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Author Topic: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?  (Read 21748 times)

Offline Roloc

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2011, 08:49:59 PM »
Here's a list of 5 dumb things Obama has done(These are in no specific order, I just listed them as I thought of them):

1. The Stimulus Package:

  This Stimulus Package is basically a warmed-over New Deal(as far as I can tell anyway.) The Government it spending $80.9 billion on things like highways, bridges, removing lead paint from  public housing, electric vehicle technology, green energy technology, and more. There's even a $650 million being spent on DTV conversion coupons.

  Congressmen were forced to vote on it without even getting to read it. This is just more government funding for government projects. The Democratic Congress is spending tax-payer's money on projects to advance their own agendas. Remember in the presidential debates when McCain attacked Obama for his wasteful spending, and what Obama said? He promised over and over again that he would "go through those bills line by line." This is a bill that he should have gone through completely, and he signed it into law without even crossing anything out. Either he was stupid enough to pass the law after he read it, or he didn't read it through. Didn't he say that he would go through bills and get rid of any unnecessary spending the bill would cause? Seriously, how are DTV conversion coupons going to stimulate the economy?

  This method of boosting the economy has already been tested, and it failed.

“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.” - Henry Morgenthau Jr., secretary of the Treasury to FDR
“I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot!”

  If it didn't work then, why would it work now?

2. Throwing Weekly White House Parties

While Obama is spreading doom and gloom about the economic disasters supposedly created by Bush, he’s partying like it’s 1999. Between the Stevie Wonder concerts and the $100 per pound steaks, he's sure making a pig out of himself with our tax money. With Obama going wild with his parties, and spending more on the food for one meal than some Americans make in a month, does he really have any right to condemn corporations like Honeywell for buying private jets (which, by the way, aren’t just for luxury’s sake.)?

3. Obama's Housing Relief Plan(I haven't had the opportunity to read this bill, this is just what I've heard. But from what I understand, it says something like this)

  If you’re paying too much on your mortgage, the government will help you. If you can work with your bank to get your mortgage payment down to 35% of your annual income, then the government will match your bank dollar for dollar in getting your monthly payment down to only 30% of your income.

  Not only is this plan totally stupid, but it’s basically back-door socialism. Do people who went out and got mortgages that they couldn't afford to buy houses beyond their means deserve to have the government pay their bills? What about the people who bought the smaller, cheaper house on the bad side of town, which they could actually afford? Why should the government reward irresponsible people and punish people who bought the house they could actually afford?

(I will edit this and include the last ones later, I don't have time to finish it right now.)

From what I can tell all you did is copy&paste stuff other people have wrote about it.
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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2011, 09:05:26 PM »
 I did use multiple sources(and some things that I remember family members saying) to make sure that I didn't miss important details, and to find the right way to say what I wanted to when I got stuck(without completely copying what they said). However, I did figure out the list before I found these sources, and I did know the majority of the things that were already there. The main reason that I used other sources was so that I wasn't misunderstood when I couldn't really think of how I should say something. So, for the most part, those are my thoughts, I simply changed the way that I worded my thoughts so that it didn't look like I was ranting about something that I knew almost nothing about because I simply didn't say it the right way. Now that I re-read my post, I forgot to mention that I used other sources(which I really did plan on doing) because I had like 5 more minutes to get ready before I had to leave(which is also why I didn't have time to list the other two reasons.) And I just wanted to point out; I didn't Copy and Paste anything :P

Offline Roloc

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2011, 09:18:11 PM »

I found the first part right here only slightly reworded.
granted there were like 4 other sites as well with the same thing on them. But now that you said you used other sources I suppose it's fine. IMO though it still looks like a lot of copy&paste with some minor rewording.
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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2011, 10:34:46 PM »
Here's a list of 5 dumb things Obama has done(These are in no specific order, I just listed them as I thought of them):

1. The Stimulus Package:

  This Stimulus Package is basically a warmed-over New Deal(as far as I can tell anyway.) The Government it spending $80.9 billion on things like highways, bridges, removing lead paint from  public housing, electric vehicle technology, green energy technology, and more. There's even a $650 million being spent on DTV conversion coupons.

