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Author Topic: [RP] In a corrupted world  (Read 66686 times)

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #135 on: December 23, 2011, 10:55:33 PM »
"I guess indeed you are screwed." Yume said, then she looked around at the pieces of body lying around. "God you made a big mess, I don't think you'll survive very long now for what you've done." She took an fighting stance. "Good thing you're just some Dragon pokémon that makes things a bit easier." Yume's cold face gazed upon the Latios. "Bad luck for you, I'm merciless and not as fraglie as those useless gaurds."

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #136 on: December 23, 2011, 11:17:38 PM »
There was only one chance to get this right.

I launched Dragon Pulse at the ground below her, and a plume of smoke appeared. I used this small window to boost past her, and out of the building.

X: See ya, Sucker!

(Is that G-mod?)

I kept flying. It wasn't anything I wasn't used to. After all, I did it for about half of my life.

I came across a guard beating on some random guy. My maniacal smile came back.

X: More toys!

I used dragon pulse on the one doing the beating. His face? PRICELESS!!

His entire spine blew appart, and his face was a mix of horror, fear, and utter pain.

I zoomed in a little closer. The one who was getting beat on was unconsious.

X: I won't kill him yet, I wanna see him squirm as his skin burns.

I floated above his bloody face, to startle him when he awoke.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #137 on: December 23, 2011, 11:23:01 PM »
I started to come to. I looked up and saw a weird flying pokemon staring at me. It looked majestic. I must have been dead, or in another hallucination.

Are you the reaper, or are you my imagination? If you're both, I had hallucinations scarier than you.

I couldn't really get up. If this was real, then this pokemon was my only way out of here.

Sorry, I'm not used to asking for help, and I didn't mean to insult you, but can you get these cuffs off of me? I can't really do anything with them on, and I need to find my friend. She was captured by that guard, the pokeball should still be on him.

I gave him a pleading look. I felt blood on my face, I must have looked pathetic.
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Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #138 on: December 23, 2011, 11:37:27 PM »
He was a mess. But no more of the one he was about to become.

I used Dragonbreath on the cuffs, heating up the chain so they were easily breakable.

X: You don't look so good.

I was gonna pretend like I was his friend. Then, when he trusted me most, I'd burn his skin off. THAT would be a priceless face.

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #139 on: December 23, 2011, 11:40:24 PM »
Latias went back in invisible and found him quickly since she allready had his scent then appeared behind him

"hey... whats taking you?"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #140 on: December 23, 2011, 11:45:27 PM »
I sighed in releif, I finaly made it to the city. I made sure to avoid being seen by any of the guards, and I managed to murder mug someone and steal their wallet. I walked around, amazed by all the flashing lights. There were guards everywhere, but I managed to conceal myself in the crowd. Then I saw soemthing odd, an information shop. I rub my chin thinking, this might get me some info. As I touch the knob though i hear talking inside and some noises. It seemed like a struggle, and I realised the door was locked. Apparently there was an unsatified customer- a guard- beating the shop owner. I shrug it off and walk away- but then notice some guards saw me. They notice my suspicous appearance and i run into an alley. They look into the alley, but I concealed myself in the shadows and they walked off. Thank god for shadow sneak. I notice some talking though, and look around a corner. I see a bloody latios with a Rhyhorn and some kid, along with a corpse of what seems to have been a guard, I watched in the shadows, this looked interesting. Then a Latias appeared from above, this one was yellow- or golden- hard to tell in the dark.
. . .

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #141 on: December 23, 2011, 11:48:30 PM »
He helped me out a bit, I broke the heated cuffs.  I saw another appear behind him. They burned, and singed my skin a bit. I ran up to the body, and by my luck, this pokemon did it in a very aggressive manner. Something told me he didn't like humans much. What's stopping him from doing the same to me. I quickly patched down the guard, and found his pokeball belt. He had four of them, damn it, which one could she be in.

Umm, how do these even work. I never got the chance to learn...hmmm

I hit the center button on one of them and  Rypherior popped out. It didn't look so happy.

