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Author Topic: [RP] In a corrupted world  (Read 66682 times)

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2011, 11:00:42 PM »
Yume sat in her chair silently. "Wait for the right moment..." She kept reminding herself. There were too many of them and she had a disadvantage in two ways against the Golem. All she got to counter him was not one of her strongest attacks. When she looked next to her she saw the exile, another target she should take down. From her face you could read the bloodlust she desired. Just killing everybody and the masters would be pleased if she was able to do something like that. Still she kept her patience. This was not the moment to start dreaming. She had to pay attention for the right moment to strike. She looked around the room. Her tail lit most of the room. She saw most of the building was made of very old contrete. "Perfect..." She couldn't help grinning a bit. The rebels became a bit uneasy about this.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline zorocario

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2011, 12:31:29 AM »
As I wake up, I notice a shadow in the trees. I go hide behind a tree and i saw was remarkable. A trainer and his Honchkrow, As I keep listening i heard the trainer upset about something. Then a flashback, everything turns white and i see my mother and father playing with my brothers and sister, as i get close of them i see these dark figures taking them away. I tried and tried to free them and they dissappears and i started to cry. Not carrying about nothing but being able to find me parents.

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2011, 12:52:54 AM »
Humming was getting boring. I decided to do something I hadn't done in a while.

I started raming the cage. The resounding noise reverberated throughout the entire room, and out into the hallway, where the assailants would hear it. Two of them burst into my room.

Grunt 1: Geez, are these things ever going to let up?

He came at me with a taser. He poked his arm into the cage. I stole it, and tased him. He squirmed as the 800 volts surged through his body. I giggled, as his pain was my only source of entertainment.

Grunt 2: Get a better grip on your weapon next time!

The second one came a little faster, but I dodged and tased him too. They were both writhing in pain on the ground.

I remembered the collar I was wearing. It was special to where it nullified my powers. I took the risk, and tased it. It sparked and fell off.

I was so happy. I guess 2066 is my lucky number.

I used Dragon Pulse on the top and bottoms of the bars. They weakened, and I easily pushed them off.

I flew out of the room yelling...


...which I said too early, considering there were a couple dozen guards standing outside the room over. A couple stopped and noticed me. There was a long pause before one of them said...


There was suddenly a rush of grunts, all trying to restrain me. I was on the floor, being held down by about 7 or so guards.

It had been so long since I had used my attacks that I forgot what they were, save Dragon Pulse, and my head was held against the ground. All I could do was try to fight my way out of there, but it was no use.


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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2011, 01:10:59 AM »
Suddently, my eyes start to shine arround me the image of alot of people holding down Latios, her brother, she had never seen these visions before, that must mean he was close

"i need to look for him... he must be closer than ever..."

i start looking arround the area then finnaly i see a kind of base fortress

"there, but... i guess i have to break in it..."

I start rushing down to the base as my eyes start to shine pickup some of the vehicles i saw and slam them to the building with Psychic
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Offline zorocario

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2011, 01:24:20 AM »
Then everything returned to normal. I couldn't see the trainer or his Honchkrow. So i went to the river to drink as i look across the river i see a Venusaur drinking fron the river as well. Then as I went to take a other Drink those drinks figures appear putting the Venusaur into a cage. I was to scared to help, i felt worthless, then the dark figures look at me and said

Get Him, he a rare pokemon. Plus, the master will be happy with him.

As i started to run for my life, i heard the sound of a atv behind me, as i look for a place to Hide. Then, something pulled me into a hollowed tree. It was a family of lopunny and swellows. I was happy and thanks them for the place to hide. They ask not to go. i said i going to get a other drink and to get a bite.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2011, 01:44:07 AM »
I woke up, a little disoriented. I must have had another episode. For as long as I can remember, I would get lost in hallucinations. Shade was on guard, ready to protect at a moments notice. She may be a small Murkrow, but she is determined. I got up, having some trouble, but I was on my feet in no time.

Shade, tell me, did I kill anyone?

Shade looked at me with her serious expression. I knew it meant yes. I wanted those deaths to be part of my black out dreams, but I guess reality was distorted more than I thought.

Well, if they were looking for me before, they're definitely looking for me now. Let's go Shade.

