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Author Topic: [RP] In a corrupted world  (Read 66671 times)

Offline Yume Tsuki

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[RP] In a corrupted world
« on: December 19, 2011, 08:56:10 AM »
You can sign for this RP here: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,3975.0.html

We all know, the world of pokémon usually was a world in which pokémon were friends, pets or even helped with our work. However, this is a diffrent kind of world. Pokémon mainly get used here for slavery and forced into working for us. They get beaten up for no reason and there is no way for them to escape. Forced to not evolve so they cannot resist once they grow up. The government also made sure fully evolved dangerous pokémon were caught and cannot escape from the cages they got into. Most people don't care what happens to these creatures they only care about their own life or are too afraid to resist. However, thats not the only corruption going on in this world: Some children disappear one by one. Once they came back from disappearance they got turned into hybrids that were either became mindless pawns of the government brainwashed in order to pursue those who resists their reign. Some of them got killed, because they refused to help the government, while others escaped and are building up an resistance army and started saving pokémon from slavery.
Now it's time for you to fight back, save the pokémon from their horrible lifes. Or do you rather choose to exterminate the resistance and anyone else who turns against the government?


- Try to write well, bad grammar may make other uninterested to read your parts or difficult to read.
- Please don't make use of colours, some either choose a colour that is hard to read with the background, or is so bright that it makes it annoying to read there are people whom feel like their eyes are burning when the colours are too bright.
- Do try not to be too OP in this RP, with this I mean stuff like godmode. If you go try to fix every little thing that happens with a simple action it would make it impossible for others to write a proper story resulting in a boring story that just follows the red line of the RP. This also includes Mary Sues are not allowed. (for those who don't know, a Mary Sue is a perfect OC with a very few or no weaknesses as well as extremely powerful) Keep the story a bit realistic.
- Only control other people's characters when you got permission to do so.
- Everyone can make up to two official OC's
- You can also make NPC's, which can only be controlled by you until they also have interaction with other OC's, however don't control NPC's of other players too much.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2011, 06:01:58 PM »
From a tall building a girl was staring down at the city. Yume was her name. From her masked face there was no emotion to be read. She was serious about her job. "Everyone standing in their way will be wiped quietly." She wispered. The order was simple and clear. But it was impossible to find out who was against the government. All she could think of is the enemy being hybrids without masks. Looking down below she saw numerous civillians walking along the streets. "Let's see if the tip I got was worthy." She said to herself when she jumped off the building and flew into the night.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline TheSolx

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2011, 06:12:12 PM »
((I'm starting this fast, just to get into something :P ))

A loud boom could be heard as the Rhydon broke through another wall. It had rampaged through 3 levels now and the guards had tried to stop it without many of them getting out unharmed.
As the third wall crumbled behind Rhay, he stopped. More than 20 guards were waiting for him there together with a few "corrupted" Pokemon and a couple of the "cross-breeds".

As they looked, Rhay backed away slowly. He didn't seem to be doing anything as some of the guards carefully started going towards him with devices to catch him. There were also a couple of guards coming up behind him.
As the nearest guard lowered his gun to find his stunning device, Rhay took his chance and grabbed him. Rhay lifted the guard and threw him towards the group in front of him.
As the other guards partly dodged, partly tried to catch the flying one, Rhay went down on all four and plowed through a couple of guards as he ran toward the corridor to the left.

"The goal is simple... Find the others and leave!"
Rhay charged through a few doors blocking his way before coming to the place he was looking for. It was a big room where many Pokemon were held in cages and armored cells. Most of them were evolved, though some where still only small.
Rhay scanned the room and found what he was looking for. He charged towards the north end of the room, where a huge Nidoking were held. The Nidoking looked up as he heard the rampaging noises coming towards him. He was surprised to see one of his old buddies out of captivity and stood up in the way too small cage. "Rhay!"

But as Rhay closed in on the cage, a huge boulder fell from above and landed on top of the cage. "Huh? What's happening?!" Rhay stopped. He knew that this wasn't a regular boulder. The boulder on top of the cage streched out his arms, legs and head to show it's true form.
"Hmpf. I heard you had escaped Rhay... But I can't say I belived it. I'm impressed someone like you ever could have."
Rhay didn't recognize the Golem. It had a dark glow to it and the boulder-like body looked like it was about to fall off. "You know, we three are the only ones left. The rest had to be taken down... I would think they were smarter. At least Marshe. Throwing boulders at the guards didn't seem like the smartest thing to do... And I heard both Stox and Mopp blew themselves up in their cages..."