No, not that one, umm, return?

The Rypherior went back in. I tossed the ball to the side. For sure that one was not her. I tried the second one, and sure enough, she popped out, happy to stretch her wings.

Shade, I'm so happy you're safe.

Me, what about you? You're bleeding. (Alan doesn't understand this, but other pokemon can.

I retrieved my knife, and put my shoulder out. Shade landed on it.

You wouldn't kill me, would you. You're a nice pokemon, you helped me. I have no reason to harm pokemon, if I did, Shade would not like me so much.

I threw that lousy ball on the ground, then crushed it. I didn't want to be reminded of her capture.

Do want you want though, I don't think I can run far the way I am. You might end up doing me a favor.

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Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #142 on: December 23, 2011, 11:55:48 PM »
I was shocked and amazed, a HUMAN getting along with a POKEMON?! Dumfounded, I tried remembering the last time I've seen that kind of thing. Oblivious to the fact i was getting out of focus and revealed a little of myslef, but then quickly got my grippings without a sound.
. . .

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #143 on: December 24, 2011, 12:02:37 AM »
Something was off. For the first time ever, I saw a pokemon, ACCEPTING a human, and vice versa. My face changed to show concern. I needed to ask them.

This time, I used telekinesis.

X: What's going on here? Since when do people and pokemon accept each other?

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #144 on: December 24, 2011, 12:13:27 AM »
Simple, when humans gave up on me.

And pokemon gave up on me.

I looked him dead in the eyes. I wanted him to know that not all humans were bad.

Those bastards killed my family, the only friend I have is Shade. Her family was killed too, she survived, she has a strong heart. You can say we're alike in many ways.

We're both alone in this world. I'm his only friend, and he the same.

I gave Shade a small pat. i knew she was pleading my case with me, even if I couldn't understand her. I turned back to the bloodied pokemon. I didn't know much about them, only had a few memorized.


I was still in pain, and collapsed on the ground. I couldn't really go anywhere.

If anything were to happen to Shade, I would make those bastards pay with every drop of blood. But I'm too scared to even stand up to them. Hell, I can't stand up right now.

Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #145 on: December 24, 2011, 12:19:40 AM »
This time, I was speaking without telekinesis.

X: Shade is it? Can I ask you something?

I looked at her intently.

X: How do you feel about him? What has he done for you?

I needed to know. I needed someone to show me that not all humans were evil.

But in the back of my mind, I knew eyes were watching us. I just needed to find out from where.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 12:21:13 AM by Darkstar64 »

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #146 on: December 24, 2011, 12:27:38 AM »
Freinds... I havent heard that word in a long time. A spark of hope erupted in me. There's hope for the world afterall.

This is unheard of...

Tell me about it...
. . .

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #147 on: December 24, 2011, 01:15:13 AM »
He was looking at Shade. She stayed on my shoulder.

He is my best friend. You can tell easily that for a Murkrow, I'm very small. I was born this way. My family was killed, and I was small enough to hide, but I didn't know how to fly. Alan found me, gave me some food, protected me, until I could. He said I could leave if I wanted, I didn't. He's my only family.

I started to get a headache again. I was about to either slip from this dream, or go into one.

Well, time to find out if this is a dream or not.

Not again. Alan, this is real, you're not dreaming. Alan..

I fell unconscious again. Shade flew once I fell, and landed beside me.

Please, wake up. Alan. Latios, help him please, he's all I have in this world. He's very sick, and I want to protect him, but there's only so much I can do.

Shade looked distressed for her friend.
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Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #148 on: December 24, 2011, 01:18:02 AM »
Latias looked at them and sighs since they ignored her

"does he needs healing?...i know Heal Pulse""
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #149 on: December 24, 2011, 01:25:11 AM »
Seems like he fainted. I guess they do have a bond. A REAL one too, the Murkrow dosent even need a pokeball.

*snif*Such a sad story.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 01:50:06 AM by Lugiafan96 »
. . .