  Congressmen were forced to vote on it without even getting to read it. This is just more government funding for government projects. The Democratic Congress is spending tax-payer's money on projects to advance their own agendas. Remember in the presidential debates when McCain attacked Obama for his wasteful spending, and what Obama said? He promised over and over again that he would "go through those bills line by line." This is a bill that he should have gone through completely, and he signed it into law without even crossing anything out. Either he was stupid enough to pass the law after he read it, or he didn't read it through. Didn't he say that he would go through bills and get rid of any unnecessary spending the bill would cause? Seriously, how are DTV conversion coupons going to stimulate the economy?

  This method of boosting the economy has already been tested, and it failed.

“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.” - Henry Morgenthau Jr., secretary of the Treasury to FDR
“I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot!”

  If it didn't work then, why would it work now?

2. Throwing Weekly White House Parties

While Obama is spreading doom and gloom about the economic disasters supposedly created by Bush, he’s partying like it’s 1999. Between the Stevie Wonder concerts and the $100 per pound steaks, he's sure making a pig out of himself with our tax money. With Obama going wild with his parties, and spending more on the food for one meal than some Americans make in a month, does he really have any right to condemn corporations like Honeywell for buying private jets (which, by the way, aren’t just for luxury’s sake.)?

3. Obama's Housing Relief Plan(I haven't had the opportunity to read this bill, this is just what I've heard. But from what I understand, it says something like this)

  If you’re paying too much on your mortgage, the government will help you. If you can work with your bank to get your mortgage payment down to 35% of your annual income, then the government will match your bank dollar for dollar in getting your monthly payment down to only 30% of your income.

  Not only is this plan totally stupid, but it’s basically back-door socialism. Do people who went out and got mortgages that they couldn't afford to buy houses beyond their means deserve to have the government pay their bills? What about the people who bought the smaller, cheaper house on the bad side of town, which they could actually afford? Why should the government reward irresponsible people and punish people who bought the house they could actually afford?

(I will edit this and include the last ones later, I don't have time to finish it right now.)

(I used multiple sources for my ideas, not to copy everything they said, but so that I wasn't misunderstood, or because I didn't know how I wanted to say it. They are my thoughts, and I did come up with the list before I found these sources)

Um, the only real problem is #2.  Yes parties at the white house cost money better spent elsewhere, on that I agree.

Ok, here we go. 

#1) How is investing in green energy a bad thing?  I mean more drilling isn't the answer.  Eventually oil will run the chansey out.  Then where will we turn? 
Building highways, bridges and removing lead paint from public houses, first of all provides jobs and second, it increases the safety of the public.  Do you want your child going to school and siting in a classroom lined with lead paint?  Just because the school can't afford it?
The coupons sound extremely stupid but, actually have a purpose.  What if you watch football every chansey sunday and bam now you can't afford it?  Cause of the switch, you might be a little pissed, this one is more about crowd control if anything.

#3) This is a great idea!  How can people afford to put money into the struggling economy if they're paying a large majority of what they make into their mortgage.  While I agree, people should think before they buy, they well... honestly never will.  Now with this help maybe they buy local instead of from a dam Wal-Mart because now they can afford to.

I still don't see anything wrong with #'s 1 and 3, and as far as #2 goes... Every dam president is going to do this.  Get over it.  The president has people that he must make a good impression to and well everyone parties where they live, with money they make from their JOB! (Yes, being president is a paying job.)  Give the dam guy a break, it's not like he gets help from congress.

Ok, can we get back to how chanseyed up this bill is?

Cause things like this scare and disappoint me.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 10:38:01 PM by Bing »

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2011, 03:44:33 PM »
Here's a list of 5 dumb things Obama has done(These are in no specific order, I just listed them as I thought of them):

1. The Stimulus Package:

  This Stimulus Package is basically a warmed-over New Deal(as far as I can tell anyway.) The Government it spending $80.9 billion on things like highways, bridges, removing lead paint from  public housing, electric vehicle technology, green energy technology, and more. There's even a $650 million being spent on DTV conversion coupons.

