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Author Topic: #466 - Electivire  (Read 4806 times)


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#466 - Electivire
« on: December 12, 2011, 03:55:31 PM »
Name: Electivire
Number: 466
Type: Electric

Motor Drive, Vital Spirit

Base Stats:
75 / 123 / 67 / 95 / 85 / 95

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor/TM Move Edits: 

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set 1 
Mixed attacker @ Life Orb / Expert Belt
40 Atk / 252 SpA / 216 Spe
Motor Drive, Mild Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Cross Chop
- Hidden Power Ice
- Flamethrower

Explanation of Set
Electivire works on the premise that low power can be made up for with incredible coverage. Under the right conditions, it has the potential to wreak havoc. With incredible coverage, Expert Belt becomes a viable choice. Even though its offensive stats may not be sky-high, they are still good enough to take down many common attackers in the metagame, such as Salamence and Gyarados. It's worth noting that more of the emphasis is on Special Attack, and that's mainly due to the ubiquity of Intimidate, the prevalence of high Defense Pokemon such as Ferrothorn and Gliscor, and quite simply a coincidence in that most of the big threats of the metagame have a lower Special Defense. This is why Thunderbolt is usually a better option than Thunderpunch or Wild Chrarge. However, a physical attack such as Cross Chop still has its uses here and there to decimate common special walls, such as Blissey and Chansey. A similar story is true for Flamethrower and Hidden Power Ice versus Fire Punch and Ice Punch, respectively. By switching in on an electric type attack, Electivire gets a nice speed boost due to Motor Drive.

Example Set 2
Physical attacker @ Life Orb / Expert Belt
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Motor Drive, Adamant Nature
- Wild Charge
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch / Earthquake
- Cross Chop

Explanation of Set
Electivire may have more success with a mixed set, but its highest stat is Attack, and with a bit of creativity, it can be an effective physical attacker. In fact, by focusing all of its offensive prowess into a single stat, it can function more effectively in certain conditions. Whereas a mixed Electivire only has to deal with Blissey through Cross Chop, a purely physical Electivire may have enhanced difficulties breaking through Forretress or Scrafty. Despite this, it can still function with the right support, provided certain menacing threats such as Gliscor are taken out. Wild Charge takes the place of Thunderbolt, Ice Punch comes in over Hidden Power, and Fire Punch replaces Flamethrower.