I love this one its touched me

I had to ask myself what kind of place this was, whether I was awake or asleep. I was unsure, maybe… both? Is it possible that my mind was asleep, but my spirit wandered here? Either way, it wasn’t important. The only thing I could do was move on. The whole way down the path, I felt an unusual energy, it felt not like electricity, nor heat, yet… something. Something was here, and I knew just how to find out what it was.
“You who are seeking power, you have a choice that is yet to be made. You will gain such power, yet what you receive may be different than expected.”
An echoing voice said this as I approached the end.
“Power?” I asked the voice.
“Yes, all who come here seek power. This is the LightWorld, where spirits and light meet. Before you can accept this power, you must also see the DarkWorld, the reverse of this place. I will guide you back to your body, and tomorrow night, you will see the DarkWorld.”
I woke with the memory of the LightWorld in my head. A place of black, with a golden undertone, as if it emanated a light aura. The day seemed to disappear, as though someone was inviting me to sleep. As I drifted into the sea of slumber, I only felt a feeling of despair, as though the agony of a thousand souls was trying to drag me down to the fiery depths of the underworld… No, not the underworld, the Darkworld.
And so, I fell to the marionette of shadows; my dance would likely amuse them. A new voice rang out, or rather, gloomed.
“Ye, who seek power, have already been to the LightWorld, the union of light and spirits, now ye tread in a world where darkness meets spirits. You will experience the darkness, and the power it holds. Not as ye think, darkness is not evil; the souls that dragged ye down into the abyss are those who abused the dark powers I gave them. It is also difficult to control; ye must grip it tightly, before it chains your soul to dark desires.”
“How would I know if I could control darkness or not? I doubt my heart can control it.”
“Doubt. Without it, ye can train the dark. With it, ye can only be swallowed whole.”
“I need more time to decide, can I have tomorrow to think about it?”
“That would be the best for ye. Tomorrow, ye will see the AuraWorld, where the LightWorld and Darkworld meet. There, ye shall decide."