"Who are you!" the Nidoking asked. "How do you know who we are!?" "But King..." The Golem grinned. "Don't you know your old friends?"
Rhay looked up at the Golem. "Geode..." "Haha. So you recognize me, do you Rhay. Well, I guess it shouldn't be that hard. I haven't changed that much... or have I?" "Rhay..? Is that really Geode? Is he telling the truth?" Rhay just stared at Geode for a while, then down at King. When he realized what would happen next, it was to late. Geode started laughing as he turned red and blew himself up. The cage splintered and Rhay were thrown back.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 07:21:18 PM by TheSolx »

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2011, 07:03:59 PM »
What to do, I hadn't eaten in three days. I didn't know the ways of the civilian world, outside the walls of my former Masters one needed money to buy food. I had none, and knew no way to get some. I spent the first day of my freedom walking the streets, the people parted the waves, they knew my reputation. My old reputation, now I was no more then one of them, except they had food and a warm place to sleep. In a last ditch attempt to get some food I decided to follow up on an old lead I never got too, maybe there were some rebels there.

I reached a large metal door that looked older then all the building in the city combined. Stepping closer I could feel eyes watching me from the shadows, I turned to look and the feeling vanished. I walked up to the door and knocked three times. I was desperate enough to beg from the very people I had once killed...
« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 07:07:09 PM by The Fox »

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2011, 08:07:11 PM »
I was sitting at my camp sight with Murkrow. I lost a lot of sleep in the last few days, apparently, there were some people running around in the woods. I have no idea why they're here, but at least they haven't detected me. I looked over to Shade, who was enjoying a couple berries. If only he can understand what I was going through.

This world has no meaning. The only goal is survival, and the only drive is fear. It was never this hard when I was a kid.

I remembered my parents, they cared for me more than anyone else. When other kids picked on me, they always tried to understand. But the image of their mangled bodies quickly took the happy memory's place. I picked up a rock and threw it at the bad memory. It shattered like glass.

before I knew it, I woke up, still at the same camp sight, still staring at the same fire. Shade was looking at me concerned. I blacked out before, and she would make sure I was safe. She probably thought I would walk off like those other times.

Don't worry about it. Finish your berries, we'll be heading out in a little bit.

Shade did as she was told, and ate up. I got busy taking down everything. The fire was put out, the makeshift tent was destroyed, and the food I harvested was put into my pockets. I took out a knife I picked off a poor soul I found weeks ago and carved into the tree "No Escape," In case someone came by and wondered who was here, they would be left with a reminder of what this world really is.

Alright, let's go.

Shade flew onto my shoulder, and I began walking away from my temporary home. The only point for me is to survive, and wait out the disaster this world has become.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2011, 08:09:01 PM »
It was hard to sneak around with a fiery tail, Yume hated that. She knew that if her fire ever went out she would die like any other pokémon from the char-familiy would do if the fire on the tip of the tail went out. Quietly she landed on a roof looking down from it. It was hard to recognize anything from the darkness in the alley she watched at. All she could see was a dark silouhette. Something smelled familliar about it. She saw him knocking at the door quietly she kept herself down and was keeping an eye on the unknown person. The next moment she got pressed down. When she tried to look behind her her head got pushed back making her unable to attack her unknown enemy. An breathing mask was pushed in her face containing a sleeping gas making her senses dull and silently black out.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2011, 08:25:58 PM »
Not soon after I left, I seen those same people. I quickly hid behind a tree, and signaled Shade to fly somewhere close. As soon as she did, I tried my hardest to listen to what they were saying.

Person 1-Are you sure about this?

Person 2-Of course I'm sure, there's a bounty on that kid we seen when we were hunting here a month ago. I seen it on this wanted poster. Must have did something pretty bad. Anyways, we can take him, he didn't look so big.

They seen me!? And they want to capture me, and take me back to that hell. I looked around for Shade. She was high in a tree, keeping a lookout for me. I signaled her to distract the men. She flew down and began pecking at one of them.

Person 1-Ow, What the hell? Where did this Murkrow come from?

Person 2-Ha ha ha ha, just swat it away, what are ya, 3?

I sneaked around them, if I didn't do anything, they might go and get more people to come look for me. I climbed the tree Shade was in before, it seemed to have good cover. Shade was done with her assault, and flew to a different tree, looking around to find me. I sat there, and waited for their next move. I may have to finish them off if they don't give up soon.
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Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2011, 08:27:44 PM »
I heard a commotion on a near by roof, then I was being attacked. Three of them had managed to mask their Aura and sneak up on me, before I knew what was happening they had me pinned against the wall and were trying to get a bag on my head. Out of instinct I used Psychic to push them away. The attack was barley enough to push them away in my weakened state. I used Extreme Speed to get behind them and delivered another Psychic sending them into a near by wall. Then from a bag went over my head from behind, my view clouded and then went black all together.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2011, 08:52:16 PM »
The men were still there. They started shining their flashlights around, they were intent on finding me.