She perched on my shoulder again, and I carefully crossed the river. It was really shallow, and it would help clear my tracks if anyone tried to use tracking pokemon on me. I needed to get more space. I needed to get to the mountains. Just me and my friend Shade.
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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2011, 02:00:27 AM »
An extremely old man walked in, he was bent double with age, his hair covering his face. He walked up to me and started feeling my arms.

-This one is strong, mentally more then physically. His heart is troubled... I sense a feeling, I can't put my thumb on it. Purity, there is a light in his soul. How ever dim it is, there is a light, a yearning for the truth. He hasn't eaten in many days fetch some food and a drink for him.

He looked in the direction of Yume. He began to slowly walk towards her...

Offline zorocario

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2011, 02:10:16 AM »
As i return to the tree, all the pokemon where gone except of a little newborn Swellow. He was crying, I walked in and she look at me .

I ask"what happen".

As i try to calm her down. As she was crying on my fur i had a other flashback. The surroundings went white and this time i had wire attacted to me and weird Machine with Numbers and colors. The Dark Figure was at a corner looking at other pokemon, and as i see closer it was more Absols like me. Then one look at me and said


I wasn't believing this and as try to remember more the flashback faded. Then, the Swellow told me her name and said it was Zoura. Her name was the same as my mothers. I look down and hug her and said

"I will find your family and friends."

Zoura wanted to come with me. Althougth i was thinking, She said she was ready to learn. I was happen about that. So we begin our Journey.

Offline St. Jimmy

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2011, 02:39:19 AM »
  The stone floor was uncomfortable, and the present breeze was bitter and chilly.  Dover had been told by others to think of warm place when the cold gets to you, but Dover had no memories of a warm place.
  Suddenly, his cage door was swung open, and into it walked a grimy-looking human, backed by two guards carrying guns.  Scooping into a large crock pot set on a board with wheels, the man plopped a heap of of seemingly inedible gruel before Dover.  They watched Dover closely, expecting him to pounce on the rations, and engulf himself like a wild beast.  But Dover had more sense than that.  He calmly walked to the pile of "food," scooped a clump of it in his hand, and threw it on the man's face.  Enraged, he swung the ladle, which collided with Dover's skull.  He fell to the ground, and the cage was quickly shut.  Dover sat up, and then began to pick at the pile of mush left behind to nourish him.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 09:40:24 PM by St. Jimmy »

Offline zorocario

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2011, 03:24:29 AM »
With Zoura I felt my mothers love. As we travel looking for our families. We notice the Surrounding, we look around and see the ground was black and the air was hard to breathe and the Zoura fell out of the sky. I ran and jump to catch her. I ran to ran, but i could'nt breathe my lungs was about to burst. I didn't want to stop, so i ran and ran some more till i collaspe. then about 10 minutes later a Squirtle came and wake me up with a Water gun. I woke up and thanks him. Zoura looks at him and returns to me and says

"He cute"

I look at her like she nuts. So we continue our Journey.

Offline TheSolx

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2011, 06:31:31 AM »
Rhay woke up in a cage. He looked confused as he scanned his surroundings. He was clearly in the same room. The smoke from the explosion were still hanging in the air, but Geode were nowhere to be seen. Just beyond a couple of other cages, the remains of King's lay shattered in a 10 meter radius. King were being dragged out by a couple of hybrids - Rhay shuddered when he saw which kind. Nidoking hybrids.

Rhay were locked in a small cage. He just sighed. The humans didn't seem to have learned though. The top and bottom were made of concrete. Rhay would have no problem crushing it. But he didn't feel like doing so...
Had Geode told the truth? Were the others dead? Rhay felt his throat tighten at the thought. If that were true, then he had nothing more to fight for. His friends were either dead or had switched sides.

While he were lying there, he heard a door open. A man he had seen somewhere before walked over to his cage.
"So this is the one that escaped 3 months ago? Well, well... Thanks for coming back old friend. Hah."
Rhay looked at the man. He was the officer that took Rhay and the others from their trainer. He had once been part of a world-wide organization that they had fought more than once on their journeys.
When Rhay recognized the man, he felt a rage stronger than before to break out of this place.
The man grinned at first, then suddenly looked like he had seen a ghost.

