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Author Topic: #442 - Spiritomb  (Read 3926 times)


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#442 - Spiritomb
« on: December 08, 2011, 04:07:51 PM »
Name: Spiritomb
Number: 442
Type: Ghost/Dark

Pressure, Infiltrator

Base Stats:
50 / 92 / 108 / 92 / 108 / 35

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move/TM Edits:

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set 1
Calm Mind @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Pressure, Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Dark Pulse
- Pain Split/ Rest
- Hidden Power Fighting / Sleep talk

Explanation of Set
With its natural bulk and good STAB move in Dark Pulse, Spiritomb makes a great user of Calm Mind. As no Pokemon is immune to Dark Pulse, Spiritomb has no problem with only it as a sole attacking option. Rest is used to recover the damage taken while setting up, as well as getting rid of status. With Sleep Talk, Spiritomb can continue to boost or attack while asleep. While no Pokemon is immune to Dark Pulse, there are some new additions to the UU tier that cause problems. Empoleon, with its high Special Defense and resistance to Dark Pulse, can stand in Spiritomb's way, while Cobalion receives an Attack boost every time Dark Pulse hits. This makes Hidden Power Fighting a good choice over Sleep Talk. It also hits Dark-type Pokemon that resists Dark Pulse super effectively. This move can be used in sync with Pain Split too, to potentially cripple the attacker and recovering, while in the meantime risking to be crippled by status.

Example Set 2
Defensive @ Leftovers
252 HP / 116 Def / 140 SpD
Pressure, Sassy Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Shadow Sneak
- Pain Split/ Rest

Explanation of Set
This set takes advantage of Spiritomb's admirable defenses and fantastic immunities to stop offensive threats in their tracks. It also works great as a spinblocker, as Spiritomb has no weaknesses. Dark Pulse is Spiritomb's main attacking option; it is a reliable move that no Pokemon are immune to. Will-O-Wisp cripples physically offensive Pokemon, making Spiritomb even stronger in said area. Shadow Sneak lets Spiritomb check (mostly frail) Psychic- and Ghost-types. The move in the last slot is up to ones own preference. Pain Split and Rest give Spiritomb some kind of recovery, although they are both rather unreliable. Rest gives instant recovery while also recovering status. However, Pain Split doesn't put Spiritomb to sleep, meaning it won't be a sitting duck. Unfortunately, Pain Split makes Spiritomb vulnerable to status.