Person 1-You think that kid sent that Murkrow on us? They're not known to be alone like that.

Person 2-If it is, we may not have to look for long.

They started to shine the lights in  the trees. I signaled Shade to create another distraction. She flew down, and began to use night shade on them. They pulled out some kind of weapon and started to swing it at shade. I lost it at that point. I jumped out of the tree and pulled out my knife. I stabbed one of them in the back of the neck multiple times before the other noticed.

Person 1-Oh, wait till they hear about this, might make you worth more than we thought.

He smiled at me, he didn't seem to mind that his friend died. I would have been balling if it was Shade. I didn't say a word, but I was too stunned to move. He moved closer with the club, it was too dark to really tell what it was. Shade seen I was in danger, and started to peck at him again. While he was trying to guard himself, I ran in and plunged the knife into his chest.

I wish it didn't have to come to this.

The man went down, I had claimed two lives. If anyone found these bodies, I would be found in no time. Guess it was time to move on.

Shade, stay close, we're getting out of this forest. We need to find another safe place.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2011, 10:07:29 PM »
Once Yume woke up she heard people talking. She tried to move but her arms were tightly bond and unable to move an inch. When she opened her eyes she saw people talking to eachother, there were hybrids among them as well as humans, and a few pokémon. Her jaws were locked so that she couldn't open her mouth. Frustrated that her targets were right in front of her and she couldn't do anything about it.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2011, 10:21:14 PM »
From the Aura I could see there were plenty of humans, hybrids, and pokemon in this complex. I tried to stand and ended up on my face. Channeling my energy I righted myself and began to work on the restraints.

I was about half was though when the door opened, casting a nearly blinding light on my face. Two hybrids walked up to me, kicked the chair to make sure I was alive then dragged me towards the main room. They set me down next to a Charizard hybrid i knew a little too well.

-So your what tipped them off, you and that burning tail of yours Yume. Makes sneaking around nearly impossible!

What appeared to be a Golem hybrid walked up to me and smacked me hard enough to cause me to fall over again and ordered me to shut my mouth. I righted myself again and waited for what was coming.

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2011, 10:24:51 PM »
I woke up. Day 2066. Nothing to do but sit here.

There was a commotion coming from the room over. I was in my own room, sepparated from everyone else, as it proved too dangerous to keep me around other pokemon. I was pretty much in the dark around here, metaphorically and literally. Nothing to do for my whole, boring, uninteresting life.

I started humming a song I had once heard coming from the other side of the door. (Just imagine him humming classical music)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2011, 10:40:32 PM »
I kept running. I wanted to get as much distance between me and the bodies. I eventually made it to my house. How did I get here? My house was no where near that forest. I walked inside and seen my parents, sitting down by the fire, alive and well.

Shade, come here, there are some people I want you to meet.

Shade flew by, but she didn't seem happy for me. She seemed worried instead. I brushed it aside.

Mom, Dad, I thought you guys were dead.

We are son.

They turned to me, showing their distorted faces covered in blood. I shook uncontrollably and fell to my knees. I didn't know what was going on.


I wasn't in my house anymore, another hallucination. I was by a river. I was too tired to do anything else. I collapsed on the ground right there and passed out. Shade stood close to keep watch.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2011, 10:42:00 PM »
  This is a waste of my talent.  These cruel and vile humans think they can control me, torture me, use me.  Someday they'll pay, some day...  Despite the thoughts Dover filled his head with, the reality of the fact that the humans can and do all of those things simply won't change.  Dover labored away, destroying buildings for reasons untold.  With the presence of fire-arms, it seemed an explanation would be unnecessary. He imagined that the concrete walls were the humans, and obliterated them with powerful blasted fueled by rage.
  When the job was finished he was ushered back into his cage.  Three of the sides were made of a dull looking concrete, and etched on them were tally marks, signifying the days he's been imprisoned.  The last wall was a swinging barred door made of a strong metal material.  It was, in every way, a prison, in which its inmates were beaten and abused.   Dover longed for the day when he would escape, which was at this point never heard of, but he would find a way.

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2011, 10:51:01 PM »
I woke up, on the ground in a cave, outside of the cave the area was completly devastaded, my change to my dark form did this, i sighed and looked arround for any other pokemon if there was any wounded, none in the area

"again... its getting worse... i need to find brother..."

i start hovering and dash to the air, looking down looking for my brother
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^