Pokémon Discussion > Anime & Movies

Red or Ash

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--- Quote from: Shadow of Darkness on December 23, 2011, 09:39:00 PM ---Red-Pokemon=weirdo that lives in a mountain...

JK Jk, Ash is retarded, you'd think by now he would be able to defeat anything with relative ease, but No he prob. couldn't defeat a caterpie with a charizard!!

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funny ;D

--- Quote from: John Flame on December 23, 2011, 09:00:14 AM ---Forgot to mention: :P

Little kids look under their bed for a monster.
Monsters look under their bed for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris looks under his bed for Red.

Red's bedroom is a mountain!

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this is right. ;D


--- Quote from: TheSolx on December 23, 2011, 02:25:50 PM ---Cortex is right, but as we all know, there are the suicidal ones

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You're damn right I'm right. But U can imagine suicidal Tyranitars

Said Tyranitar- Well Nothing to do anymore, guess it's time to die.

Other Tyranitars- We're going to miss you


Dead Tyranitar

Tyranitar you are psychotic  :D



I begin shaking every time I hear his theme. I don't know if it's fear, adrenaline, excitement or something else...

Oh Arceus, now I want to battle him >.>


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