.
Path 8: Same style as the 8th gym in Pokemon DPP
*Note: Paths are not really numbers in the game itself. Game will ramdomly choose a room for the player
After defeating the mazes... Before they can get through the door...
A gate guardian will appear to battle you.
After defeating the guardian...
Just when you thought its finish...
Just when you have already met each other again...
4 doors appears...
Players will go inside in pairs. All battles will be double battles.
Inside the four doors are rooms like the gym of norman in RSE wherein you'll be able to pick one of two doors to battle.
After about 2-3 rooms. All players will again be inside a room. With only one door XD
Get inside... And you will see 8 statues 4 at each sides...
They are statues of legendaries each player will have to battle against one of the legendary pokemons.
Note: Each player would need only to defeat ONE legendary. So if the team is less than eight, example 7, then you would need to defeat only 7 legendaries.
Also, every after each "stage," Trainers will be healed in a specific way:
For normal mode: HP will be restored fully after every stage, PP will be restored by 50% of a move's max PP
For Hard mode: PP will be restored only after guardians battle and pair battle, PP will be restored by 25% of a move's max PP
For Hell mode: PP will be restored to only after guardians battle, PP will be restored by 10% of a move's max PP.
Note: Number of PP-restored is rounded up(e.g 1.3 will be 2) :D
Items are also scattered in the mazes for trainers to get:
1 Miracle Potion: Heals HP and PP of all Pokemons
3 Blissful Potion: Heals HP and PP of one Pokemon.
After defeating the legendaries. Congratulation the Golden door will be unlocked, and at the next room, the quest giver is there to congratulate you and give you the rewards :D
Rewards will be given depending on how many players finish the quest:
8: Very High Exp, 2 Rare(or 1 Epic?) Item (Epic items are very very useful)
6-7: High Exp, Rare Item
4-5: High Exp, Uncommon Item
1-3: Good Exp, Uncommon Item
Feel free to give suggestions and feedbacks, you can also complete the missing part of the quests :D
And... You can give a story on how the quest is started coz i haven't thought about it yet XD
Thank you :)
the idea seems good, and the quest seems long and difficult (which isn't a bad thing).
The only thing is; you go in when you have lvl 40 pokemon, and you've got to battle lvl 50's all the way to lvl 100's ? I doubt this quest is for people with lvl 40 pokemon then, or you're going to have to keep the lvl range the same. Cuz I'm sure a lvl 46 can hardly kill a 55(even with the advantage of having the better type).
Unless there's a way to heal your pokemon, then I'm pretty sure 1 of the 8 (or more) will fail this quest. (unless you stock on items before you come in).
and lastly this quest is going to take a hella long time if all 8 people have to pass thorugh different doors. Someone might go AFK when close to finishing or disconnect, ect, and everyone has to suffer by failing the quest ?
those are just some questions.
You may be right about the pokemon lvls.
Change will be that there are now two difficulty for the players to play this quest depending on their current level.
1st: Player's Pokemon lvl maximum is 65, minimum is 40
Levels of opponent trainer's pokemon is between 30-45.
While the gate keeper will have lvl 40-50 pokemons.
Legendaries will be at level 50-60.
2nd: Player's Pokemon lvl maximum is 100, minimum is 60
Levels of opponent trainer's pokemon is between 40-55.
Gate keepers will have lvl 50-65 pokemons.
Legendaries will be at 70 up.
Rewards will be different from the two.
Players will also recieve 1 special potions that will heal both HP and PP of all pokemons
(So players will have an increased chance to complete it)
Also, HP healed will be full, and PP will only be healed up to 90% of the max PP(e.g. max 30 PP skill will be healed to 27, etc)
Also, players will recieve 5 potions that can be used anytime.
Note: Items can only be used in the dungeon and will be removed from the players bag if the players goes outside/finish the mission.
For the quest being too long...
Trainers will be reduced from 6-8 to just 2-4 per room.
If ever the player disconnects, that person will be removed from the quest, but the remaining can still continue battling. Losing against an opponent will be the only reason that the quest will be over. Problem is, if you are only 7 at the end of the solo room, one person will have to solo the double battle room as well...
k I'm really liking the changes in it now.
everything seems to play out well and logical now :]
Keep up the good work. :D
Thanks ;D
Hope other players would comment on this ideas for other questions/suggestions.
Specially for reward items and the 7th and 8th maze type :D
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