  Congressmen were forced to vote on it without even getting to read it. This is just more government funding for government projects. The Democratic Congress is spending tax-payer's money on projects to advance their own agendas. Remember in the presidential debates when McCain attacked Obama for his wasteful spending, and what Obama said? He promised over and over again that he would "go through those bills line by line." This is a bill that he should have gone through completely, and he signed it into law without even crossing anything out. Either he was stupid enough to pass the law after he read it, or he didn't read it through. Didn't he say that he would go through bills and get rid of any unnecessary spending the bill would cause? Seriously, how are DTV conversion coupons going to stimulate the economy?

  This method of boosting the economy has already been tested, and it failed.

“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.” - Henry Morgenthau Jr., secretary of the Treasury to FDR
“I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot!”

  If it didn't work then, why would it work now?

2. Throwing Weekly White House Parties

While Obama is spreading doom and gloom about the economic disasters supposedly created by Bush, he’s partying like it’s 1999. Between the Stevie Wonder concerts and the $100 per pound steaks, he's sure making a pig out of himself with our tax money. With Obama going wild with his parties, and spending more on the food for one meal than some Americans make in a month, does he really have any right to condemn corporations like Honeywell for buying private jets (which, by the way, aren’t just for luxury’s sake.)?

3. Obama's Housing Relief Plan(I haven't had the opportunity to read this bill, this is just what I've heard. But from what I understand, it says something like this)

  If you’re paying too much on your mortgage, the government will help you. If you can work with your bank to get your mortgage payment down to 35% of your annual income, then the government will match your bank dollar for dollar in getting your monthly payment down to only 30% of your income.

  Not only is this plan totally stupid, but it’s basically back-door socialism. Do people who went out and got mortgages that they couldn't afford to buy houses beyond their means deserve to have the government pay their bills? What about the people who bought the smaller, cheaper house on the bad side of town, which they could actually afford? Why should the government reward irresponsible people and punish people who bought the house they could actually afford?

(I will edit this and include the last ones later, I don't have time to finish it right now.)

(I used multiple sources for my ideas, not to copy everything they said, but so that I wasn't misunderstood, or because I didn't know how I wanted to say it. They are my thoughts, and I did come up with the list before I found these sources)

Um, the only real problem is #2.  Yes parties at the white house cost money better spent elsewhere, on that I agree.

Ok, here we go. 

#1) How is investing in green energy a bad thing?  I mean more drilling isn't the answer.  Eventually oil will run the chansey out.  Then where will we turn? 
Building highways, bridges and removing lead paint from public houses, first of all provides jobs and second, it increases the safety of the public.  Do you want your child going to school and siting in a classroom lined with lead paint?  Just because the school can't afford it?
The coupons sound extremely stupid but, actually have a purpose.  What if you watch football every chansey sunday and bam now you can't afford it?  Cause of the switch, you might be a little pissed, this one is more about crowd control if anything.

#3) This is a great idea!  How can people afford to put money into the struggling economy if they're paying a large majority of what they make into their mortgage.  While I agree, people should think before they buy, they well... honestly never will.  Now with this help maybe they buy local instead of from a dam Wal-Mart because now they can afford to.

I still don't see anything wrong with #'s 1 and 3, and as far as #2 goes... Every dam president is going to do this.  Get over it.  The president has people that he must make a good impression to and well everyone parties where they live, with money they make from their JOB! (Yes, being president is a paying job.)  Give the dam guy a break, it's not like he gets help from congress.

Ok, can we get back to how chanseyed up this bill is?

Cause things like this scare and disappoint me.
While I don't have a problem with the research in green energy, or bridges and highways, the main point was that we can't afford to make all of these billion dollar investments. We need to focus on getting out of debt for a while, or at least get ourselves in a better position. We don't have to stop all spending, but we need to limit ourselves a bit, otherwise we'll just keep plunging deeper into debt. And I understand that the coupons have a use, but they're spending $650 million  dollars on them. It's unnecessary at this point.