Rhay stood up, breaking the top and bottom of the cage. The heavy steel bars fell to the floor, cracking it under their weight. A guard started poking Rhay with a teaser, without much result.
Then a huge boulder hit Rhay in the back and pushed him to the floor.
"Huff... Good job, Golem. Now take this one to a armored cell in the basement. He's to dangerous to put with the others."
Rhay were escorted down to the basement by about 10 guards and a couple of hybrids. They wouldn't let him escape this time...
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 06:33:42 AM by TheSolx »

Offline zorocario

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2011, 07:17:06 AM »
As we reach the city, we had to play it save. we used the shadows as our hiding places. As we get to the other side of town. As we was about to leave I see An Eevee Bleeding, so i and Zoura tries to help him. As i look at him, he was telling us there a group of people that take pokemon and use them for experaments. I get so mad, I release a couple Megahorns at a couple of trees. We get the eevee healed and ask if he wants to join us, but before he could reply a guy come out at zap him with a stun Gun. I react and bite the guy as i tell Zoura to hide and i will find her later. the guy stop the stun gun and eevee got away. The guy swung his arm at a wall and i hit the wall hard. as he tried to used the stun gun. The Trainer i saw at the river had Honchkrow use Night Daze. I crawl out of there with my body hurting and blood coming out so fast, I was felling light headed try to catch up to Zoura.

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2011, 07:56:09 AM »
Yuki was walking through the hallways of the prison. She heard noises everywhere. "Oh... What should I do... Master said I had to fix this up." She walked outside looking at the Latias that was slamming the building with psychic. "Um, please... Stop this... I-i don't want to hurt you..." She said a bit afraid looking with sad eyes at the Latias.

Yume looked as the man walked her way. A very dull memory came to her mind, she knew this man. But from where? She snapped out of her thoughts and started struggling all of a sudden and the chair tumbled over landing at the tip of her fiery tail. The chair caught fire and the ropes that held Yume became sorched making it possible to break them. She quickly stood up, the rope holding her wings together was still on fire and when she spread them out the rope gave in. She flew away before anyone could grab her and stopped by a window. Before she was planning to flee she threw a big flame from her tail. From her face you could read that she would be back next time. Then she broke through the glass flying away. The flame didn't actually hit anyone, however, the concrete began steaming because of the heat starting to crumble slowly.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2011, 08:53:12 AM »
I was no where near the mountains. I thought I saw them clear as day, but they were just another mirage, taunting me like the rest. I'm not even sure if all this is real or not. I wondered around for a bit, Shade stayed on my shoulder. I eventually found a hollowed out tree, and decided to take refuge there.

Shade, get some rest. You should conserve your energy.

I fell asleep. I woke up in my room. Everything was back to normal. My bed was messy from tossing and turning. I must have been having a crazy nightmare. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs. My mother was cooking me and my father breakfast, and my father was playing with...Shade? How did she get here?

Good morning son, how did you sleep?

Well. I slept well. Shade, what are you doing here?

Don't you remember, you found her yesterday and brought her home.

I remembered it alright, a small Murkrow, smaller than the others, was being left out, abandoned in the woods. She was helpless, and I offered her a helping hand. I knew what it felt like to be alone, to lose everything, and to want to escape. Ever since my parents...died. But how, they're alive and well, why would that thought be in my head?

What's going on, you guys are dead, or are supposed to be dead.

We are son.

I woke up, by the river again, or did I never leave?

It's getting worse. I can feel it. Shade, where are you?

She flew from her tree. Was she real as well?

What is real anymore?

« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 09:16:21 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2011, 10:06:53 AM »
There were barely any light in the room. Rhay looked at the steel bars covering the entrance to the cell. The walls were made of a different, hard metal. He had tried using Horn Drill on it, but it hadn't left a scratch. He could hear some noises further away in the hall. A hybrid passed his cell with a couple of humans. It looked like a Frosslass, but he couldn't be sure. Most of the hybrids were hard to tell what were.

He thought back at the Hybrids that had dragged King away. These humans. First they make Pokemon work hard for them without anything to look forward to, then they humiliate them like that.
King had been a good friend of Rhay since they first meet, but now he was gone. He had never thought any of Solar's old team would turn on each other, but then, Geode must have been the best candidate to do so. He had always been like that.
Rhay heard a loud noise from the way he had come. Maybe some other Pokemon were using him as example? He didn't want to know. He lay down in a corner away from the hallway and tried to sleep.