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Author Topic: #430 - Honchkrow  (Read 4132 times)


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#430 - Honchkrow
« on: December 08, 2011, 03:43:49 PM »
Name: Honchkrow
Number: 430
Type: Dark/Flying

Super Luck, Insomnia, Moxie

Base Stats:
100 / 125 / 52 / 105 / 52 / 71

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move/TM Edits:

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set 1
Wallbreaker @ Life Orb
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Moxie, Naughty / Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird / Drill Peck
- Sucker Punch / Night Slash
- Heat Wave / Hidden Power Grass
- Superpower / Hidden Power Grass

Explanation of Set
Honchkrow has a myriad of wallbreaking moves, which allow it to catch its usual counters off-guard. Brave Bird and Sucker Punch are still the main STAB moves, but Night Slash is also used to give Honchkrow a more reliable Dark-type STAB. Drill Peck can come in handy when Honckrow is meant to last longer and you can't afford to use Brave Bird. Hidden Power Grass nails Rhyperior, Quaigsire, and Donphan. Honchkrow also has the option of using Heat Wave or Superpower to most other threats, Together with Moxie this could make an interesting set.

Example Set 2
Choice @ Choice Scarf/Choice Band
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Moxie, Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird / Drill Peck
- Night Slash / Sucker Punch
- Heat Wave / Hidden Power Grass
- Superpower

Explanation of Set
Honchkrow can utilize a Choice item quite effectively. A Choice Band-boosted Brave Bird hits ridiculously hard, while a Choice Scarf set is perfect for a Moxie-boosted late-game sweep. Night Slash is Honchkrow's most consistent Dark STAB move, and is preferred on a Choice set where Honchkrow does not have the option of playing mind games with its foes. Sucker Punch is still useful for revenge killing a fast sweeper, but it is much less useful on the Choice Scarf set than on the Choice Band one. Drill Peck can function as a less hardhitting option if you fear Brave Bird's recoil. SuperPower is a great coverage move and Heat Wave or HP-Grass can be your final coverage option. The choice is up to you ;)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 03:45:41 PM by Ponge »