I know all of the presidents throw parties, but Obama is throwing more than any president I know of, and he's spending more money on his parties than the other presidents did. And I'm not even counting how many vacations and golfing trips he's taken. Again, it's okay to do things like this, but he's taking way too many. If he wants a vacation or a golfing trip, that's fine, but he's gone on way too many of them.

Here's the problem with the third one.
#3) This is a great idea!  How can people afford to put money into the struggling economy if they're paying a large majority of what they make into their mortgage.  While I agree, people should think before they buy, they well... honestly never will.  Now with this help maybe they buy local instead of from a dam Wal-Mart because now they can afford to.
The thing is, the irresponsible people are the ones who are getting help. The responsible people who are living in small houses on the bad side of town in a crappy neighborhood because they actually make sure they can afford it aren't getting any help. Not only that, but if people have the mortgages that they can't afford, and the government is helping them pay it, more people are going to start doing it because they can get away with it.

The president has people that he must make a good impression to and well everyone parties where they live, with money they make from their JOB! (Yes, being president is a paying job.)  Give the dam guy a break, it's not like he gets help from congress.
The president doesn't seem to worried about making a good impression on everyone. Did you hear about his meeting with the British Prime Minister? Or the President of France? If not, look it up, you'll get what I'm saying. I know the president gets paid, but he's still throwing way too many parties.

So, are we supposed to just ignore all of the problems he's causing or the things that he's doing then? Just sit there and pretend he's doing better things than he really is, and helping the state of the economy?

If you want to go back to the bill, that's fine. I just want to point out one thing though. Obama supports socialist policies like this :P

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2011, 08:00:37 AM »
One quick thing.  This isn't a socialist bill.  This is not socialism.  This bill is borderline dictatorship, with the amount of censorship that if contains.  Hell any rich stupid company could make any dumb accusation and bam, website down.  Kind of reminds me of a dictator shutting down anything that makes him/her look bad or spreads an idea they don't like.

And who really cares.  I know I backed Obama a bit in that last post but, honestly there is no politician alive or that will be born who will really care about the plight of the people.  It's about money and nothing else.

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2011, 01:53:21 PM »
One quick thing.  This isn't a socialist bill.  This is not socialism.  This bill is borderline dictatorship, with the amount of censorship that if contains.  Hell any rich stupid company could make any dumb accusation and bam, website down.  Kind of reminds me of a dictator shutting down anything that makes him/her look bad or spreads an idea they don't like.

And who really cares.  I know I backed Obama a bit in that last post but, honestly there is no politician alive or that will be born who will really care about the plight of the people.  It's about money and nothing else.
*checks his post

Oh, that was a mistake XD. I must have forgotten to change that when I changed the sentence.

But I agree, most politicians only care about the money. Greedy bastards.

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2011, 06:22:09 PM »
Yes yes, I think we all agree on that.

Now on the bill, I don't think it will be passed because its a censorship bill.

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2011, 11:09:13 PM »
Yeah, this thread is about that bill. Here is what everyone sees happening with it if it does get passed, (Haven't been up to date on it). Youtube is the pride of the intenet because anyone can post videos of anything, and youtube gets money for all the randomness because of the amount of Ads watched on it (Remember the golden times when it didn't, and had 5 start rating buttons?). Well, if this bill passes, everyone has to be sure video has nothing of copyright within it, or it will be taken down, not to mention a hefty fine (With copyright law, about $250,000). By not having anything show with a copyright, that means, no labels, no logos, use of owned company names, use of music not owned by you, pretty much anything with the C mark. Youtube would die due to this, because no one will post any videos because of all the restrictions they have to think about, and eventually, it will be just a bunch of company owned music videos, and products. It is no secret that any government cares about big business rather than people, they get a lot of money from those corporations (Took a few classes in government, even wrote a report on it that earned me an A+), but more peoples eyes will open because of this. Youtube will be like another deviantart, where you need to have talent in order to really be a success.

Now, enough about youtube, lets go to the other impact this will have if I predict is right. The reason why business's are so successful is because we buy their products. They spend a lot of money on advertising so we are enticed to get it. Now, their is a factor that is usually overlooked- Free advertising. A majority of people buy a product when they see it work for someone else. People post videos, columns, blogs, etc., showing or explaining the benefits of a product, without any pay from the business that designed or owns it. we as humans want ot be sure of something before we do anything, and when we see success through someone else, we go for it. That's why infomercials (The name does fit, since it's just a really long advertisement showing how a product works, hence info) are a successful way to get a product to a person. It is showcased on how it works, even in situation not intended for it's use, but we see it work, we want to get it. Without free advertising, an company would need to keep spending even more money on a cliche ad with a well known actor, as well as pay the guys doing infomercials more money to showcase the product. TV and internet will be flooded with more ads, which makes people just want to fast forward through it. we don't want to see something a celebrity can afford to do, we want to see something we can afford to do, so we skip the ad, go straight to our video, or TV show (Hulu, and DVR users). If no one is watching an ad, who is going to buy the product, and who would explain how it is used, without the large sums of cash needed for a professional to do it.

This would affect everyone, and little does anyone know, THE US IS THE BIGGEST AMOUNT OF PROFIT FOR ANY COMPANY OUTSIDE OF IT. We buy a lot of foreign products, we laugh at american made, we prefer Japan, China, Russia (not really Russia), Etc. We want products that not only look better, but are better. Japans biggest client is the US, only because of all the fun things we buy from them. But what's the point of buying something if you can't even show you have it to the world. The internet is a vast, interesting, and dangerous place, where companies strive from all the free advertisement. Thus bill will destroy a lot more than we realize.
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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2011, 11:53:51 PM »
It wasn't passed! The bill is no longer a threat.

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2011, 12:07:48 AM »
It wasn't passed! The bill is no longer a threat.

If that's true then woo hoo!

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2011, 12:39:22 AM »
My brother and i were keeeping up to date on it, it was repelled bye a small majority.

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2011, 07:48:16 AM »
I'm glad they didn't add that bill, even if I don't live in the US.
They might've cost many youtube "let's players" like me the freedom to make walkthroughs/playthrougs/video game challenges. :/

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2011, 11:32:28 PM »
We buy a lot of foreign products, we laugh at american made, we prefer Japan, China, Russia (not really Russia), Etc. We want products that not only look better, but are better. Japans biggest client is the US, only because of all the fun things we buy from them.
In my opinion, this is one of the United States' flaws. We buy a lot of things from other countries that we could make here(As long as we're not wasting too much money to make them). We pay more money buying some things from China than we would spend to make them ourselves.

On topic: Good, I would have been really pissed if they passed that bill XD. At least some of our politicians actually have enough sense to vote against it.

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Re: New Bill in the states censors the internet!?
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2011, 11:39:53 PM »
We buy a lot of foreign products, we laugh at american made, we prefer Japan, China, Russia (not really Russia), Etc. We want products that not only look better, but are better. Japans biggest client is the US, only because of all the fun things we buy from them.
In my opinion, this is one of the United States' flaws. We buy a lot of things from other countries that we could make here(As long as we're not wasting too much money to make them). We pay more money buying some things from China than we would spend to make them ourselves.

Seeing as the bill wasn't passed, I'm happy to use this thread to discuss American politics.

Actually, that's not true. The main reason the far east is used as a manufacturing base for companies, is because of the ridiculously low wages that need to be payed. American made products would not only be worse quality wise, but actually more expensive as well. (Of course this is a sweeping generalisation and won't always be the case). Your country actually places large taxes on imported goods to try and allow American firms to compete, the simple laws of economics however, show that this ultimately leads to failure. (America tried it after the Wall Street Crash, and look where it got them there). Oh, and if America starts taxing China's goods too much, they'll get annoyed and ask you to pay them the money you owe them, something which would ultimately bring the States to it's knees.